Smile :)

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"Y/n, who are you trying to convince? Me or you?"

The words Angel spoke left you feeling hallow. You weren't sure how to react to this. Your feelings for Alastor seemed so innocent, so harmless and fun. You wanted to spend time with him, but you wanted to spend time with everyone in the hotel? You and Pentious have even had some great moments together, as awkward as he may be. You tried to shake off the feeling that Angel gave you. However, looking at the painting only made your anxiety grow. You weren't sure what kind of message this would send Al. You weren't sure what kind of message you wanted to send him anymore. This morning, you were so sure of what you wanted to do and say. But now, you couldn't even tell if your painting would be inappropriate.
You stared at the art that you held in front of you, adoring the neon paints and shadows you incorporated into it.

Fuck it.

You knew that your painting was more than just a kiss. It encapsulated the feeling you got when you were with Al. You could be outside in Hell and nothing else mattered besides the person in front of you. You set aside the confusion that Angel brought to your mind and headed to his room once more - this time more cautious about who was around.
When you reached his door you didn't even hesitate before knocking. You were determined to show him just how much your friendship meant to you.

"Come in!" He exclaimed with excitement in his voice. As you entered his room, you saw Al standing in front of his bookshelf. Seemingly looking for something.

"Hey Alastor, I finished that painting you asked for." You said, still filled with confidence.

"How do you know I was the one who asked for it?" He said to the records on his shelf instead of facing you.

"Because you're the only one who goes into my room without knocking." You chuckled as you approached him. Trying to figure out what he was so entranced with.
At first you thought he might be organizing the shelf but he was pulling them apart, carefully reading the title of each one as he moved to the next. You didn't know exactly which one he was looking for, but you remembered him talking about his favorite song that night on the balcony. Your eyes moved to his record player and there it was, waiting to be played.
You moved the arm to the outside of the record and hit play.

"Smile though your heart is aching. Smile even though it's breaking."

His head finally retracted from the shelf. Slowly turning to you in awe as the song played through the older speaker. You gave him a quick curtsy before he held his hand out for you to take.

"When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by.
If you smile through your fear and sorrow. Smile and maybe tomorrow. You'll see the sun come shining through for you."

The song echoed through his room while he swayed you from side to side, slowly dipping you until his face was mere inches away from yours. He stared into your eyes as he brought you back up. His gaze slowly moving down your face to you lips. You remembered the permanent smile on your face. The one that only he could see.

"It's funny," you spoke as he continued to lead your dance, "It's like this song was made for us." His smile widened as did yours. The song slowly quieted, ending your cavort. However, niether of you chose to let go in this moment. The record skipped as the needle found the end of its track, but the sound couldn't be heard over the heartbeat in your ears. Your anticipation grew as his eyes lingered on your lips. However, something pulled Al out of this trance, resulting in a slow release of your hips.

"Well darling, show me that painting!" He said, almost panting like he was out of breath. You wandered over to the canvas you had left by the door.

"I don't want you to get the wrong idea from this." You continued. "The moments we have shared together have been really special to me. I don't know if you cherish those memories like I do..." you trailed off.

"More than anything darling." He said as his hand returned to you. Holding your chin up to look at him. The act gave you the courage to turn the painting over, revealing the two silhouettes in the neon streets of Hell.

"Your friendship means a lot to me Alastor. I hope my advances yesterday didn't change that for you because it didn't for me. I needed to show my appreciation for-" your sentence was interrupted with the familiar taste of scotch and blood. His warm lips melted into yours, as if they were made for each other. You dropped the painting and brought your hand to the nape of his neck. His hands trailed from the underside of your chin to the front of your face, slowly moving a piece of your hair behind you ears. He regrettably pulled away from you. Leaving both of your bodies feeling cold from the lack of touch.

"This was the only way I could think of to properly thank you for this painting." He said, bending down to retrieve the fallen art work.

"Don't worry darling. Our friendship is stronger than you think."

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