Act 1: The Start Of A Travel

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3rd person POV

"And nobody knows when it ends..."

A snowpeas with long stripped hair, light brown bulk and red eyes murmured to herself. She stared at the text of the book in wonder.

The book she was reading was the origin of the outbreak. She doesn't remember much of her and her siblings origin. They only remember that they found a old house and sheltered there for years.

She sigh and watched the fan. It was still working since the blades were spinning and revealing some air. Blowing softly her hair.

" sucks for the outbreak to get worse." She thought.

She stared on the book in the desk for a moment before closing it. She heard someone approaching to her room. Turning around, a firepeashooter was standing there. Her yellow eyes glimmered like her fire, her dark to light red hair and strange looking tuft blowed by the fan's wind.

"Hey, Aster" She greeted.

"Hey Coral" Aster greeted back "where's Noah?"

"He went out to see if there's some food" Coral replied.

"Oh..." Aster thought for a moment before asking "don't you find all of this so boring and lonely? I mean...we didn't see anyone else know, zombies"

Coral blinked a few time before she replied "yeah, I understand, but think about it, pretty much everything is free, no rules, no punishments for our crimes, and best of all? We can put our weapons and skills in use!" Coral tried to light up the mood.

"You have a point but, don't you know when we need to use our school knowledge in situations?"

"Probably" Coral admitted "but I don't think school knowledge will work on zombies, like, how it falls? I think it's obvious"

Aster slowly blinked "you're probably right...I'm just...worried." She looked down at the wooden floor.

Coral walked closer and placed her hand on her green and cyan back "I understand sister, I am worried too, but everything will get better, I'll assure you" She smiled.

Aster couldn't help but smile "...thanks Coral"

"Anytime, wanna do something while Noah comes back?"

"Like what?"

"Well, we can train meanwhile, nobody knows when we need to fight again, we need to stay strong"

"True" Aster stood up "are we using our weapons or..."

"Let's do our usual human fighting skills, punch, kick, stuff like that"

"Alright then, do your worst!"

Coral grinned and got into her fighting position. Aster did the same while looking at Coral. In one blink Coral was now standing infront of her and caught her off guard, kicking her leg and tripping her to the floor. Aster yelped and rolled aside and stood up behind Coral. Aster tried to punch her but Coral dodged it and attempt to punch her but Aster blocked it. Coral grabbed Aster and shoved her to the floor, before she could stand up, Coral grabbed her again and threw her to the wall.

"AGH!" Aster groaned as she felt her back pained and fell to the floor after her back and the wall made contact.

Coral held Aster still in the wall, Aster's agony turned into a grin. She then lifted her legs and extended it, sending Coral flying. Aster then jumped into the fan that was attached to the roof and began to spin around. Coral looked surprised but couldn't react in time. Aster kicked her face and send Coral to the floor, Aster got off and kept her pinned with a victorious pose.

𝙿𝚟𝚉: 𝙱𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚉𝚘𝚖𝚟𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎Where stories live. Discover now