make love 🔞🔞

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War closed his eyes when Yin parted his lips. He wanted more , he was craving for his touch.

Yin took his hands and placed at wars cheek. He was dazed in war's eyes. He wanted to wait till War. But now he can't control himself anymore. They had done it before but that time War was drunk .
But this time it's different both were sober and both wanted it.

Yin cared war's cheek and tried to gather his thoughts. But war was losing it he was craving for more and Yin was taking so much of time. He took matter in his hand. He got up and turned Yin around now he was on top of Yin . He kissed Yin but this time hard their was love, passion and lust in that kiss.

Yin held war's waist and slowly his hand found its way under his shirt. Yin was touching war's naked back as they were kissing...

Yin got up and removed his shirt and then war's. They both didn't broke the kiss. Yin turned War around and start kissing his neck and slowly moved down to his nipples. Yin licked his nipples. War arched his back due fo the pleasure he was feeling. Yin started sucking his nipples. And then move down he reached his shorts and looked at War as he was asking for permission and War nodded ..
Yin quickly throw his shorts ....
He held War length and started stroking it. His hand because faster. War had become a mess under Yin he was controlling his moans with his hand. Yin removed his hand and said don't just let it out.

Yin started stroking war's dick faster and faster. War was feeling like he was near and told Yin be is going to cum. He started moving his hand faster and faster till War came in his hands. He got up to clean his hand but War pulled him over him and asked I can help u too War got shy and reach yins his pants and slit his hands under his pants and start touching his length. Yins body start feeling warm under war's touch. War removed yins pants and start jerking his dick harder and harder till Yin came on his hand..

They both grasped for their breath. They laid on the bed and looked at each other breathing heavily.

Yin looked in wars and asked can i just for today have u fully.

War got nodded and got shy. That's it Yin jumped over War and started kissing him hungry he took the lube and spread over their dicks and some on war's entrance. He started stroking both their dick war was moaning like crazy...
War and Yin came together.

War was recovering from his orgasms when Yin started putting his fingers in war's hole. War arched his back and grabbed the bed sheet with his hands as he felt pain. He cried in pain tears started flowing war's eyes, Yin saw his tears and kissed him to distract him from the pain. Soon the pain turned in pleasure. Yin put another finger inside and tried to loose him.

Then after some time he took hos fingers out and slowly put his hard dick inside War. As he entered War he twitched due  to the pain he felt because of war's tight hole.

He didn't moved and let War adjust. Then he slowly started thrusting inside War. And soon moan filled the room only the sound of thrusting and moans were heard in the room.

Yin slowly starting increase the speed of his thrusting and start hitting war's pleasure point. War had become a moaning mess due to pleasure he was feeling.

Yin : War u just feel so amazing.
War : aaahhhhh phiiiiiii be faster

Yin increased his speed.

Yin : I'm close War
War : phiiiiiiii yiiiinn fasterrrr.....
That really turned on Yin and he he thrusted more and more and they came together...
The both started breathing heavily...
War : phiii
That really turned Yin on again he turned War on his stomach which earned a whine from War but soon it was converted into moans as Yin placed his dick and started thrusting this time there was no gentleness . He was thrusting hard and deep both of them moaning like crazy.
War : phiii yiinnn faster fasterrr.
Yin : aaaaahhhh waaaaarrrr u feel so great.

After a long hard and deep thrusting the both came again....

Yin laid on war's back and War breathing heavily...

Yin : I love you War
War : phii I love you to

Yin kissed war's back and soon a soft snores where heard under Yin.
Yin smiled and kissed War forehead. He went to the bathroom and cleaned himself and brought water and wipes and cleaned War ..

Then he changed the bedsheet and put blanket on War and laid beside War. He put his hand on war's torso kissed his cheeks.

Yin: I love you War , what are u doing to me .

He slowly drifted to sleep...

Thank you for reading.
This was the hardest chapter to write so far I really had a hard time writing mature content. Hope I could satisfy you guys. Please do leave comments so I can improve myself.

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