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War was in the cafeteria with his friends when he heard some student talk about yin's ex-girlfriend have returned from US.

War felt uneasy hearing it. Yin and War decided to keep their relationship private as War was not ready to tell about it yet but that moment he wanted to have right on Yin and tell that he belongs to him. He was lost in thought when nai spoke up.
Nai : I heard that phi yin's gf is college moon and got be exchange student to US

Fluke : yeah and phi Yin and her was the college hot couple and they broke up because of long distance.

Nai : so will they be in relationship again??

War's mind was full of all kinds of thought. He knew Yin loved him but deep down he knew he can't beat a girl and their relationship will not be accepted by everyone. But he don't want Yin to go away. He was just not ready for it. He knew the day would come when Yin will leave him, he doesn't want to think negative but all the thought running in his head made him question his relationship aith Yin.

War saw Yin and his friends coming to cafeteria but his eyes fell on the beautiful girl walking beside him . They were smiling while Yin was talking to her. War felt a pang of pain. He knew he should trust Yin but his heart was in so much pain. He got up and told his friend he has something to do and walked off from there.

Yin scanned the whole cafeteria to search for War but he couldn't find him. He came across war's friends and asked them where is War nai told them he got stuff to do so he left.

Yin and his friends sat and order their food but Yin got worried as War didn't replied his msg or he told him that he left. Yin felt something was wrong and he need to find War. He got up and told his friends he left his notes in class  and got out.

Yin called War but War didn't picked up he frowned and again called him. This time his call was send to voice msg. Yin got really frustrated.

He got to their condo and went to war's room and knocked his door but their was no reply.......

War was sitting on the park . He put his head backward and looked in the sky. He knew he was being to negative and overthinking to much.

He reached at night to his condo and he saw Yin sitting on the couch. As the door got opened Yin walked up to War and hugged him .

Yin : where the fuck u where and why didn't you picked ur phone ,I got really worried. He looked at War with a frown .

War : sorry phi my phone was left in the class and I got some stuff tp study at library. He lied

Yin : next time tell me where u r going he commanded.

War nodded his head. Then War to bathroom for shower and Yin set the dinner.

The hot water strike war's body he put his head on the wall and took a deep breath. He got out of showers with water dripping from his hair. Yin saw War and gulped he was looking sexy with wet hair. Yin took towel and rub war's hair.

Yin : come let me dry ur hair.
War sat on the couch , Yin rub his hair with towel he sniffed war's neck. That send chill to War and he looked back at Yin with red tint spreading all over his face.

War : what are you doing he asked shyly
Yin : sniffing my boyfriend. Why are u so cute. He kissed war's lips and rub his nose on war's nose.

War got shy and sat on the dinning table .
Yin followed him with a smile . They had their food with smile on his face. War felt warm and just pushed all the negative thought away.....

Yin was in the class the professor told him to help ploy to keep up with the classes as she came from US.

( the girl name is ploy and Yin and ploy are just good frnds they never been in a relationship there were just rumors of them being in relationship. Yin and ploy never cared about those rumors.)

Yin and ploy were in the library as Yin help her to update her about classes snd notes.

So students click their picture and post online with #yinploy . The rumors started surfacing that they both patch up again....

War and his friends were in the class as nai took out her phone and showed picture of Yin and ploy and told them they became a thing again.

War frowned at those picture as they were take in different places with only Yin and ploy being alone...

War was going back to his condo alone as Yin got stuff to do. He was scrolling online when he saw Yin and ploy picture everywhere. His Overthink took over him as he saw Yin looked happy in those picture and they both look good together...

He waited on couch for Yin and fell asleep on the couch.

Yin got home late in the midnight as he was busy with the assignment with his friends ,he didn't wanted to disturb War so he when to his room.

Next morning war woke up on the couch he felt very empty .
War : phir didn't came back. He said in a very sad tone.

He got up and went to college as Yin messaged him he got assignment deadline today so he'll be going straight to college.

War was absent minded all day he just keep on thinking about Yin. Fluke seems to notice war and asked him what's wrong. He told him he just tried. Fluke didn't buy that excuse he knew war but didn't asked anything further...

War went to the music club after his class as he just wanted to be alone and he knew that now no one will be there.

Yin and ploy was in the music room as they need to collect some instruments. They were taking all the things when suddenly ploy tripped on something and fell on Yin. Yin lost balance and both were on the floor. Ploy was on the top of Yin as their lips touched.

The door wide open and War saw Yin and ploy. His eyes got wide and he froze there. Yin looked up and saw War on the door his eyes got wide with shock and quickly got up and told War it's not like it's seems but before Yin got closed to War he ran away from there not looking back.

Yin followed him but War was no where to be found. He called War but his phone was switched off . He got really frustrated and searched for War everywhere. He saw his friends and asked Where was War. They told him he went to music club and they didn't saw him after that. He rushed back to his condo. Fluke got suspicious of yins behavior.

Yin got to his condo and got inside war's room but there was no one. He got really worried as he didn't knew what he should do.

Yin : fuck what should I do know he sat on the couch and pulled his hair as he didn't knew where to find War.

Yin was walking on the road tears falling out of his eyes. He was just walking without any destination. He didn't wanted to go to his condo. The rain started falling War looked up to the sky and let's the cold eain drop fall on his face.

He sat there in rain for almost hours he didn't knew what to do where to go he felt so empty. He wanted to believe that it was all fake but his eyes can't deny ehat they War.

He walked to fluke condo and stood on his door. He wanted to knock but his body really left all the strength. Then fluke door opened as fluke got out to throw trash. He looked at War with confusion.
Fluke : what are u doing here and why are u all wet.
He let War in and told him to tale shower. War didn't said a word from When he came in he when to shower and  came out and sat on the couch. Fluke didn't asked him anything and handed him a hot cup of coffee.

Fluke : so it's about Yin right.

War's eyes got wide and he looked at fluke with shock in his face.

Fluke : don't look at me like that he came searching for u he was like a mad man and asked about you everywhere.

War's eyes got teary he started crying fluke got really worried as war doesn't cry so easyly he hugged War and stroke his back and didn't asked anything....

After a while War calm down fluke looked at him with worried.

War : I'll tell you everything when I'm ready.
Fluke nodded and asked him to sleep.

He sleep in bed with fluke he turned his back to fluke . He silently sobbed till he difted to sleep......

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