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The morning light strike War as he opened his eyes his head was killing him and he felt dizzy and his throat was sore.

He sat on the bed and held his head. He looked down and saw he was wearing boxers and T-shirt he tried to remember but doesn't seems to remember anything.

He walked into the kitchen and saw a note with some medicine and food . He read the note.

Make sure to have food and medicine and do drink lots of water. I have a morning class meet u at college take care.

His eyes got wide as he remember what happened last night.
He droped the note on floor as his head seems to pain more.

He held his head and sat on the floor and said wtf have I done.

His heat started beating like crazy he thought he was having panick attack again. Then he remember everything what Yin did and how gentle he was with War. That seems to calm him down.

He got up and when to bathroom and toom shower to calm himself. He had the medicine nd food . He promise himself never to drink again.

He then went to the college. While going to the campus he thought of how to face Yin after what happened yesterday.

He got a call from fluke asking him where he is. He told him he'll be there in 10 min.

As he was going to his class he saw Yin his heart start beating fast. And he got nervous for some reason.

He was just about to go away from there when he saw that girl again with Yin and heard their conversation.  He got to know that the girl name was sami

Sami : Yin I want to ask u something.
Yin was scrolling in his phone and said what.

Sami : we have been friends for almost 3 years and soon we are going to graduate and u have been single for very long why do u look at me just for once.

Yin looked at sami and said I've always looked at you sami.

War heard this his heart was in pain he wanted to go there and take Yin away from there, but he walked away from there. He felt something inside on him was breaking and he felt the pain he ran away from there ...

Yin pov

After what sami told me i replied her.
I've always looked at you sami. And smiled at her.
She smile back at me and said then why don't you ask me out.
I smile at her and said I can't because I don't feel that kind of emotions for u I've always seen you as my friend my sister but not more then that.

Her smile faint away as she asked me why can I date her.
(It's because I like War
Yes u heard it right I fucking like that shorty and what happened yesterday made me sure of that. He thought to himself)

From the morning I was waiting for him .
I was lost in thought when sami hold my hand and said why can't we just try you know me and we kinda vibe together.

I smiled at her and said I'm already in love with someone.

She was quite for a while and the she stood up and said ok and walked away.

I didn't stopped her I know she need tine so do I.
But where is War I have not seen him from the morning and I kinda miss me to much.

War pov

After hearing Yin and sami conversation , my mood was at its worse I don't know why I was feeling this way.
It's not like I have any right on Yin but....
What happen yesterday I just feel like he like me Or maybe it was just my imagination. But why to have sex with me when he already have someone else fuck this is making me Angry now.

I shook that thought off when nai called me ans asked if I want to go arcade with fluke and her.

I wanted to distract myself so I said yes.
They went to the arcade directly after college.

Yin tried to find War all day but didnt even had any trace of him anywhere.

Yin tried to call War but he didn't picked up. Yin got really worried that War was avoiding him and now regretting what happened yesterday.

War on the other hand tried to stop thinking about Yin but seems to be happening totally opposite. He missed Yin more and more. He felt more heartbroken and sad. He was not able to enjoy at all.

He tried to engage with his friends but was not able to do it.

After playing for hours War and his friends decided to have dinner at near noodles stall.

Nai seems to notice War gloomy face and asked War what happened but he just said that he is bit tired .
Nai was not satisfied by the answer bit just let it be for that time.

They had their dinner and said bye and when to there home.

While coming back War was thinking about Yin . He thought that Yin must be with that girl having date as they confessed to each other. That made War more sad and irritated.

It was already 10:30 till he reached his condo he when to his room and saw a bag with a note

I tried to call u but you didn't picked my phone. Please don't avoid me .
- Yin

Unknowingly War smiled reading that note. But then he remember the morning episode and his mood change again.

He went inside his room tossed the food and note in dustbin and went to shower.

The water was dripping from war hair he sat on the couch while drying his hair.
He thought about Yin and decided that he will not get near Yin as he already like someone and had fuck with him.

He didn't want any drama in his life he took out his phone and blocked yin's number and went to sleep.

Yin pov

He tried to find War in the whole campus and then when home with food and waited for War outside his room as he was not in his room he waited for 2 hours and then left the food with a note on war's door.

He went to his room and started blaming himself everything that happened as he should have controlled himself now War was avoiding him and he hated it.
He should have stopped himself as War was drunk but he was sober.

He was frustrated and lost he doesn't know what he should do.

He thought that after that he will try to do anything to make War forgive him as he start thinking that he took advantage of war's drunk state.

Thank you for reading.

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