Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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Unknown Room
??? POV

All my life. I couldn't remember much of a damn thing. The only things I know, were just blatant statements and the jobs I was told to get done.

But hey...Who could remember everything now and then? Right?

All I am right now, was just some boy who just fell to the ground, getting beat the crap out of.

???: WOOO YEAH!!

???: Hit 'em! HIT 'EM!!!

Punches. Kicks. Beatings. All my life, I was just some fighter to bet against.

After all, the crowd needed someone, something to bet their money against.

???: Kill him...KILL HIM!!!


The place I'm in...a secret fight club. Where men alike could bet their life savings away and lose it all. Hell...even politicians come to watch this shit.

Such corrupt clowns, betting money they shouldn't be spending on for bets. It's people like them who should die here in this worthless excuse of a ring.

Not like I can say much either, for someone who's getting their ass handled right here in the center of it. While some fat oversized clown beats and stomps on my back. Nothing more than a constant and endless beating.


???: Rip his fucking head off!

That fat guy was just some fighter. He was just some prick who committed a few crimes and got away with a few. Not like he would ever understand. But I only slightly feel bad for him, performing in a fight club led by a yakuza, a crowd that's just bunch of low life strangers taking bets with money they could use the help make their lives better.

He was only some moron that only is good at one thing.

Underestimating me.

He turned his back to celebrate as if he won some tournament that never existed. I looked up and just swiftly took advantage of my opportunity.

I kicked him hard in his nuts. Not even a sense of holding back. When you're in a fight, holding back had always been the one thing I don't do. Not once, not ever.

He screamed in pure agonistic pain. He grabbed his balls and fell to his knees. His bald head looking up at the lights, I kicked him in the back of the head and he fell down on the filthy, dirty, hard cemented ground.

I got on top of him, and I ran punch after punch after punch. In a way, I was giving back to the community. Feed what you serve, a vicious beating. Serves that fat incompetent loser right.

Punch. Kick. Bruising and the breaking on ribs.

I stood up and looked down at the filthy mess I made. That fat tub of shit was a bloody and foamy mess. I guess I kicked his nuts so hard he started to spew white foam from his mouth. Blood was everywhere. He looked to be in the purest form of pain.

I heard the official deem me the winner, and all I could hear now, were the screams of agony of the men and people who lost everything just cause of a stupid bet. I bet some of those losers started to ball their garbage eyes out like a bunch of babies.

???: AWW!!! DAMNIT!

???: No...NOOOOOOO!!!!!

???: MY CAR!!!


???: I could've used that money to pay for my daughter's tuition....NOW IT'S ALL GONE...!! HOW CAN I EVEN FACE HER NOW...?! WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?!?!

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