After care

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Yin woke up and saw war sleeping beside him. He smiled and touched his cheeks. War was feeling warmer than usually Yin checked his forehead it was hot. War was having a fever. Yin quickly went inside the bathroom and came with water and wet towel. He wiped War and put shirt on him..

He went to the kitchen and prepare light food for War. He came back and sat on the conner on the bed. He put the food aside and lightly wake War up.

War whined Yin made him sit and feed him food and medical. He wiped War lips and made him sleep ad covered him with blanket.

He sat on the bed and held War hand and kissed him .

Yin : I'm really sorry War. I must have overdone it yesterday.

The whole say Yin took care of War. War woke up in the afternoon and found Yin sleeping next to him he had his hands wrap around War. War removed his hand as he need to use the restroom. He got up and flopped on the floor as his whole body was aching very bad. Yin woke up with the sound. And panicked to see War on the floor he quickly got up and got near to War .
Yin : are u okay
War : my whole body is paining very bad he closed his eyes as he felt the pain.

Yin felt very guilty and started blaming himself for war's condition. He made War sit on the bed and asked of he wants anything.

War told him he want to use the restroom. Yin picked war in bridal style and carried him to the restroom.

The both sat on the couch with War lying on yins lap. War was feeling a lot better.

Yin : I'm sorry War .
War : for what
Yin :  because of me you r in so much of pain. He sounded sad and guilty.

War moved his head and kissed yins lips and and said it's not your fault. It was my first time so my body was not ready enough I guess.

Yins eyes got wide as he heard War say it was his first time. He was happy and sad at the same time. Happy because he was the first to do it with War and sad because of him he was in a lot of pain.

War : don't think to much I also wanted it so bad and it's not your fault.

Yin : but still I should have........

His words remain unsaid as War joined his lips with War and started kissing him. It's made Yin shock and turned on. He pushed War away  breathing heavenly he looked in his eyes and said War I don't want to hurt you again. Please dont seduce me....

War : I didn't kissed you to stop he side with a slay smile.

Yin gently kissed war's lips and whispered in his ear recover soon then I'll made u feel heaven. War lightly punched yins as his cheeks turned red.
Yin chuckled as he saw War getting all shy.

Yin: you look cute when u are shy he kissed war's cheek which became more red. The rest of the day they both spend cuddles and Yin pampering War.

In the evening yin was in the kitchen preparing dinner for war and himself.
War came in the kitchen and wraped his arms around yin and hugged him. Yin smile and switch off the gas and turned around and hugged war and asked him to sit on the table.

Yin set thd dinner on the table and they eat their food and both went to bed.

While lying next to asleep yin, war was looking at the dark ceiling. He felt this happy after a long time. He was getting more and more sacred tht what if these happiness are short lived , what if it's gonna hurt him later, what if he's being to much dependent on yin for his happiness.

All his thoughts stoped when yin hugged him and pulled him close .
Yin: sleep

War looked at yin whose eyes were closed but his hand around his waist gave him warmness that he never got.

He thought even if it's gonna hurt later let me be happy now. He warped his arms around yin and hugged him tighty and drifted to sleep.

Next morning war woke up and found yin was not next to him. He got up from bed and went out. He saw yin cooking in the kitchen. He was dressed up . Yin saw war and came near him and hugged him.

Yin : good morning are u feeling good now.
War : are u going to college.
Yin : I don't want to he pout but I have morning class.
War chuckled at his big baby.

They sat to have their breakfast. And Yin got up and went to war and kissed him goodbye and went out. War smiled at Yin's behavior it felt like married couple.

War felt really happy but he was unaware of the upcoming storm......

Thank you for reading. I'm trying my best to make this novel interesting. Hope u guys like it.

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