more to know

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Next morning War woke up late and rushed to the college as the was running downstairs suddenly he missed one step and was about to fall when someone from the back grabbed his hand and pulled him towards him War closed his eyes and hold the man who pulled him towards him.
War opened his eyes and saw Yin with worried look on his face.
Yin: r u ok
War: yeah thanks
Yin : U should really watch where u r going shorty.
War: hmm
Yin : what's wrong?
War looked at the watch and said shit I'm late. Gotta go.
Yin: come with me I'm going to college i have car.
War: thanks.
Yin: no worry shorty come with me.
War: call me War will u.
Yin: yah yah I will. He winked at War and went to parking and got his car.
War sat in the car.
War spoke first and asked Yin what are you doing in my condo.
Yin: I also live here.
War: oh
Yin : you should be grateful that I live here.
War: why?
Yin: how will be there to save u like that if that was not me .
War rolled his eyes and looked out of the window.
Yin looked at War don't know for some reason Yin has this urge to know about the kid that sat beside him.
There was some unexplainable reason that pull Yin towards this kid and there was lot of hidden emotions behind that smile of that kid which he wanna know about.
Rest of the ride was quite but not uncomfortable. They reached the college and War thanked him for dropping him.
Yin smiled at him and War went out of the car and went to his class.
Fluke: dude u r late.
War: I know
Nai: don't worry the professor is also late.
War: thank god he's late too.
The professor entered the class and gave the lecture.
After class they went to the cafe as War didn't had his breakfast .
Nai  brought some brownies as she baked for them fluke and War ate the brownies .
War: oh didn't knew you cook to they are good.
Fluke: yah the are quite good and what is in that box.
Nai: hold the box and said it's for P yujin as a thanks gift for helping me she said shyly.
Fluke: hmmm so we got some yujin fan huh.
Nai jokingly slapped fluke very hard and said not it's not like that.
Fluke rubbed his back and War laughed at their cute interaction.
War didn't know that someone from War was observing him for a long time.
Fluke: he War what club are u planning to join.
War: don't know not decided yet what about you both.
Nai: I'm thinking of joining dance club they have their auditions on Friday.
Fluke: I'm thinking of joining sleeping club is there any.
War : yah they aldo have eating club what don't you join that satt.
Fluke: really then I should join that one  free food 😋
Nai: laughed and said joke aside what club you are planning to join.
Fluke: I'm thinking of joining art club War why don't you join music club.
Nai: yah you should join music club u dont even need to give auditions as your performance was more the enough .
War: yah I think I should join music club.
Fluke : so it's settled let's fill the clubs forms and need at cafe near the cllge at 4 PM as there last minor class finish at 3:30pm.
War: okay let's meet at the cafe then .
They all went to the clubs and filled their forms application.

War went to the music room and saw a piano and there was no one in the room he sat and start playing the piano.
As he was playing the piano his tears start falling of his cheeks.
He stoped playing when he heard someone footsteps and wiped his tears off.
The man enter the room and said why did you stoped playing.
War : sorry P ,I was just here to fill the application form and
War was cut in the middle of his sentence.
Oh relax I'm just asking btw I'm sid .
President of music club.
War: hi P I'm War .
Sid : nice that you choose to join music club. You are really talented.
War: thanks P . War got shy.
Sid: okay I gotta go see you around nong War.
War: sure P .
War went out of the music room. As he went out he collided with Yin again.
Yin: u really don't see where u r going right shorty. Oh sorry War.
War: sorry
Yin got surprise
Yin: I'm hearing things u said sorry r u ok.
Yin checked War forehead with his hands .  War yanked his hand and saw his with irritated look.
War: get of my way and let me go.
Yin: seems like you r okay.
War: get off my way War pushed Yin aside and got of the side.
War went out of the cllge and went to meet his friends and after their meeting he went to his condo.

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