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War was with his friends as they were working on the assignment. Suddenly his phone ring up with an unknown number. War picked the phone and a lady answer the call saying she need to meet him at the cafe near his campus at 3:00 . War didn't know why but he went to meet the lady.

He reached the cafe 10 min early and was waiting for her. A beautiful lady dressed in very elegant clothes,in here mid 40s came ans side across War.

Lady : I'll not waste you time. I'm Yins mother and I want you to break up with Yin.

War sat there frozen as he did expected her to be yin mother. And she just came to ask to break up with Yin.

War didn't know what he should do .

Yins mother : I know Yin he has always been intrested in girls and he might be just exploring.

War gather up all his courage and spoke.

War : with all your respect. I and phi Yin both love each other and even if he is exploring I'll not break up with him.

Yin mother really got angry.
Yins mother : listen up u kid u just don't know but let me tell we got a image to maintain and can't let my son to act like a gay and being with guys. So you better get off his life.

War didn't know what he should say to yins mother.

War : I really understand your concent but I really love phi Yin and so does he..

Yins mother: okay so u won't understand fine. Just name it I'll pay you anything to breakup with him.

War smiled at the lady and got up.

War : My love is very valuable and can't be compare with money. And I'm really sorry ma'am but I can't break up with him. He bowed his head and went out of the cafe as he knew if he stayed a little longer he would be able to take it.

Yin mother was Funeing with angry. She never saw anyone reject money before. He took her phone and called..

Yins mother : I want every information about a kid call War..

War went straight to his room . He was in shower his hands were shaking and again his thoughts started consuming him. He was so scared what if Yins mother came to Yin and ask her to break up with him. He just don't want that to happen. A tear escaped his eyes he flooped on the floor and put his head on his knees and started sobbing.

Yin came back to war's room after his classes finished. His friends were going to club tonight but he missed War so much so he came back to War .

Yin : War..... War.. ( he heard shower running) are u taking shower come out I brought dinner of us.

He put the dinner on the table and then War came out of the shower with towel wrap around his waist and hugged Yin from behind. Yin smiled as he felt two hands embracing his waist. He turned around to hug War.

His smile turned into frown when he saw war's red eyes.

Yin: what happened War he asked with worried face.
War : nothing he further hugged Yin tightly.
Yin pulled War away and looked into his eyes and asked with serious tone.
Yin : why did you cried.

War didn't want to lie to Yin but he was scared if he knew then he might break up with him when his mother ask him to do so. He just wanted to be with Yin for the time being.

War :  I took a shower and shampoo just got into my eyes.

Yin knew something was not right put he didn't force War as he knew if he doesn't want to tell , he'll not......

Yin was looking at the ceiling he knew something was wrong with War. He turned to look at war who had his back towards Yin. Yin came close to wae and engulfed War in his embrace. War who was worried felt yins handa around his waist. Yin pulled him close, yins touch seems to make War calm. He turned around and faced Yin. He looked on his eyes and thoughts no matter what happens he wanted to be with him for as long as possible.

Yin got up early and went college first as he had morning class . War woke up and found breakfast with a note.

I got u food , I got morning class so I went early see u at college. Love u


A smile spread across his face he had his food and was about to leave his room. When he saw Yins mother waiting for him outside his room.

Yin  mother : won't u let me in.

War welcome her she sat on the couch . War gave her a glass of water. he was not happy to see her as he knew what she'll say.

Yins mother: previously you rejected my offer now I have a new one.....

She was cut of in middle by War.
War : no matter what it is I'll not break up with Yin.

He narrowed her eyes at War.
Yin mother : fine I really don't wanted to play dirty but you leave me no option.
She took out an envelop which have yins and War picture .

War wasn't suprise to see those . But what yins mother said next really took  Turmoil of him.

Yin mother : what if I send those to your father.

War started to feel the fear but he compose himself as he didn't want yins mother to notice it.

Yin mother : I'll give you a week before I send those to your father. Now it's your decision. She got up and left war's room.

After she felt War could feel his legs giving up he flopped on the floor as he started having panick attack he knew it's not gonna turn well if his father knew about their relationship. He took out his phone and called Yin.

Yin was in his class when he got a call from War he picked it up and heard War panicking and sobbing. He got really worried and picked his stuff and ran towards his condo.

He reached war's room and quickly went in to see War on the floor sobbing and grasping for air. He ran toward War and held him in his embrace.

Yin : it's ok War I'm here u are fine.
Yin spoke those word and patted War back till his breath became normal. He tightly held Yin as he was scared if he let go of him he'll disappear. He was more scared if his mother told Yin to break up with him and what of Yin leaves him.

His eyes became teary again and tears flowing from his eyes..

Thanks for reading.
Forgive me for any mistake. Sometimes I let my emotion write so I tend to do a lot of mistake. But I tried to do less mistake.
Please comment your option about my story. ❤

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