unlocked trama

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It's been a month as War settled in his cllge life. He joined music club and got close to sid and Yin started having unknown feeling for War as they got a little close and sometimes go to cllge and went back to condo together.

War was going to his class as some Senior pass by stopped War and said that one of the Senior want to meet him at  cafeteria

War when to the cafeteria there was a cute girl seema waiting for him.
War: hi P I'm War.
Ice : hi War I'm ice and I know who you are
War: why u called me here.
Ice: I'll be straight to the point I really like u and I want you to be my boyfriend.
War: (he was speechless as how bold is girl was) thanking for liking me P but I really don't want be in relationship.
Ice : u r really something I'm such a hot girl and u r turning me down like that .
War: P its not like that I am just not into relationship.
Ice : War do you think I take no for an answer.
War: I'm really sorry P . But I can't date you.
Ice : why? I'm hot, beautiful and popular what else you want.
War: he got up from his seat and said I'm sorry P but I really can't date you. And ran away from the cafeteria.
Ice was left speechless as she never expected to get rejected like that.
She got angry and got away from there
The news went around cllge like fire.
Fluke: War are u ok
War: no I'm not
Nai: don't worry  these will die down soon.
War: hope so
They were sitting at the cafeteria and decided to go the home as they didn't had  any class.
War was going back to his condo when suddenly some boys stopped in front of him.
Guy1 : so u r war, what the fuck u think u r to turn ice down like that.
Guy2: dude u just got pretty face. R u into guys anyway.

War got shocked and start panicking and tried to run away from there but one guy held his hand
Guy1 : where do u think u r going.
Guy2 : if ice can't have u let us have a taste of you.
War tried to free himself from their grip. But he started to have panick attack as one of his childhood trauma was being flashed in his mind.
War hands started to shake and he had hard time breathing.
Guy1 : bro what the fuck we didn't even touched him what's wrong with him.
War started to have bad panick attack
Guy2 :let's get out of there.
Both the guys ran away from there as the saw war panick attack getting worse.

War was trying to breath but nothing was helping him his vision get burry due to tears streaming down his eyes. He droped on the ground trying to breath.

Yin saw two guys running away and felt uneasy so he went to direction where they came from.

Yin saw War on the ground having hard time breath he ran toward him and tried to hold War but was pushed him away.
Yin again try to approach him but War again push him hard but was to weak as his panick attack got worse

Yin got really worried and hugged War tightly and told him to breath after sometime War stopped struggling and Yin saw War pass out in his arms

Yin panicked and lifted War in bridal style and ran toward his condo .

He went inside his room and put War in the bed and called the doctor.
Doctor arrived after sometime.

Yin: how is he asked Worriedly
Doctor: for now he is stable don't let his stress to much and let him rest.

The doctor left. Yin sat on the bed and held War hand.
Yin: why are you making me so worried.
He felt War hands was getting warm he checked his Forhead his body was burning.

He went to kitchen and brought water and medicine for him. And gave him medicine and wiped his body with wet cloth.

Yin was taking care of War when suddenly War started to shout and cry
War: don't touch me leave me alone he started crying and shouting.

Yin held war and said it's ok u r fine I'm here. He hugged him an War grabbed him tightly and slept in his arm. Yin also drifted to sleep.

I really appreciate if you guys can comment. And please give this novel lots of love.
Thank you for reading.

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