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War was locked in his room and his father took his phone . The was knocking on the door to let him out but was of no use. He fell on the floor he hugged his knees and started sobbing.

Yin was feeling really uneasy. He told his friend that he need to go home as he was not feeling okay. He got to war's room and saw his door was open he quickly got in to find no one was there he got really worried and called War bit his phone was switched off. He went to his room but War was not here. He searched everywhere around his condo but couldn't find him anywhere his heart was beating very fast all the negative thoughts were coming in his mind.
He went back to his condo to ask the guard about War.

The guard told Yin that War was dragged by an man and a woman was begging him to let him go.

Yin knew that was his father. War told Yin about his father as how strict he has always been. He was really worried and don't know what he should do as he didn't knew where his parents live.

He called boss as he was mentor of War and asked for his address. Yin got into the car and drive to war's place.

He was in front of war's house. He was so nervous but at the same time he wanted to see War so bad. He knocked the door the maid opened the door he came in and saw war's father on the couch.

Maid : sir we have a guest here he's saying he is nong war's friend.

War father turned around to Yin . Yin greeted them.

War father : are u that faggots boyfriend of War.

His rude tone made Yin very suprise. He knew his father is very rude but didnt expected to get insulted like that.

Yin: I'm really sorry sir but can i meet War.
War's father raised his Eyebrows.

War father : what made you think that i let you. Listen up I don't know what you did to my son but he is not a gay like you now get your ass out of my house and never come back here again.

Yin was really angry but he tried his best to calm himself.

Yin: I'm not going anywhere without War. He looked in war's father .

War father : and I won't let you go anywhere near go now get out of my house before I call police.

Yin as really pissed off . War father called guard and dragged Yin out of his house .

Yin was outside War house he climbed up the wall of war's house and somehow managed to climb up war's room.
He knocked on war's window. War got out and saw Yin at his window his eyes widen with surprise. He opened the window and hugged Yin and sobbed on his chest.

War : I really missed you phi.

Yin strok war's back and calm him down.

Yin: I'm here now don't worry .

War : phi please take me away from here. I really don't want to be here.

Yin : pulled War and looked deep in his eyes. Do u trust me War.
War nodded so listen up I'm here for you and we are going to run from here away from everyone.

War hugged him and Yin helped War to climb down this house and they went out.

For the last time le looked towards his house. He closed his eyes and looked back at Yin who was waiting for him. He took his hand and ran with him.

Yin and War reached the bus station Yin left the car and went on the bus with War.

They reached a small village near chang mai. Then rented a small room for them.
Yin and War settled in the room and rested as they were exhausted.

War father send men to get War.
War father : I want them back by any means. Do what ever it takes to get them back.

Yin went out to get food for him and War. War was at room waiting for Yin when he heard a knock at the door he opens the door and see 2 bulky men. He tried to close the door but the guys were so powerful and they got inside and dragged War out. War shouted for help but the the one soon covered War mouth and hit him on head due to which he lost his consciousness.

Yin saw two men dragging War with them he dropped the food and ran towards those guys. They put War in a van and drove from there Yin followed the van shouting to stop but neither the van stopped nor Yin he ran miles behind that van as he saw a bike on the side way he picked the bike and followed the van.

He got near a old building which was deep inside the forest. He went inside the building without any fear and searched for War.
He saw the guys outside the room so hide behind the wall and searched for a way to get inside the room.
He went behind that building and saw a window he tried to open it but it was looked. Then he took a stone and smashed the window and went side. There he saw War lying unconscious on the floor.

He got near War and saw his forehead bleeding. His blood boiled up he gently tapped War to wake him up he slowly oped his eyes and saw Yin. He quickly hugged Yin.

Yin: are u ok are u hurt anywhere.

War nodded. Yi helped War to get out of thr building. The successful went out but one of the man saw them and called the other guy.

The both ran inside the forest. As those men followed them. As they were running War fell on the ground and hurt his knee. Yin quickly lift War up and hide behind the big tree they were both breathing heavily. But tried to make no noise.

P1 : where have they gone.
P2 : they were somewhere here. I told u keep an eye in him.
P1 : we should searched them before he came otherwise we'll be in trouble.
P1 : you go there I'll see there

The guys went to opposite direction. Yin and War relaxed . War tried to get up and Yin helped him them went away from there. As thery were going on of the man came in front of them out of nowhere.
P1 : where the fuck you think you are going.

He picked up a wooden log and started to hit them. Yin and War dodged him and Yin punched him hard in his face. And made him fall on the ground he punched him again and again till the man started bleeding and fell on the ground. Yin quickly turn and saw the other guy had put knife on war's neck.

Yin: leave him don't even try to hurt him.
P2 : what do you think of yourself.

The other guy got up and hit Yin head and made it bleed.

P1 : this asshole is really a pain.

He head became dizzy due to the blow but he gather himself and distracted the guys and threw the knife away he pulled War behind him and picked a wooden log and faced them.

Yin: don't try to come near us. I'll fucking kill you.

Both the guys attached Yin they were punching and kicking each other. Yin was soaked in sweat as his lips was bleeding. The other guy came from behind and tried to hit Yin but War kicked the guy and they started throwing punches on each other. The guy picked up the knife and hit War but Yin came in middle and got stabbed. War got a blow on his head and he lost his consciousness. Yin got near War holding his stomach but he also got hit by one of the man. He fell on top of War unconscious body.....

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