Imp City

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A/N: Not my art, picture from Helluvaboss!

You were fading in and out of consciousness. You could only see pieces of the story that unfolded around you. The first frame was of Alastor's face, holding you in his lap. He said something but you couldn't make it out before the blackness engulfed your mind again
"We need to get her to a hospital!" Angel screamed.

"This is Hell! There aren't any fucking doctors here!" Vaggie screamed back.

"Well... not here." Lucifer replied.
"Come on quickly, sinners aren't supposed to move between rings." Lucifer said quietly.

"Won't people notice us?" Pentious asked meekly.

"Tell me what we need to look like I'll take care of it." Alastor said, not looking away from you for a second.
"We don't know everything that happened. She's hurt though. Can you help?" Lucifer asked a nurse at the front of what appeared to be an emergency room.

"Yes bring her this way." The nurse replied.

No one looked the same. Everyone was red with black horns. You couldn't comprehend what was happening.

"Al, you need to either check in yourself, or make sure that her broken bones are hers again." Husk said aggressively.

When you came too once more, you stayed awake. You were in some kind of hospital room but you didn't look like yourself. When you looked down, you saw that your skin was red with white markings on it. You looked around for a mirror, but all you saw was an empty room. You tried to sit up to look around, but restraints on your wrists held you back.


The events that played in your mind were so foggy. You had no idea what had actually happened. You didn't think Shawn could still be the one with you, but there wasn't any other explanation to why you'd be chained to the bed.

"(Ms/mr/mz) L/n?" A voice said from the door to the room.

"Where am I and why the fuck am I chained to this bed?" You spat back in frustration and fear.

"Alright calm down. You were in an accident and your friends brought you here. However, when we started treating you, you became very hostile and started kicking and punching anyone who was near you. We had to restrain you for our safety." The nurse seemed polite but also somewhat timid. You had no recollection of this incident but you also could barley remember how you got here.

"Where are they?" You voice lowered and your body language relaxed as you started to feel safer.

"I'll send them in." The door closed and only a few seconds after a crowd of unfamiliar denizens came running in. Your mind was still foggy and these unfamiliar faces enraged you. All you wanted was to see Alastor and instead, this.

"Y/n! We were so worried about you!"

"Who the fuck are you?" Was all you could manage to get out in your rage.

"Oh shit she doesn't recognize us. It's me. Angel. We had to wear disguises to get here. But I promise it's me!"

You weren't trying to fall for this trap again. You wanted to be 100% sure.
"What is something that only Angel would know?"

"Y/n. Please don't make me say this in front of everyone." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I mean it! Don't get any closer until you prove that it's you guys. Everyone has to tell me something that only they would know!" You screamed back.

"A bottle of scotch went 'mysteriously' missing the first night you got to the hotel." Husk said while chuckling to himself.

"You wore Alastor's suit on your first day because you didn't have any clothes." Pentious replied shyly.

"You didn't know who's dad was coming and you asked me who it was." Niffty said while cleaning the room.

"I kissed your hands the first day I met you. You were so stunning, but mr bellhop wasn't having any of it." Lucifer said angrily.

"You and I are the best damn team when it comes to pool chicken." Vaggie said confidently.

"You were going to show me your finished painting when we all got back from Lu Lu world." Charlie said while trying to stifle her tears.

"I really don't think you want me to say it toots." He said awkwardly before he sighed and continued.
"You had hickeys and bite marks all over your neck from -"

"Okay okay! It's you guys I believe you. You can stop there Angel." You chuckled awkwardly as the rest of the group gawked at the two of you.

"Your favorite song is We'll Meet Again." An undeniable voice rang from the doorway. Alastor stumbled in wearing the same hospital gown as you, his legs and arms were bandaged in cast.

"Al... what happened to you?" You asked trying to sit up again, but the restraints held you back.

"Who the fuck chained her up?" Husk yelled as he saw the restraints around your wrists.
"I swear to fucking god, I'll -"

"Apparently I was less than 'compliant' when they were trying to treat me." You explained. Al snapped his fingers the best he could and the chains were gone.

"Oh yeah, Prince Charming over there refused to send back the broken bones to you." Angel said while rolling his eyes.

"You've been through enough deerie." He said as he finally reached the edge of your bed. He planted a soft kiss on your forehead as you jumped to give him a huge hug, hurting both of you in the process.

"What the fuck!?" The whole group yelled in unison, even Lucifer. However, niether of you could pay any attention to the groups outburst. You were lost in each others arms and the whole world disappeared until the embrace ended.

"How did you guys find me? I thought I was going to be stuck there for eternity." You said meekly.

"Ummm. We're gonna get back to what just happened. But, there was a blood trail and Angel thought he might know which club you went to. Alastor helped us piece together where you might be." Vaggie replied while trying to process what just happened.

The group continued to explain the events that led you to where you are know. They explained that the Hell you know is only the top ring, there are 7 rings in total. Sinners aren't able to travel the rings freely, but Lucifer pulled some strings to bring you to Imp city. Imps are hellborns and they have schools and hospitals. Alastor transformed everyone to get here. You couldn't help but zone out as everyone spoke because Alastor and you were staring deeply into each others eyes.

"Y/n? I almost lost you and it was the scariest moment of my life. I was unsure before but everything is clear now. Seras-tu mon partenaire?" Alastor said while interrupting someone.

"I want that more than anything."

More than anything (Alastor X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now