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Yin woke up with his phone ring. He slept on the couch while waiting for War. He picked up his phone without looking at the caller name.

Ploy : hi Yin where are you we were suppose to be at college by 9 .

Yin and ploy was assigned a project my their professor which could get them great opportunity.

Yin looked at the time it was 8:30 .

Yin : I'll be there soon. He hang up the call and got up from couch . He looked around war's room if felt so empty with War begin in there .
Yin : where are u War. He signed and got ready for college in hope to see War .

Fluke wake war up at 10 as they had class at 11 so he let War sleep. War woke up with sore throat and light fever. He got up and went to do his morning business. He sat on fluke's couch.

War : I don't really feel like going to class today.
Fluke : dude we have to go today we have our presentation. Did you forgot.

Fluke went to War with cup of coffee he offer one to War. War looked at the cup in his hand with empty eyes.

Fluke wanted to ask War but he just want him to tell it himself he don't want to force him.

War : Yin and I are in relationship.
Fluke spill his coffee from his mouth.
Fluke : what u mean u and yin like couple.... Like...whatt...
War : hmmm
Fluke : but why?
War : what do u mean why?
Fluke : like no offense but Yin is a straight guy and I didn't knew you liked guys. It's not like I can't accept it but i never knew.
War : I know I was just not ready to tell anyone.
Fluke : look War I'm totally ok with u and Yin being together but I want to know what happened between you guys like isn't ploy and he came back together??

War face fell off after hearing that. Fluke mentally slapped himself. War look down to his hands and told fluke everything.

Fluke told him that sometimes is not like what we see and he should ask Yin about it. Cause yesterday yin was searching for him like a mad man.

War decided to go to college and talk to Yin about it. They went to college and took there classes and War went to Yin class after his to talk to him.

Yin and ploy were at their professor office as they were assigned the work for their project. Soon the professor got a call and he left Yin and ploy alone.

Ploy : Yin.... Amm i want to apologize for yesterday.
Yin : he looked at ploy and said it's ok .
Ploy : oh thank you I got really worried as you left in a hurry yesterday.
Yin remembered War face and his face fell down. Then suddenly ploy hugged him.

War went to Yin class and asked the student where Yin was they told them he was at professor office. He walked to professor office and took a deep breath and opened the door and saw ploy and Yin hugging each other..

This time War didn't run away he stayed. Yin Lightly pushed ploy away and walked to War. He could see in War eyes how broken he was. He held war's hand War listen it's not like that trust me.
War free his hand from Yin grip and said I'm sorry phi I should have knocked and walk out of there.

Unknowingly War walked very fast he just wanted to run away very far far from everything, far from Yin....
The got to the parking and Yin followed him and grab his hand.

Yin : War listen to me it's really not like that what you see is not true. I'm really sorry but please trust me there is nothing between me and her.
War free his and from Yin and said "let's break up"

Yin froze he could believe at his ears. He held War hand tight.

Yin: no you can't break up with me please War I really can't do it ots just misunderstanding I know it's hard to believe but really trust me I love u and only you please dont do this to me his tears start flowing from his eyes.

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