First day

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War took a deep breath and was very excited to start his college life.
War: Finally iam here

Fluke put his hand on war's shoulder

Fluke: so my friend are you ready to get laid.

War: fuck off u dumbass I'm not here to get laid or anything I'm gonna enjoy every moment . Finally I'm free from my parents and their fucking rules.

Fluke: dude really how did you convinced you parents to go to this cllge i thought they would never allow you to go anywhere far from them.

War: took a whole lot of effort to finally get me out of that house. I really have to get good grades or else they'll call be back.

Fluke: if I were you I would do anything to run from that house I'm really happy for u man.

War: if you are done being dramatic get you ass up and let's get to class first the class will start at 9 and it's already 8:55 punk.

Fluke: yah yah Mr nerd let's get going.

Fluke and war had both chosen business administration as their major as war wanted to start his own business and fluke just want to follow his friend as his parents owns a business.

As fluke and war was going for their first class war collided with the tall guy.

Tall guy: look where u are going shorty.

War: I can say the same u gaint.

The tall guy narrow his eyes and said quite a attitude for that small height of yours.

War: dude u r the one who pushed me first. (Idiot) War said in a low tone but quite loud to get heard by the tall guy.

Tall guy : (got angry) you who are u calling idiot.

War: I said nothing u r hearing things said War innocently.

The tall guy frnd said to him hey yin we r getting late for our class lets get going man.

Yin aka tall guy: u r lucky I got class.

War roled his eyes and went to his class
War: what a great start War sigh and went to his first class.

War and fluke sat on their seats they saw a girl standing their to find a seat War saw him and offered the seat next to him . The girl smiled and introduced herself.
Hi I'm nai , nice to meet u
War: hi I'm War and this is my friend fluke.
Fluke: hi, nai
Nai: she smiled at both of them.

Soon the class started as the professor came . war, fluke and nai finished their first class as for the first day they were only introduction about the course and their class schedule and the were asked to go Hall after their class as there was the introduction of their batch with Seniors. .

They were walking to the Hall and settled down at there seats. War fluke and nai became frnd as nai seems to be a nice girl thou she doesn't talk to much bit really fun and comfortable to be with. They get to know thai nai as moved to thailand from new york. And had no frnds .
War: nai wanna join us for lunch.
Nai: smile and said sure. She really liked hanging out with War and fluke as they made her comfortable.
Fluke: hi guys I have heard that this introduction thing can get a little to much sometimes as there will be no professor only Senior will be their.

War: let's see what it has to offer.
Nai: yah how bad it can be anyway.

Soon the Hall became quite as the Senior entered the Hall.
War eyes got stuck to the tall guy as he entered the Hall.

Fluke: War isn't it the guy from morning. I didn't know he our Senior.

War looked at the guy and said yeah neither do I know he is one of the Senior.
War and yin eyes meet and yin smirked at war.
War instantly looked away.
Nai: guys what are u talking abt (said in a low voice)
Fluke : (Whisper) I'll tell u later.

Yin: so hello freshers. Hope u r doing well if not ,now u will .
So the thing is one by one we call u here u have yo introduce urself and pick one slip from the box and do the task that is written in the slip. If not then you have to accept the punishment.
And Don't worry there is nothing inappropriate in the slips. So chill out.

One by one the names were called and student preformed the task given to them.
Soon fluke was called and he performed a song. And nai was asked to dance but she got super shy so one Senior volunteer to help her and performed with her. She thanked her Senior and went back.
Yin: so next one is War wanarat.
War looked at Yin and sigh and got up from the seat and introduced himself.
Picked one slip and was supposed to sing so he sang.
Yin was awestruck as he heard his voice and other Senior and junior were mesmerizing by his performance.
After performing he went back to his seat.
Nai: wow War u were great a almost fell for u.
War got shy by the compliments.
Fluke: I think War got quite a fanbase now.
War : nah u guy shut up u r making me shy.
They all laughed and the introduction went smoothly.
War, fluke and nai were going to the cafeteria for lunch and was called by some Senior.
Yujin: ( the Senior that helped nai to perform) will u mind if we ask you to join us for lunch.

The three of them looked at each other as they were trying to communicate with eyes.

War: sure
Fluke: we'll love to eat with you.
Yujin: it's not just me my whole gang is sitting at that bench over there let's get going.
Nai: smile at yujin as there eyes meet and followed her to the table

War frown as he spotted the tall guy Yin.
Yujin: hi guys so I asked these nong to join us for lunch so make some space for them.
They made space for the new comers.
Yujin introduction her friend to them
So this is Yin, ohm, boss .
Fluke introduction them and they had a nice chat especially ohm and fluke as they seems to be intrested in each other.
War and nai sat quietly and had their lunch as they were not quite comfortable.
Yin tired to look at War time to time and War seems to notice it but didn't said anything.
After their lunch they went to their ways.
War: guys I'm heading to my condo first meet you tomorrow.
Fluke : ok dude call us sometime there when u get settled.
War: sure, bye
Nai : bye guys I gotta go to meet to tomorrow.

They all went home separately.
War reached his condo and freshen up and start unpacking his stuff and arrange them and he looked at the clock ot was already 7:30 PM he decided to get some food of himself.
War went out and sat to the dumplings stall
War: khun please give me one plate of dumpling soup please.

As he order was being made War scrolled his phone.
A man sat in front on him. He looked up and saw Yin in front of him.
War looked at him with confused look.
Yin: hi nong said Yin
War: looked at Yin and said what are u doing here.
Yin: nice way Greeting
War: sorry but I don't think we r frnd so no need to greet me.
Yin : you r right but I'm ur Senior so u r suppose to give me some respect.
War: ok
Yin: looked at him with Confusion. What ok
War order was being served and he start eating.
Yin: what r u eating.
War: food
Yin: I can see that but what is it.
War: sigh and said soup dumpling
Yin: khun can I have one soup dumpling please.
War finished his food and got up and paid and start going back to his room.
Yin hold his hand and said he Shorty stay with me.
War: why should I.
Yin: I was there when you ate.
War: I didn't asked u
Yin: why are u so rude to me I'm being nice to you. Yin said is a sad tone
War: sigh okay fine don't need to be so dramatic.
Yin smiled at War and his order was served and ate the food and talked to War at least tried to talk to him.
But War seems to be distant but still replied to him time to time after Yin finished his food War stood up and said now I'm going back bye.
Yin quickly paid and followed War and hold his hand to stop him.
Yin: hey shorty thanks for staying with me.
War: my name is War khun.
Yin: smiled and said Okay War
War: so I'm going back to my condo bye for now.
Yin: Okay bye shorty. Yin ruffled war's hair and went to his way.
War: what a weird guy. And smiled.
He went back to his condo and droped on his bed as he got to tired for the first day and fell asleep.

Don't just stop here trust me you'll like the story just go for it.

This is my first fan fiction so please forgive me if I did some mistake. And I really like yinwar a lot hope you guys like this story and please stay tuned to know their story.
Please give me lots of support
Thank you reading
Okay bye for now. 🥰

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