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The trip went well they all returned home. After the trip Yin and war went to their condo together.

Yin : War do you see a movie with me.
War thought for a while and said yes.
The both changed and meet downstairs.

War was looking handsome in his casual wear. He was getting checked out by people.

Yin came down and saw looking all handsome and being checked out by people he got jealous and quickly went to him.

Yin: did u wait for long.
War looked at him smiled and said no .

Then went for the movie and after that they had they lunch together. They were walking around the mall when Yin bump into a girl.

Yin : sorry! Hr looke at the girl and said sami!
War looked at sami and Yin.

Sami : ohh look who is here it's been a while Yin how have u been.

Yin : I'm great it's really hard to see u nowadays.

Sami : do u expect me to be around u after u rejected me.

Yin smiled awkwardly and looked at War.
Sami : just kidding I'm just moving on u know.
Yin : yeah and sorry about that.
Sami : it's fine okay see u around.

Sami went away from there Yin looked at War who was standing there with expression which was hard to read. He asked him what's wrong War just said nothing and walked away.

Yin follow War. War got a call from fluke saying his parents are at his place he meet them when he was having his lunch.

War got really worried as why his parents came there he quickly rushed to his condo leaving Yin dumbfounded there.

War messaged Yin that he had some urgent work and will call him later.

War reached his condo he saw his parents waiting for him inside. He greeted his parents.

His father spoke up and said where have he been. He said he was at the mall with his friends. His father got anger and said why he's wasting his time on useless things rather than making it productive.
He started yelling at war. This wasn't new for War his father as always been like this he just looked down trying hard to calm himself.

After a while his father left. War's mother came to War and apologize for his father's behavior.

He gave a faint smile to his mother and told her he's ok. His mother gave him hug and told him to enjoy himself and she'll try to make his father not come to him again.

After war's parents left he laid on his bed staring at the ceiling. Suddenly Yin came in his mind. He thought how can he let himself be with Yin how can he happy like that . He got really sacred what if his father known about it. Thinking about these his tear fell down his cheeks he covered his eyes and silently cried and drifted to sleep.

Yin came back to his condo he looked at his phone waiting for his message as he left in a hurry Yin got really worried.

Should I call him, will he be asleep now.

War woke up with brighter light of the morning he woke up and got ready for college he came down and saw yon waiting for him.

Yin smiled and waved to War .
Yin : did u had ur breakfast.
War said no Yin gave him a bag of hot dumplings which he brought for War.
War looked at Yin, he didn't asked about yesterday which War was thankful for cause he doesn't want to talk about it.

The went to the college together, in the way Yin tried to make war's mood lighter which seems to work as War was back to his normal self.

At college they went to there claases on the way to his class War got a message for Yin.

Don't think to much you know u can always share things which me 😘

Seeing the message a smile spread across his face and he went to his class.

After class War and his friends went to cafeteria. Soon Yin and his friends joined them. Yin sat beside War and lightly taped his thigh.

Yins friends start teasing Yin as they got to know that he rejected sami and told her he like someone.

War sat their quietly and Yin as being teased by his friends.

This friend asked Yin who is that girl for which Yin had rejected the college diva.

Yin stayed quite . But War beside him start to overthink as Yin had always dated girls and he confessed him. What if he is just Confused, what if he just wants to try, what if....

All the what if came to an end when he felt Yin hold his hand under the table. It was like yin knew what War was thinking. War's thoughts stopped. He looked at Yin and felt even if it's going to hurt, even if it won't work out he wanted to have even for a little but he want to feel warmth which Yin has to offer him....

Yin and War were going back to their condo when Yin asked him to go somwhere with him.

Yin took War to place where they can see the sunset. It was very beautiful.
Yin : I just want u see this. He smiled looking at the sunset.

War looked at Yin and he knew it was the moment.
War : phi Yin
Yin heart skip a beat when War called him phi. He looked at War.

War : I want to ask u something. Yin nodded and War Continued.

I'm not sure what I'm feeling right now but whenever I'm with u I feel warm inside here ( he pointed at his heart) I know it's hard for me to open up to u and it's might be possible that I'll be rude to u ( he smiled) but I wanna try it phi. I wanna be with u. I want to be your boyfriend.

Yin was shocked he smiled at War as his eyes were being burly due to tear that were fighting to flow out. He hugged War. And said I promised u War I'll always try to make you happy and feel warm.

War broke the hug and said I want you to promise one more thing .(Yin nodded) I want u to be honest with me even when u stop feeling for me and wanted to end this please let me know . He smiled at Yin painful.

Yin: that's never gonna happen. I'm gonna marry u war. Not now but some day. He hugged War tightly.

War chuckled and said how can u be so sure phi. Yin pull war's cheek and said u just ask me to be your boyfriend and talking about leaving you that not happening War Wanarat.

Yin let of his cheek. War rubbed his cheek and said that hurt . Yin said then never talk about leaving you.

Yin touched his red cheek and War pouted.
Yin : War...
War : what
Yin : can i kiss u..
Wars looked at Yin without blinking as his cheeks got red but this time because he got shy. He gave a small nod..
Yin closed the distance between their lips and put his on War.

The kiss was gentle and sweet nobody fought for any dominance. It was very calm.. The kiss felt so great under the orange sky. They both closed their eyes and just felt love for each other in that kiss......

Thank you for reading.

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