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"Val. Please. Not now." Angel spat back. He stood next to you but put one of his four arms out to push you behind him.

"Do you forget who you're talking to? Besides, I'm not here for you." Val said while pushing Angel over into the shelves.
"Y/n, you've made quite the name for yourself out here. A little birdie told me about your performances. Quite impressive girlie."

Your heart sunk to the floor. Your eyes started to blur as the tears welled in your eyes. You took a few steps back but the moth-like man continued forward. Angel tried to stand up in between you two, but Val pushed him back down.

"Leave me. The fuck. ALONE." You shouted and pushed Val down next to Angel. His head hit the floor and you stood above him.
"I will never let anyone else control me again. If you try, you will see just how powerful I've become." You spat on his robe and offered a hand to Angel to help him up. However, he did not take it. He stayed on the floor, and wouldn't even look you in the eyes.
"Angel. Let's go, we have better shit to do than listen to this bald ass mother fucker." You said as Val started to bring himself up off the ground.

"Awe. Too weak to tell her the truth Angie?" Val said while grabbing him by the collar and lifting him off the ground.
"Don't worry I'll tell her for you." Val hissed, "We made a deal sweetheart. A soul for a soul."

You looked up and saw Angel crying. His sobs were loud and genuine.

"Angel. What is he saying. Who is he?" You started to back away again. Unsure of what would happen next.

"Y/n. I'm so sorry." Was all he could muster out in between sobs.

"I'll set him free, if you agree to work for me." Val said confidently.

You once again felt a sharp pain in your chest. The feeling of betrayal and helplessness sunk into you once again. You suddenly realized who Val was. He was Angel's boss. The one who owned his soul.

"You have til Monday to decide. I'll see you soon baby." Val pushed past the two of you and left the store. Leaving you and Angel alone in the aisle. You were extremely hurt and angry. You looked at him, he looked just as hurt as you did.

"W-why? Why would you do this Angel? How long have you known." You started to yell but the sobs caught the volume in your throat, leaving only a whisper.

"Y/n... I'm so sorry. He made me work for 20 hours straight. I was exhausted and humiliated. He told me that he'd let me go if I agreed to this. I-I." He trailed off. Collapsing to the floor and holding his head in his hands.

"Angel... why didn't you tell me? I understand more than you think. Did Val tell you about my history?" You asked while sitting next to him.

"No. I just know that he knows you from one of his business partners." He said this into his hands.

"Well... It started the first day I was in Hell."
You explained the whole story to him. The torture, the club, Shawn. His sobs grew louder as you continued your story.

"That explains the kidnapping. I had a feeling something like that happened after I found out which club you were at. Listen y/n... I do not expect you to take this deal. I can handle whatever he throws at me. I can't ask you to do this for me." Angel said as he brought himself off the floor.

"Well, I can't give you an answer now. I understand what you want, but this is a lot to process. He gave us the weekend to make a decision, so let's enjoy it while we can. We will figure something out." Angel offered you his hand after you said this. He brought you up off the ground and brought you into a deep hug.

"I'm sorry I put this on you y/n. I'm sorry I betrayed you. You are probably my closest friend and I betrayed your trust. It will never happen again." Angel held you tight and wouldn't let go even after you let go of the hug.

"Hey, I don't like that you did this. However, you didn't lie to me. You didn't break a promise. You told me the truth and that's all I care about right now. Let's just get what we need to get and head back to the hotel. We will deal with this tomorrow, okay?" You were hurt by what Angel did. He didn't exactly lie to you, but he hid this from you which wasn't exactly truthful. However, you understood what he went through. You have been beaten down so much that you did anything to make the suffering stop.


It had been a few hours since your trip to the store with Angel. You got everything you needed from the store and you were now helping Husk decorate the new ballroom space that Al made. You decided to keep the encounter with Val between you and Angel for now. You knew you'd have to tell at least Alastor and Charlie at some point, but if you decided to agree to the terms, you'd have to tell everyone. For now, you tried to distract yourself with streamers and balloons.

Pentious and Niffty were setting up the stage and helping Alastor set up the microphones and amps. Charlie and Angel were setting up the buffet table. Vaggie was putting up signs in the foyer that pointed people to the ballroom. It took a few hours to get everything out together, but at 3:00, the room was ready. Angel, Husk, Alastor, and Pentious all set off to get ready together and Niffty, Vaggie, Charlie, and yourself headed to your room to do the same. Everyone got into their attire and used your large Vanity to do their hair and makeup. After a few hours, everyone was ready to head downstairs for the party.

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