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In the morning War woke up from a nightmare. He was sweating so bad he got up and when to the kitchen and had a glass of water.

He sat down on couch as he laid his head back on the couch and closed his eyes all the painful memories flashed as his eyes become watery.

He shook hi thought off and went to the bathroom and got ready for the college.

He reached college and meet fluke and nai.

Nai: hi War u look so down today everything good.
Fluke: yah man u look like a panda didn't had sleep last night.
War: I'm fine just need some sleep.
Nai and fluke looked at War with worried look as their friend has been down for a week now.

In the cafeteria fluke, War and nai was having their lunch then Yin and his gang joined them.
Yin sat beside War
Yin: r u okay Yin asked in low voice
War nodded his head as yes.
They had their lunch the table was very lively as everyone was talking but War was quite the whole time which worried Yin.

Yujin: guys let's go the club tonight.
Fluke: yah P I really want to go to one.
Nai: but
Yujin: come on let's go n o but everyone will go tonight and I don't take no for an answer.
Yin looked at War who was not there mentally.
Fluke asked War if he is coming War said he got things to do.

Yujin and fluke then tried to convince War and finally he agreed.

Yujin:  let's meet at 7
They all agreed and left.

At 7 PM War was in his room debating himself where he should go or not suddenly his door was knocked.
He opened the door there was Yin in his causal Clothes looking all handsome.

Yin smiled at war and said were you planning to ditch us.

War: no I was not.
Yin can inside war's room as it was the first time Yin entered war's room . He scanned the whole room it was almost empty.
Yin: u dont have much stuff in here.
War: hmmm
Yin : get ready we are going to be late
War: what do u mean we
Yin: you and me  'we'
War: are u here to get me
Yin : yah
War didn't said anything and got ready .
They reached the bar and meet there friend
Yujin : here she waved at War and Yin
Hmmm why u guys together 😏
War: we live in same condo
Fluke: you never told us that
War: I forgot to tell u
Yujin: ok let it be, let's get wasted tonight

They all tossed and started drinking.
As they were drinking a girl approach War and offer him drink and start flirting with him.

Yin unknowingly clenched his glass.
War on the other hand was very uncomfortable with the girl.
Yin saw this and put his hand on War should and said sorry miss my friend here is not really intrested. He smiled at the lady.

She turn to Yin smile and said if not him then by any chance you are.
She looked at Yin with flirtatious look.

Yin: no I'm not. Said Yin in flat tone
The girl made a face and got away from there.

Yin asked War if he is ok. War nodded there was a suddenly feeling of Warmness in war's heart.

War quickly drank his drink to shake of the feeling.

He continuously drank three glass. He picked up his fourth glass but Yin stopped him and said you are drunk stop drinking.
War looked at Yin and said I'm not in a drunk tone
Yin sigh and said you are stopping drinking now.
War pout his lips
Yin chuckled and put his glass away.

War got up and went to the dance floor with fluke and started dancing. Yin was looking at War as he was awestruck at how adorable War was looking at his drunk self.

Suddenly a man approached War . The man tried to get near War. Yin got up from his seat and when to the dance floor as the man tried to hold War Yin hold his hand and looked at him Angrily.
The man looked at yin and went away from there.

War turned around and saw Yin and smiled at him. Yin's heart skip a beat when he saw War.

War put his hand on yin's should and started dancing. Yin looked at War who's cheeks were turned red as the alcohol show it's effect.

Yin was so mesmerizing by War as he had this sudden urge to kiss me and take him out of there where no one can see him.

War said Yin do u know you are quite handsome.
Yin's cheeks start turning hot. He quickly looked away from War.

War: hey you ears are red r ur ears drunk to he said while laughing .

On the table nai was super drunk and started running around and hugging stranger yujin have to hold her in order to keep her at place ohm and Yin was quite sober then others.

Yujin said she'll drop nai and told ohm to drop fluke as for War Yin was taking him home as the live in same condo.

They all said there goodbye. Yin tried to get War sit inside the cab, after lots of effort we was able to make War sit in the cab.

War has become very loud ang goofy when he got drunk. Yin had a hard time taking War home.

Finally they reached war's room Yin opened the door and place War on the bed.

As Yin got up to go to his room, war grabbed yin's hand and pulled him on the bed .

War : stay he whispered in yin's ear.
Yin heart skip a beat and he looked at War , he was dazed looking at war's face.
He tried to maintain the last piece of sanity left .

Yin tried to closes his eyes but can't sleep as war's hot breath War making Yin very uncomfortable.
Yin tried to go up from bed but war's hand got tighten on yin's waist.

Soon after that Yin drifted to sleep.

Next morning Yin woke up when he felt something heavy on his chest. He opened his eyes abd saw War sleeping peaceful.
It was the first time Yin War sleeping War . As before when Yin wake up War would have already left. But this time it was Yin who was awestruck seeing the little guy . His messy hairy and his skin was glowing under the sun.

Yin wanted the time to stop as felt his Heartbeat becoming faster.

Yin got up and rushed to the bathroom. Yin washed his face with water and tried to calm himself down.

Yin : what's wrong with me.

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