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Next day there were some activities arranged for the fresher and after that everyone can enjoy and go anywhere in the market. Have to be back at 8 as there was party at night .

The activities finished at 1 PM and everyone then went out to explore the market.

War, fluke and nai decide to rest and them will go out at 3 PM.

War and fluke came to there room and laid on the bed as they were very tried.

Fluke asked War if he wanted to eat anything as he was going out to get some food.

War said no and said he'll sleep for sometime and wake him up when they'll go out.

Fluke went out and War laid on the bed and after sometime he fell asleep.

War woke up by the sound of knock on door. He got up and opened the door.

He saw sid on the door. Sid asked if he could get in, War let him in .

Sid : I just want to ask you will u got to market with me.

War : hmm phi I already have plans.

Sid felt I little disappointed but still smiled. He had a drink in his hand which he bought for War . He offered that to War and he took and said thanks.

Sid then went out of War room. As ge went out Yin saw him coming out of war's room. He was about to go there when some junior called him and asked him some help.

War had the drink that sid gave him.
After something his throat become itchy and his whole body itchy.

He quickly checked the drink and saw it had pepper in it.

He curse himself for not checking the drink.

Fluke went to his room and saw turning red as he Scrached his neck. He quickly came near War and asked did he had pepper as he knew War is allergic to pepper.

He quickly went out of his room to search of help.

He saw Yin coming to their room and rushed toward him. He was catching his breath and said phi ... Help... War.... In the room.

Yin got really worried as he hear war's name he rushed to his room and saw War scratching himself very bad and rushes were everywhere in his body. He asked fluke

Yin : what happened to him
Fluke : he is allergic to pepper.

War was really in a bad condition and quickly took War to first aid. The doctor gave him medicine and told him to rest. War was laying on the bed drip attached to his hand. He looked at fluke and said don't worry I'm alive.

Fluke : why can't u check things before having them. (He remember once at school War had a very bad allergic reaction he was admitted to icu for 2 days. ) you got me worried asshole.

War smiled at his friends and said he's fine and he should go with nai to the market as he was very excited and wanted to go .

But fluke said he didn't want to go anymore and will be with him.

War asked him to go and no tell nai about this as he didn't want to worry her.  After lots of convincing fluke agreed to go when Yin told him he'll take care of War.

Fluke went out . War closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Yin came close to him and sat at the chair near the table.

Yin was very disappointed and sad as he felt that we should have taken care of War but still was not there when he need him.

War : don't worry I'm fine .

Yin looked at the drip attached to War's hand and said I'm sorry i should have taken good care of you but i got myself busy with other stuff.

War looked at Yin and said it's not your fault and moreover he should be the one saying sorry as because of him he was stuck with him here.

He told Yin that he's fine and he can go out with his friends to as he'll just sleep.

Yin told him that he'll be there and don't want to go anywhere.

Hearing this War felt a warm taking over his heart he felt happy that someone was there to take care of him.

He turned his face away from Yin to hide his smile. Soon the medicine took over him and he drifted to sleep.

When he woke up it was already dark outside he saw gin sleeping on the chair with his head on the conner on the bed.

He sat on the bed and stated at Yin he removed his hair from his face and admired his beautiful face.

Yin slowly opened his eyes War flinched and git back to his seat.

Yin rubbed his eyes and said are u feeling ok do he want to call the doctor.

War : I'm fine but little hungry. War pout, Yin looked at war a sudden urge to kiss was getting active inside Yin.

Yin shook those thought off and asked his if he wanted to go out.

They went out it was already evening the had their food and now was walking on the beach enjoying the sunset.

War broke the silence and said it's beautiful right looking at the sunset.

Yin looked at War and said yeah it is..

War turned his face towards Yin and smiled. Yin heart start beating fast.

Don't do this War it's hard for me to control myself Yin thought to himself.

He both sat near the water with cold wind blows and hint of orange in the sky War said thanks for taking care of me. I really spoiled your trip thou.

Yin : I was more then happy to be there and being with you made my trip more special.

War looked and Yin into his eyes and suddenly ask why do u like me.

This took Yin Off Guard. He smiled at War and said because it's u.

Yin was also not sure when he started liking War but one thing he was sure that he want War to be with him as it made him feel happy.

War also feel safe and relax when Yin is around him. He always feel like he could just be himself around him. He remember the first meeting they had he was super rude .

War : phi..
Yin was shocked as War never called him phi it was first time Yin felt a tingling sensation in his body and looked at War.

You know I am not ready to be in a relationship.

Yin : I know and I told u I'll wait.

War : what if you get tried of waiting.
Yin smiled and said I won't.

There was something in those word that made War to believe it he looked at Yin and he only saw love and patience in yins eyes.

Yin touched war's cheek looked at his lips and asked can I.

War didn't said anything and looked at Yin was got embarrassed and removed his hand and laughed awkwardly and looked away he curses himself for saying it loud when he told War that he'll wait.

War took his hand and placed on yins chin and turned him. He looked at Yin yes and said u can.

Yin was shock as his heart was dancing and was about to get out of his chest. then ar closed the gap between them and their lips touched each other.

They both closed their eyes and started exploring each other's mouth . Their War sweetness, passion and moreover love in those kisses.

The both seperate as the grasp for air and where breathing heavily.

They looked at each other with love in their eyes.

War looked at Yin and said please wait for me phi.

Yin was surprised with war's words. He smiled and nodded his head and said I'll wait but dont take to long then kissed war's nose.

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