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Yin woke up and saw white ceiling he knew where he was all the memories came rushing to his head. He got up and tried to pull out the iv drip from his hand but was stopped by his friends.

Yin: I need to see War. He was hurt badly. He tried to got up but a sprint of pain rushed on his stomach he put hand on his stomach as it started bleeding.

Ohm : what the hell dude you just got up and now opened your stitches.

Yin : where is War, how is he, why he not here is he still unconscious?

Boss: calm down first think about yourself.

Yin tried to get up again and started panicking but his friends pinned him down and called the nurse who gave in sleeping injection. Yin slowly dozed to sleep.

War was on aeroplane as he was leaving the country. When he woke up he found Yin was in coma he stood outside the icu whole night. Yin mother came there and slapped War, but he was so numb that he didn't felt any pain.

Yin mother: I told u to leave him. Now you'll be happy to see him like this it's all because of you. How much do u need huh will you stop when he'll die.

The word die ringed inside war's head as he felt his eyes getting teary he started having panick attack. He struggled to breath. Yin mother saw this but didnt even bother to do anything.

All the memories flooded to war's head and he realized that their will be no Yin to calm him down. He tried to calm himself. And the words of Yin started ringing in his head which made him calm

Yin mother : I'm still telling you to leave him. Why are you being so selfish. Can't you see he got a career and more over future. In which he will want a women to give birth to his children. Will you be able to do that? .....

War mother came in hospital he went near War who was sitting outside icu with iv drip attached to his arm.he had wound on his head and face he looked very damaged from inside as well as outside.He looked life less. She came near War and sat beside him and hugged him. War didn't cried as if all his tears dried up

War mother : I'm really sorry my baby it's all my fault , I was not able to protect you she cried and hugged War.

War can't feel anything he looked to his mother.

War: he inside from 3 days he still didn't woke up.

She cried even more and hugged War.

War mother : everything gonna be fine. He'll be ok.

War was in front of his father as his father was sitting on the couch.

War father: finally got your senses back and crawled back to me.

War looked at his father with nothing but hatred in his eyes.

War father : it's good that you get that faggots guy out of you head and focus on building career.

War blood was boiling up.

War : first of all I didn't came here to listen to your shit and second don't speak a word about Yin. You don't deserve to call out his name from that trash mouth of your.

His father was red with the tone that War used. He got up ans was about to slap him when his hand was stopped by someone. He shifted his gaze towards his hand and saw his wife holding in hand.

War father : what the hell you are doing he looked at his wife with anger.

War mother : don't even try to touch my son with those hands of your. She pushed him away from War.

War father : how dare you to talk to me like that.

War mother : why can't I u can treat me as you please do why I can't.

War father was really pissed off. He grabbed his wife hand but was pushed off but War.

War : stay away from her.

War father chuckled and said
War father : now both son and mother dare to go against me. Fine I see how long you'll survive with me . Leave my house right now.

War mother : even if you don't tell us we will leave you and this house of your.

She took War and left the house and never looked back...

War decided to go USA as he didn't want Yin to suffer anymore because of him . He'll be going for good leaving Yin. Leaving everything. He knew by doing this he'll be killing himself. War's mother decided to divorce his father and moved with War.

War mother : it's going to be fine. I'm always with you. She smiled and held war's hand.
War smiled at his mother and held her arm tightly.

They landed US and War worked his ass off and completed his studies and started making money for himself.  War worked really hard to provide for him and his mother and started doing his own business... A

After Yin woke up he got the news that War left him. He left a note saying he can't do this anymore. It's hard to be in relationship with him and he was really grateful to be him him. The loved that he gave him was something he never hand but told him to take care of himself and move on with his live.

Yin read those word and cried all night. He searched for War everywhere in the country but was no where to be found. It's like he never existed. He didn't gave up till the last...

After searching for months which turned to year. Yin stopped looking for him. He moved on with his life. He told himself this is what War wanted. He never stopped loving War but he stopped hoping for him to come back. There was no news nothing about him. After War left he took Yin soul with him. All he does was work , eat , sleep he became lifeless. Who was just breathing but there was no soul. Yin stopped smiling. He stopped talking. He only speak when needed.
Yin moved on with his life thou it hurt him everyday. He knew time will heal every wound but what will happen to the scar it leave. He hope that one day he'll be happy again.

Yin was in his apartment he stared blankly towards the ceiling.

Yin: it's been almost a year War, how are you do you miss me cause I do a lot. A tear escaped his eyes...

Sometimes people come into your life to teach you something, they really make you a better version of yourself, but they never meant to stay.

Everyone destiny is written people come and go but some leave a big impact on your life.

The End

Thank you for reading. I hope you like my story. Thank you so much for reading my work. I was not sure  to my story will end like this but it did anyway thank you again for investment you time to read my  story. Hope to see you again. Please do vote and comment your thoughts.

Take care❤

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