The fall.

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A/N: Not my art.

Alastor's POV

I just watched her face as the 'sun' set. The beautiful red washed over her skin like it was made for her. The sparkle in her hair was enhanced by the fairy lights on the railing. I didn't want anything to ruin this moment, but the sound of denizens grew louder as the group returned to the hotel. I wasn't sure if she wanted people to see us together. I wasn't sure what she wanted us to be. I quickly wrapped her in the blanket and laid her down on the mattress. I snapped my fingers to bring her beautiful dress back to her closet and replaced it with a pair of comfy pajamas. I didn't want to leave her alone, but I knew the questions would bombard us if I stayed. I kissed her gently on the forehead and headed to the parlor to meet the group. As the denizens entered the foyer, I recognized the voices of the guests until I heard the familiar deep voice. Lucifer. I couldn't help but scoff at the tacky trinkets that the group was holding from the theme park.

"Something funny?" Lucifer said with distain in his voice.

"I find it amusing that you're so full of it that you had to market an entire park after yourself." I said it as harshly as I could. I knew that he didn't know about me and y/n complicated relationship, but it felt like he was pushing her boundaries even after she showed no interest. Charlie quickly separated us before things escalated.

"Oooookay. Well, Alastor, my dad is going to stay here for tonight so he can help prepare me and Vaggie tomorrow for our meeting next week. Would you please kindly show him to his room." She asked with puppy dog eyes but I couldn't help but scoff at the request. Without saying a word I started walking up the stairs to bring him to an empty room.

"I was actually hoping I could stay of the 6th floor, if it's not too inconvenient for you." He said this with such an aggressive tone, but he was already walking up the stairs to the floor. I knew exactly what he was trying to do.

"It's occupied."

"You have 8 denizens here. 7 rooms. There are 15 rooms on a floor, I know which room I'd like too. I'll just go there myself." Lucifer taunted me as he walked right up to y/n's room and stopped. He looked back at me and walked to the door next to it.
"This one will do." He winked at me. As if he knew exactly what he was doing. I couldn't really stop him as he already opened the door and locked it behind him.

"I would kill this bitch if I could." I thought to myself. I evaporated into y/n's room and woke her as gently as I could.

"Hello darling. I'm sorry to wake you but I think it would be best if you stayed in my room tonight. Would that be alright?"

"I don't know Al. Last time I did, Charlie almost blew a fuse looking for me. Is something wrong?" She asked me so gently. As if she had no other care besides what was worrying me. She was so caring, I don't deserve her.

"Nothing deerie. Sleep well, I will see you in the morning." I wanted her away from that snake, but I couldn't explain myself enough to her. Especially with how much she trusted me. I just slid under the door to find him standing outside of it.
"Hm. If you try anything, I promise you that there won't be a soul left in this hotel to be redeemed. Understood?"

"You know, you're not a very good liar." He scoffed at me and returned to his room. I wanted to find someway to protect her, but I. I don't think I can this time. Not without violating my deal. I begrudgingly returned to my room as the rest of the party did as well. I figured that y/n would get me if she was in trouble.
Narrators POV

You woke up to the sound of a knock at your door. It was the middle of the night, but you knew it wasn't Al due to the politeness of the knock. You figured it was Angel or Charlie again. When you opened the door, you couldn't help but audibly gasp as the King of Hell stood in front of you.

"I'm sorry to wake you so late precious. I found it difficult to get your attention with the guard in front of your door all the time." You tried to make sense of the situation, but something stood out to you.

"What— what did you just call me?" Your heart sunk into the floor, sweat began pouring down your face as the realization set in.

"Sorry if that was too forward, I've just been thinking about our last interaction tog-" you cut him off by slamming the door in his face. The term wasn't that unique. But that name, the way he said it. Something felt wrong. There was only one other person in Hell to call you that.

Shawn and him don't look anything alike. Shawn owned a dingy slave club and Lucifer was the king of hell. He was Charlie's dad! There is no way they are the same person. I'm just overreacting.

Your thoughts were interrupted by another gentle knock. You tried to compose yourself and realized that there was no possible way that they were the same. You opened the door again to apologize, but the once shorter man with light skin was replaced with a familiar denizen.

"I knew you'd be here. No one else is pathetic enough to take you in." It was him. Shawn was here, standing in front of you. Wearing the same suit as Lucifer was before. You stepped back, trying to keep space between you two.

"How did you get here?" Was all your anxiety could muster out.

"That girl at the bar can make more than just a few scars disappear. I knew that only a familiar face could get me this close to you. Poor Charlie didn't even realize I wasn't her dad." He laughed maniacally at his plan.
"Now, I think there's some unfinished business we need to take care of. My bar has lost so much goddamn money without you there. So we are going back and you are going to work until your feet go fucking numb." He grabbed you by the throat and pushed you up against the doorframe to the balcony. You were trapped. No one was here to protect you anymore. You lost. He threw you down onto the balcony floor. Shaking the record player off of the table and shattering the record that was on there. You sat up as fast as you could and punched him as hard as you could in the face. He didn't even flinch. He tried to grab you by the shoulders but you put your feet up against his chest and kicked. Your back rolled off of the railing and you were suddenly falling 6 stories down. You felt every bone in your body crunch as you slammed against the pavement. Shawn jumped down after you and landed on his feet, somehow not breaking anything.

"Nice try bitch. Get your ass up, we're leaving." He dragged you down the path and into the city.

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