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War told Yin about him meeting his mother. Yin was very angry with his mother behaviours. She never cared about him and now telling the person he love to break up with him.

War was sleeping , Yin got up from the bed kissed war's forehead.
Yin : don't worry I'll make everything okay .
He drive to his parents house. He stoped in front of a huge mansion . He got out of his car and went it. He never really go tp his parents but the maid were able to recognize him as they greeted him.

He went directly to his mother. Yins mother was surprised and happy to see Yin she quickly got up and hugged him.

Yin's mother : I'm so glad to see u my son. How have you been.

Yin really tried to compose himself. He sighed as his mother made him sit on the couch.

Yin: Mom i need to talk you .

Yin mother : yes son what it is. She smiled.

Yin: I know u know about me being in a relationship and that to with a guy and I really want you stop bothering him.

Yins mother expression change from smile to frown.

Yin mother : I really don't care about you being in a relationship but with a guy I can't accept it.

Yin : mom I don't want you to accept anything I never expect anything from you . I just don't wanna be rude bit u really never cared about me. Then why are u getting involve in my relationship.

Yin mother really got angry with Yin she stood up and started yelling at him.


Yin : I never asked for any of this . All I wanted was your love and time which you never had for me . You just wanted to earn that you forgot that you had a son. If not that tell me when was the last time we had a family dinner...

His mother was quite she can feel the pain and longing in his voice.

Yin : if you can't remember mom them let me tell you . We never really had any family dinner. I use to eat alone all the time. That why I went to grandma and grandpa. Now stop minding my business.

He got up and turned around and said.
Yin: I really love War and no one. I mean no one can seperate me from him not even you.

His mother was boiling with angry.
Yin mother : do u think I'll accept that you ungrateful son what do u thik of yourself....

War woke up in the middle of the night and found Yin not being by his side . He got up and checked the bathroom and kitchen but Yin was no where to be found. He really started panicking and got his phone to call him. Then his door open and showed Yin. War quickly went to him and hugged him.

War : where were u? I got really worried

Yin: sorry I just got out to get you some ice cream. He smiled and showed War the bag full of icecream.

War : I don't want anything I just want you he hid his face in yins chest.

Yin hugged War back and strok his back.

Yin: I'm always here for you and don't worry, I'll aways be with you he sniffed his head.

Days passed Yin and was were inseparable. They were always together. Yin never leave alone even for the min the only time when he let War go is when he has class Or when War had it. War really feel secure having Yin by his side. One day Yin have to stay back in the College due to his assignment he didn't wanted to leave War but War insists that he'll be ok and he should do his assignment.

War went back to his condo to see his parents waiting for him in his room.

War came in his father stood up and slapped War really hard. War can feel the pain on his cheek as it turned red. War's mother got up and held his father to prevent him for beating War.

War father : I send u here to study and what you are doing. Dating guys. I didn't gave birth you a gay. What the fuck is wrong with you.

War looked down and he couldn't even say or do anything he let his father speak.

War father : do you think I invested so much more on you so u just date guys and be gay. This is what you being doing here. This is why I told you not the send him away from home. If he would be at home he won't ever do these kind of shameful act. Such a disappointed.
Now pack your bags u are no longer going to study here.

War gather all the courage he had and spoke.

War : I will not got anywhere. He spoke in a low voice.

His father raised his eyebrows. And said.

War father : I'm not giving you any option you are coming with us right now.

War : I not going anywhere dad. He spoke loudly. Which landed him another slap on his face.

War father grabbed war's coller and said.

War father : what do you think you are anything without me. Let me tell you you are nothing but a piece of shit. And you don't have any existence with me do you hear me. And what are u here for the fucking faggot boyfriend of yours.

War : don't say anything about Yin. You can't insult him like that.

His father let out a mocking laugh.

War father : now you will tell me what I should say. Now to dare to talk back for you faggot boyfriend of yours.

War mother was trying to pull his father away from War as she was a crying mess. His father pushed her away due to which she fell on the floor.

War father : you are the reason why he is like that now see what he be doing.

War quickly get to his mother and supported her to get up.

War mother: why are you doing this to him he is our son.

War father: no he is not my son he is your. For me he is a disappointment.
He grabbed War and dragged him with him...

War mother tried to stop his father but failed and followed them.......

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