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Next morning War woke up and felt a hard surface under his head he opened his eyes and saw Yin sleeping .

War was feeling weak and his body felt heavy he got up and quietly got out of yin's room.

After some time Yin woke up and found War was not there he got up and checked the bathroom and realized War has left.
Yin suddenly felt sad and empty.

Yin got ready and went to college and found War didn't came to college.

Yin got really worried after his first class he when back to his condo to find War.

He knocked on war's door but there was no reply. Yin call War bit he didn't picked his phone.

He went out of his condo in search for War. But he didn't found War.

Next day still no trace of War of Yin felt like War was avoiding him and he doesn't know the reason.

Yin really got very irritated when he found war with his friends and when War saw Yin he tried to walk away but Yin chased after War.

Yin: War stop!
War started going towards his condo and Yin followed him and called War but he didn't stoped.

Yin ran toward War and held war's hand to make him stop.

Yin: wtf is wrong with you? Why are you avoiding me, did I did something wrong.

War: I'm not avoiding you I just don't feel like talking
Yin really got annoyed this time he was on hi peak but he tried to calm himself and took a deep breath asked war
Yin: what's wrong.
War avoided yin's eyes as he don't want to see pity for him.
War: could you please leave me alone what the fuck u want from me

Yin got really angry as he didn't understand why War was behaving like that.
Yin shouted on War and held him tightly and said
What the fuck I want you r avoiding me and I don't know the reason why u r doing this to me.
War : leave me alone I don't want to talk to u War tried to free himself from Yin

Yin grabbed War and dragged him to his room and closed the door and slam War on his bed
War really got scared as he didn't saw Yin that Angry.
Yin climbed in top of War and held him tightly and said War I'm asking you for the last time why are you avoiding me

War started getting panick attack as Yin held War tightly
Yin saw this and his angry turn into worry when he saw War having panick attack he quickly climbed off the bed
War was lying on thr bed as his eyes become blurry as tears piled up his eyes and he started having hard time breathing.

Yin really got worried and hug War and tried to clam him.
Yin: I'm really sorry War please breath.
Yin keep repeatedly those word as he tried to clam War.

Slowly War started to relax and War able to breath.

War hated this feeling when he is weak and can't clam himself.

He started having panick attack when he was in high school when his parents forced him to be good at everything as failure was not an option for War from the childhood his father had been very abusive toward him as any mistaken was not accepted from him.

As he grow up he found out that he War into guys that really triggered his panick attack as he was very scared when his father found this out what will happen to him  so he never came out never excepted his feeling and tried to burry them deep inside himself.

His panick attack get triggered by suddenly violence Or abuse.

War closed his eyes as he start remembering those memories tears flowed down his cheek no stop.

Yin really got worried and hug War tightly and said sorry.

Due to some reason yin's voice was making War calm as he took deep breath.

War: please dont harm me
Yin felt like those words pierced his heart.
Yin: I'm really sorry War I'll never harm you. I'll always protect you . I promise.

War felt warm and calm in yins' arms he felt safe. Slowly War drifted to sleep.
Yin felt a soft snoring coming.
He saw War fall asleep in his arms he laid War down and covered him with blanket.
As Yin was getting up War suddenly grabbed Yin's arm and said please stay.
Yin smiled and said I'm here only just getting dinner of us.
War opened his eyes and saw Yin he quickly left yin's arms and looked at Yin with faint smile and said ok.

Yin went out to get dinner for him and War.
When he came back he found a note on the table.
I'm going back to my room. Please let me be alone.    -War

Yin saw the note and took a deep breath.
He was feeling lots of emotions he was worried, angry, frustrated and moreover confused. He never felt like this before War made him feel things that he never felt before.
War was like a mystery for Yin which he want to solve and he want to be close to War. But why Yin asked himself.

Then Yin had his dinner and when to sleep.

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