love in the air

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It's been weeks since War and Yin started dating they decided to keep it secret. As War was not ready to face it yet...

Ever since they started dating War and Yin had become happy. Ever passing day their love for each other is increasing. They don't spend much time together in college but the go on dates and spend time with each other in their condo. But War never stay overnight with Yin.

Ar starting Yin thought maybe War is shy so he never force him.

Even though they already had so much before the become official but after being in relationship. All the did was hugging, kissing and holding hands. They never tried to do anything more. 

Yin tried to be understanding but he also wanted more. On the other hand War was waiting for Yin to take the intiative .

They both waited for each other to make a more but neither of them did it and it become hard for both of them.

War was sitting the the cafeteria with his friends he sighed. Fluke asked him what's wrong. War said nothing and told he just a little tried. He couldn't asked or tell them anything about Yin Or their relationship as he was not ready for it,

Yin and War was walking home Yin hold wars hand and started walking. War quickly looked around if their were anyone their he saw a group of people coming towards them he quickly let go of yins hand. Yin looked at War. He wanted to say something but he just sigh amd followed War.

Everyday was being frustrated for Yin as he waited for War to be ready to move on in their relationship but he doesn't want to force War to anything. So he just waited...

War and Yin friends asked them to hang out in a bar.war and Yin was sitting opposite of each other.They were  enjoying and having drinks. When a hot and beautiful girl sat beside Yin and offered him drink which Yin accepted.
War saw how Flirtatious that girl was being with Yin as she couldn't took hand to herself.

Yin looked awkward and uncomfortable with the girl. War saw the girl and Yin with his narrow eyes and clenched his wrist. He gulped down 3 drink Nonstop.

Wae picked up his 4th drink he was already quite drunk fluke tried to snatch the drink from War but he drank it.

Yin saw him with concern. His attention was diverted when the lady beside him tried to touch his chest. War saw this and quickly stood and walk out of the club.

Yin removed the hand of the lady and gave her a death glare. She removed her hand. Yin pushed her away and followed War.

Their friends on the table was confused by their behaviour by knocked it off and enjoy the party....

War  was sitting on the bench he laid his head down. He covered his eyes with his arms. There was very quite around but war's thought very loud runntin his head.

He started thinking maybe Yin didn't wanted to move further in their relationship because he was never interested in him in that way. Maybe he just wanted to try and now he's not liking it. Maybe.......

His thought stopped when a hand cared his hair. He Romoved his hand and slowly opened his eyes he saw Yin standing behind him.

Yin came and sit next to War.

War wanted to shout and fight with Yin for letting that lady hover over him but he sat their quietly as he knew having an argument would lead his to a dead end so he sat their slowly giving up on their relationship. And letting all the negative thoughts consume him.

Yin : are u ok
War : hmmm (he looked at the night sky)
Yin : don't think too much that lady was pushing herself on me.
War looked at Yin and said it's ok.
War : u go back inside I'll came back after some time.

Yin got up and went inside. War wanted him to stay but he left and again his thought started running in his head.

Yin came inside and told his friend that War is quite drunk so he's taking him home as they live in same condo. He gathered his and War stuff and went out.

Yin came back to war . He stood in front of war and pulled his hand and said let's go.

War : where?
Yin : home he smiled at War.
That smile again did it's thing War thought were pushed out of his head and made him feel warm..

He got up Yin held his hand tightly as he was afraid if he let his hand go War will leave him. He knew War tend to overthink when he's quite.

The walk to their condo was quite so was war's mind quite and calm . They reached war's room..
He opened the door and went inside Yin also came in.

Yin hugged War and said I'm leaving sleep well. He kissed war's forehead and said don't overthink ok. I love u.

War smiled at him and said I love you too.

Yin left War flopped himself on bed and closed his eyes but his mind alwas being all loud again. He couldn't sleep at all...

He got up and went to Yins room. It was already midnight he was standing in front of yins door having a fight in his mind if he should go back of stay...

His hands seema to have mind of their own he knocked yins room but their was no reply he was about to leave when Yin opened the door..

His hair was messy and his eyes were half opened as he rubbed his eyes. His eyes got wide when he saw War at his door at midnight. War was wearing boxers and a loose T-shirt which almost reached his thighs and made it look like War was not wearing any pants.

He quickly pulled War inside his room. And asked him what's wrong , is he feeling sick. War held him and said I can't sleep.

Yin smiled at him and engulf him in his embrace. He took him in his bed and made him sleep next to him.

He put his hand under his head and pulled him close to his chest. War can hear yins heartbeat as they were getting faster. War put his hand on Yins chest and said Yin your heart is beating so fast he looked up in Yins eyes.

They looked into each other's eyes Yins body was getting hot by War touch he was getting turned on..

Yin took a deep breath to control himself as he wanted war to be comfartable. But it was getting hard to Yin as he wanted War so bad.

War saw Yin fight himself as he have closed his eyes. War slowly moved closed  to yin and lightly kissed his lips. Yin opened his eyes and looked at war as he was asking for to do more. There was so much of tension between them.

Yin spoke and said War (in a very deep voice ) which send chills to War.
He looked in war's eyes and slowly came close to war's lips and start kissing him the kiss was gentle at start but them became passionate and slowly the it becomes more and more hard . They both were very turned on. Yin parted his lips and that earned a whine from War as he looked at him.

War wanted more as he didn't want that kiss to end soon he wanted yin to eat him. And make him feel heaven.

Thank you for reading.
Mature content ahead 🔞. Stay tuned to know more.

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