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War was in the cafeteria with fluke and nai.

Fluke :  why are u so off from some days War is everything alright.

Nai: yeah, if there is something you want our help so tell us.

War : no I'm fine and smiled at them

Nai : ok i want to tell you guys something there is a 3 days trip of the fresher student that happens every year and this time they are going to Phuket.

Fluke : yah are u guys going I heard it's a lots of fun let's go everyone.

War : I'll think about it .

Fluke : u dont need to think we are going.

After a lot of convincing War agreed and they all gave their names for trip.

Yin was in the class as he was lost in his thoughts suddenly he hear about War name that got his attention as some student were talking about him

Student 1: have u seen that cute fresher War. I'm interested in him should I approch him.

Student 2 : that guy is guy but a very quite if not for his look he would be like a Invisible man.

Student 3: but he sings so good and not to mention phi sid he is simping over him.

Student 1 : what phi sid! I don't have any chance then 😔

Student 2: u never had anyway😆

Student 3 : I heard phi sid is incharge of the trip and War and his friends are also going . We should go to might see some couple moment.

He all talked about this, but unknown to them Yin was boiling with anger. He didn't want anyone near War who seems to be interested in him.

He got up from his seat and when to volunteer for the trip.

The trip day..

All the fresher student gather at front of the bus.

Sid : welcome fresher we'll be leaving in 10 min keep your stuff in the bus and we will be in charge for the trip if anyone had any problem please come to one of us. Let's enjoy the trip and be safe.

After the welcome fresher sat in the bus.

Fluke and nai were sitting together. War was alone.

Sid came inside the bus and asked War if he can sit with him. War said yes .

Yin entered the bus he saw War and sid together chatting with each other. He got really jealous. But quietly sat behind War and sid .

Sid : I was looking forward for this trip.

War : me too.

Sid took some snacks from his bag and offer to War which War took.

The journey was 4 hours long after 2 hours they stopped at a gas station for a break. Sid got down the bus and so does everyone.

Now Yin and War was on the bus. Yin got up and sat beside War.

War was sleeping he supported his head on the window.

Yin pushed his hair that were on his face.
He smiled at war then suddenly War woke up and saw Yin.

He looked around and asked of they reached then Yin told him that it's break and everyone has got down.

War quickly got up and was about to leave when Yin grabbed his hand

Yin : War please forgive me and don't avoid me.

War Clenched his hand and looked in yins eyes he saw sorrow and pain. He took a deep breath and said I have forgiven you . He released his hand from yin grip and got out of the bus.

Everyone got on the bus War came back and saw Yin at his seat smiling at him.

He sigh and went to next seat but Yin pulled him and made him sit next to him

War : what are you doing.
Yin : sit with me please his showed his puppy eyes.

War was getting weak he didn't know how to deal with Yin as he seems to shake the wall that War had built.

The trip when smooth with Yin being so loud.

The reached the resort every two student  were sharing one room.

Fluke and War shared on room. Yin and ohm shared the one.

At night the fresher gathered near the beach as their was BBQ and music everyone was enjoying themselves.

War was sitting alone. Sid came to War with drinks. The started chatting the atmosphere seems to become lively.

Yin was busy dealing with junior who got really drunk and droped them to their room .

Yin came back and start searching for War.

Sid alone left to deal with some work.

War was sitting alone he was a little drunk as his eyes were little shut and his cheek had a little color of pink and his hairs were blowing by the wind he looked so perfect under the dim moon light.

Yin was mesmerized by War he was falling more and more for that beautiful human.

Yin came near War and sat near him.

Yin : why are u here alone.

War : I just want to be alone.

Yin : u really like being by yourself all the time dont be this much alone. It's quite lonely to be alone sometimes.

War looked at Yin as Yin was looking at the beach. War heart felt warm when he is with Yin.

War really don't like being alone as Yin said it get lonely sometimes.
But beings with Yin War really wanted the time to stop.

Yin : don't look at me like that I might not able to control myself.
Yin looked at War and said in low tone can I kiss u.

War quickly turned around as his cheeks started burning.

He got up and walked away towards the beach.

Yin followed him and said I was joking don't be angry na na he showed his puppy eyes.

He held War hand and stoped him he looked at war's eyes and said please War accept my feelings I really like you a lot.

War heart started running like crazy. He looked down and said I'm not ready to accept it I'm sorry.

Yin heart felt a pang of pain as War rejected him but he smiled at War and said I'll wait, till u get ready but just don't push me away.

He hugged War and was not expecting War to hug him back but he did which made Yin very happy.

Though he got rejected but this thing that happened eased a little of his pain and me promised himself that he'll wait for War...

Thank you for reading.
Forgive me for my grammar mistaken 🙏

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