center of attention

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Yin post spread like a fire in the campus. Everyone was curious to know who qas the guy Yin was dating. Eventually Yin and ploy hastag were replaced with Yin and unknown boy.

Nai , fluke and war were in cafeteria when they heard people gossip about yin and his new boyfriend.

P1 : I really didn't knew Yin was gay.
P2 : he dated girls before he might not be gay.
P3 : he might be exploring.

They all laugh and gossip about Yin.

War heard all and started biting his nails and getting nervous what if they knew about him and started hating Yin and things get worse. He started overthinking

Fluke was eating his sandwich and looked at War who was lost in thoughts.

Fluke : don't overthinking War to just got out of the hospital, do u want to go there again.

War flinched and looked at fluke .
War : I'm not he looked down to his food.
Nai: u know people are gonna talk so dont mind them, we are with u and everything gonna be just fine. He held War hand and smiled. He smiled back. He was really grateful to have friends like them who were there for him.

Nai knew about War and Yin .she loved that his friend is dating a someone nice. And was very Supportive about it.

Yin was surrounded by his friends.

Ohm: so u are dating.
Yujin : and he is a guy
Boss: and u didnt told us.
Ohm : sighed , do u consider us your friends.
Yin look at them with nervous smile
Yin: guys I wanted to tell u but he was not ready so....
Yujin: ok fine let ot be now tell us who is he.
Ohm : yah atleast tell us now.
Boss : is it War.
Yujin, ohm and fluke looked at Boss with suprise look.
Yin: how do u know.
Boss : I saw you being lovely dovey with each other in front of you condo.
Yin laughed nervous he forgot Boss also live in the same condo as them..

Yujin : and u didnt told us about it.
Boss : it's not about me and I hate gossip.
Yin : he looked at them and said I really love him a lot. And please dont make him uncomfortable.

Yins friends were very supportive to him and War thou there were a little disappointed that he didn't told them before but Was happy for his friend.

About Yin post there was mixed reactions , some were happy and excited some have negative prospective about it but everyone was curious to know about this unknown yin's boy. People started speculating and shipped different guys with Yin and was trending on social media. Yin really didn't care much about it. But War his thoughts were all over the place.

Fluke: stop scrolling and don't think to much people are gonna say what they want it shouldn't matter u and moreover they don't know it's u. And don't look at it if you are gonna be like that..
War nodded and kept his phone away.

For the next few day the hunt to know about Yin boyfriend was on due to which Yin and War spend less time together which made yin very frustrated as he wanted to be with War but can't as he war still not ready..

Yin and War was in war's room the only time they spend together. War was making dinner for them. Yin came and hugged War . War turned to face Yin, he looked at him with a smile.

Yin : I really miss being with you like this, he hugged war and sniffed his neck.
War held Yin tightly......

War was in the music club . He was playing guitar and singing. Then sid came and stood on the door listening War. He was lost in war's voice. He came near him. War saw him and stopped.

Sid : why did you stop . You are really very talented war one the best voice I've ever heard.

War : you are just being to polite phi. He smile at sid. Then his phone ping, it was the message from Yin that he is on his way and will meet him near music club.

War said to sid that he need to go he packed his stuff and was about to leave when sid suddenly hugged him from back.

Sid : I really want to say this from a long time War. I really like u

War froze there he can't really process anything. At that time Yin was also on his way to music club he opened the door and saw War and sid. He got really angry and came in and separated them and pulled war with him.

War : phii let me explain. Phi
Yin didn't listen and dragged War away leaving sid there.

War : leave me  you are hurting me. He snapped his hand from Yins hold.

Yin looked at War with angry but his face soften when he saw a bruise forming on war's arm. He came close to War abd put his head on war's shoulder.

Yin: I'm really possessive for you I can't see u with anyone. I get insecure as i can't even claim my right on you.

War really felt the pain in yins voice. He hugged Yin

War : I'm already yours phi he hugged Yin.

Unknown to them someone clicked there picture and posted online. The picture spread like fire as finally yin' s boyfriends identity was revealed ...

Next day War was being the center of attention as everyone was gossiping about him. As War qas walking tp his class he could feel people's eyes on him which made him very uncomfortable. He reached his class and there all students looked at him. He sat beside fluke.

War : why everyone is staring at me.
Fluke shrugged his shoulder.

Nai came running towards them she stopped and breath heavily.

Nai: War.... Everyone.... Picture... Y in..
Fluke : relax nai first breath .
Nai calm down and took out her phone and showed them picture of Yin and War. War eyes got wide with shock he started panicking. Fluke calm War down then all of them when out of the class.

Yin also knew about the picture and came running towards War and hugged him.
Yin : don't worry to much everything gonna be fine.
War hugged him back .
Yin pulled him and looked in his eyes.
We are gonna face this together and don't be afraid. He smiled at War...

Thank you for reading.
Sorry for any mistake. I try to minimize the mistake but still some are left.

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