3 years

171 12 3

( I kinda felt bad for giving them a sad ending so I decided to write more. Initial I was planning to have it tragic but I can't sleep knowing they won't be together. At least I should let them have a good a good ending 💜)

It's been 3 years since War left Thailand. The initial years were very hard for War but ke cope up with everything with the help of his mother and was able to build a business of his own. He was doing well in his career but he always felt empty there was a huge void inside his heart which just grew everyday as he longed for Yin. But he knew he shouldn't held him as he lost the right.He keep himself updated with yins life. He knew how he's doing and how successful he became he's all over the news.

War finished his meeting with inverters as he planned to build up his new branch in Thailand. He looked up in the sky.

War: it's been 3 years , I guess you must hsve forgotten me he smiled painfully.

War reached Thailand with his mother. His friends fluke came to pick him up.

Fluke : how have to been dude. He hugged him.

War: I'm good he smiled at his friend.

They reached the the hotel and rested. The next day War went to pattaya to see his new branch. The finished of with his work and went to a cafe ho have his lunch. He entered the cafe at the same time Yin existed the cafe. War tuned around but saw no one. He had this weird feeling in his heart. As if his heart can feel the presence of Yin.

Yin went out of the cafe after having the blind date his mother forced him to attend. He called his assistance and asked him to get the car. The drove of from there.

Yin was really frustrated as his mother force him to get married. How can hr get married to someone else. Even though War was not with him anymore . But he can't seem to love anyone anymore.

He got a call from an unknown number.

Caller: hello is it Mr Yin, I'm speaking from msj cafe. I just wanted to inform you that you left your wallet here.
Will you be able to get it or u can send us the address we can send it to you.

Yin checked for his wallet he indeed left it. He asked them to keep it as he'll be coming back to get it.

Yin went back to the cafe and got his wallet. He turned around to go out when he saw War getting out of the cafe. His eyes got wide with shock. He rushed towards the exist but as he went out he saw War getting into the car and went away .

Yin : was it really him. He catched his breath. I'll get you this time.

He took out his phone and called someone.

Yin: I want go get information about the car plate no 2388 .

Yin was feeling so much of emotions he saw War after 3 years. He wanted to be near him he wanted to touch him. Hr missed him so much.

War was in the bar drinking with his friends as the celebrate the opening of there new branch.

Fluke : so are u planning to stay here or go back.

War : I'll be staying for a good while. Let's just get wasted tonight.

They all started drinking War as feeling like someone was staring at him. He had thess feeling since he enterd the bar. A tall dusky skin handsome guy approached War and offered him drink. War took the drink and thanked him. He sat beside War and they started talking.

Far from there table Yin clenched his fist as he saw a guy flirting with War. The all got supper drunk. War was being support by the tall guy as he helped him.

He went outside all his friends left. Leaving him which the tall guy as he was quite sober. He tried to pull War in the cab but drunk War was just to much to handle he was about to push War inside the cab when a pair of hand pull War by his waist towards himself.

The man frowned and asked him who is he.

Yin: I'm his boyfriend and I'll take care of him. The guy got pissed off and left.

Yin made War sit on his Passanger seat as he passed out. They reached Yins room. He took War to his bed and made him lay down on his bed. He sat on the conner. He turned his gaze to sleeping War he touched his cheek slowly.

Yin : is it really you, War

He touched his cheeks he seems to be a little thinner than before. Tears started flowing yins eyes. There were many emotions sad, anger, longing and more over disappointment. He went to the bathroom and got water and wet towel . He took off war's shirt and cleaned him, he coverd him with blanket and took a shower and came back to lay beside War.

He missed this feeling, he missed war he missed his smell ..

He pulled War towards him and tighly hugged him.

Yin: This time i won't let you go. Then he drifted to sleep. After a really long time we had a night without any nightmare.

Next War War woke up as his head was paining a lot he felt a hand across his waist. His eyes got wide due to shock. He quickly got off the bed and collected his clothers. He was cursing himself for drinking so much. He was about to get out of room when a voice stopped him.

Yin: where do u think you are going he said in a deep voice.

War stopped his heart was beating so fast. By hearing the voice he knew exactly who he was, he was scared, to face him. He knew Yin would probably hate him. But he was not ready to face it.

Yin quickly got up from bed and rushed towards War and held his hand and turned him. He saw War has closed his eyes he can feel him tembling. Yin was anger as he saw War leaving but now his anger was replaced by worry. He hugged War.

War opened his eyes as he was not expecting it.

Yin: I will not let you go this time you'll be mine.

Tears started flowing war's eyes he missed Yin so much his hug bring back the long lost soul of war.

He was happy, he wanted the time to stop. This time he was ready to face the world. This time he fell like he should be a little selfish. He wanted Yin, he needed him.

War hugged Yin back and said.

War: This time i won't run..

The End
Thankyou so much for reading. I really hope you like this ending. Please do comment and vote.

And a special thanks to people who really took time and read my story.
See u next time. For now take care ❤

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