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After having a handful of week with their relationship being the hot topic in the campus . Finally things started to settle down people were happy for them ans some was heartbroken as two hot guys were taken.

Yin and War were having dinner at yins room. They are basically inseparable and spend every night either at Yin Or War room.

Yin got a call from his grandma that she'll be waiting for him on Saturday as he promised them to come.

War and Yin were laying on the bed. Yin was ruffling war's hair while War was scrolling his phone.

Yin: War
War : hmmm
Yin : tomorrow will u come with me to meet my grandparents.
War stopped scrolling and looked at yins eyes.
War : will it be okay. He asked Hesitatingly.
Yin smiled and said they'll be happy to meet you.

War was sitting on the Passanger seat he didn't know how he end up in front of Yins grandparents house.

Yin held war's hand and smiled it's gonna be fine.

They entered the house and Yins grandma welcome Yin with warm hug and she saw War and smiled.

Grandma : Yin who was he, you never bring anyone before. I thought you'll bring you girlfriend when you told me that you'll bring someone with you.

War got nervous and greeted Yins grandma. She smiled and hugged War.

Grandma: it's really nice to see you son. What's your name.
War : my name is War maam.
Grandma: don't call me maam I'm your grandma.
She took both on them to the dining table as she have prepared lunch for them.

Yin: ohhoo grandma you prepared for the whole city.
Grandma slapped Yin shoulder and said you brat don't come home and look you got so skinny now eat. Yin rubbed his shoulder and smiled and sat on the chair.
Yin : grandma where is grandpa
Grandma: he is gone out and will come soon you start eating.
She served Yin his favorite dish and served War .

Grandma: you have such a beautiful face so but you are also very skinny. Eat a lot ok. She smiled and feed War.

War felt so warm as he was never treated like that his parents were always busy with work and his grandparents passed away when he was young.

Yin: grandma it too much I can't finish that much . He said with stuffed mouth as his grandma was putting more food on his plate.

Grandma: you can finish it, look at War he being such a good son and eating so well and you just run to mouth to speak a lot now eat.

Yin shaked his head as there was no use .

After they had a very big meat both Yin and War was so stuffed. And grandma was very pleased after making them eat a lot.
They were sitting on the couch. When yins grandpa came.

Grandpa: so finally you remember your grandparents are alive huh!
Yin heard his grandpa and got to his and hugged him tightly.

Grandpa patted his back and asked him how have he been. Yin introduce him to War . The rest of the evening they had a nice chat War also felt very lively as he never knew how it really meant and feel to have a happy family.

The dinner table everyone was having dinner.

Yin : grandma, grandpa I got something to tell you.

They all stopped eating and looked at Yin . War really got very nervous Yin held war's hand and smiled at him.

Grandpa: what it is son.

Grandma: did you did something,  did you fight with someone.

Yin: no no grandma calm down I just want to tell you that. I'm dating

Grandma : oh it's a good thing next time bring you girlfriend home. He laughed.

Yin took a deep breath, War hands very getting cold due to Nervousness.

Yin : I am dating this person next to me.
War heart beat very fast. He looked down as he can feel Yins grandparents looking at him. Thou he told himself he gonna be ok and take it but at that time he wanted to run away.

Yin grandparents were silent for sometime. And then Yins grandma hot up and went near to Yin. Yin was ready for getting an outburst.

His grandma started slapping Yin shoulder and said you brat you should have told me before. I would have treated him more nicely. Yin tried to stop his grandma.

Yin rubbed his shoulder and cheek which turned red with his grandma beating.

Grandpa : so you are dating this brat right.

War nodded and Yin pout his lips .

Grandma : dear you must really have a hard time dealing with this brat he held war's hand.

War : no grandma he has always been nice to be.
Grandma : don't worry if he ever irritate you call me ok I'll teach him a lesson.

Grandpa: be nice to each other ok.

War and Yin nodded.
Yin: I'm always nice you guys don't see it he said with pout.

Yin grandma held his ears and said yah that's why I have to call you to be home brat.

Yin rubbed his ear and said ouch grandma you are hurting he so much. He faked cry.

After a very warm dinner Yin and War bit there goodbye.
Yins grandma hugged Yin and said take care of yourself ok and eat well and sometime come over for dinner.

Yin and War said there goodbye and when to there condo.

Yin held War hand and smiled and said
Told you everything gonna be ok.
War smiled at Yin and nodded. He was really grateful that Yins grandparents accepted their relationship.

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