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War woke up looking at a unknown ceiling. He turned his head to see iv drip attached to his hand . He closed his eyes as he was feeling quite weak. He heard the door getting opened and saw fluke and nai coming in.

Fluke : how are u feeling . Look this is why I told u take care of yourself. Now look at u. He sighed.
Nai slapped fluke should and told him not to nag him.

Fluke : where is phi Yin.
Nai : yah where is he she looked around.
Fluke : he got so worried about you yesterday and stayed here all night.

War looked around for Yin but he was not there he felt sad as he wanted to see Yin.

Yin was with War night when he got a call from his grandma that he wanted him to come back home so he went out to talk to her as didn't want to disturb War he told his grandma that he'll be there next weekend.

(Brief introduction of Yin background- Yin family is super rich but he lived with his grandparents from childhood as his parents have been super busy. Yin loves his grandparents a lot)

Yin came to war's room and saw his friends and War he walked up to War and checked him .

Yin : r u ok, do u feel pain anywhere, do u want to eat anything.

The doctor took Yin that War fainted due to malnutrition and sleep deprivation.

Fluke : phi calm down he just fine and he already ate so dont worry.

Nai sat there confuse as Yin behaviour was more than a senior.

Nai: are you guys couple.

All three of them looked at her with surprised face. Fluke tried to change the topic but then war spoke.

War : no
Yin , fluke and nai looked at war.
War : we already broke up.

Yin heart sank hearing this he was not ready for the break up.
Yin : we didn't u told me it's break and I didn't agreed for break up yet.

Yin and war stared at each other with pain in the eyes.

Nai looked at war and then at Yin and fluke she was very confuse as what was really going on there.

Fluke got near to nai and took her out to give war and Yin some space.

War looked away Yin came close to war.
Yin : war I know u need time and space but I really can't do it. Tear fell down his eyes.
War looked at war with tears filled in his eyes
War : you think I can take it.
Yin : then why are you doing this to me, to us please give me a chance I'll make everything right.
War looked down as he tries to control his tears.

War : I'm scared phi
Yin sat on the bed and held war's hand.

Yin: I know it's not gonna be blossom everytime but I promise I'll make u happy and trust I have never felt like this before. I love you War I can't live without you. Tears were flowing from his eyes.

War looked at Yin with tears following from his eyes.
War : phi I'm afraid I don't know what to do
Yin : just be with me and rest I'll take care of.
War : can I trust u phi.
Yin nodded his head and hugged War sobbed on Yin shoulder. Yin wraped War in his embrace.

Yin and War went to War room. War came back to his condo after almost a week. He sat on the couch Yin got him food and medicine. He eat them...

Yin : War, he looked at War and held his hand. I was thinking of telling people about us. He looked at war to read his face.
War stated quite and nodded . A smile spread across yin's face. He took out his phone and hugged War and clicked a picture where War back was only visible.

War looked at Yin.

War : what are you doing.
Yin: telling people that I'm in a relationship with a guy and stop shipping me with anyone else. And don't worry us face is not visible so they won't know is u. He winked at War.

War felt happy as Yin respect him and told people about him but at the same time he envy Yin as he can tell about his relationship with being scared of judgment. He smiled and kissed Yin cheek who was busy posting on social media.

Yin looked up at War with suprise with turn into a big smile. He put his phone and hugged War and started rubbing his head on his shoulder and kissed his neck.
War felt his body getting hot. Yin held War shoulder and look at his eyes slowly coming close to his lips and put his lips on war's. They kissed they longed for this both of them missed each other . The kiss was gentle their lips were dancing in each other rhythm. Yin slowly laid War down on the couch without breaking the kiss. They both parted breathing heavily. They looked at each other.
Yin: I think I should stop before I lose my control. He slowly got up
War bit his lips and pulled Yin back
War : I don't want you to stop phi he said in a deep Voice.
Yin was so turned on he quickly got up and Carried War in bridal style towards the bed.

Yin: you said it yourself.
War smiled as Yin slowly kept War on the bed . And climbed on the bed and push War down and laid beside him and arm his hand across his waist and sniffed his neck.
Yin: I wanted to so much but first get well then I'll eat you all up. He kissed War neck.

War smiled and kissed Yin back on his lips he put his arm across Yin and pulled him close to himself. He missed Yin embrace, he missed sleeping with him.
War : I really love you phi. He closed his eyes and smiled.
Yin : I love you too. He held War tightly.

The both drifted to sleep with smile on there face. After a long War and Yin had a peaceful sleep.

Thank you for reading.
I really want to ask if you guys want sad ending or happy cause I have both ending in my mind.

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