Act 9: The Zomville

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3rd person POV


What is left of Blaine, WA, the nearest US city to the border of Vancouver. Everything was a total massacre.

Blaine is swiped out of existence and claimed by walkers and was ultimately renamed.

Bodies laid lifelessly in the ground. The sky was all purple with thunderous dark clouds. Tombstones rises from the ground, the leaves were all dead and being crushed by some walking people. Pale and dead people, walking. It looked like Plantown but more creepier and destroyed. Zombies didn't bother in fixing houses. Just left it like that. It is known as the abode to said Dr. Z and there are small area with features such a cemetery with many pumpkins around the place.

The statues at the huge entrance to Blaine are zombie gargoyles. The forest behind the estate, a tall, pale, faceless humanoid creature can be seen between trees. A forest where you enter and never get out, alive or not. The middle of the estate, a gigantic moving eye can be seen watching the zombies and then to Plantown. Behind the entrance gate, the area that resembles Vancouver was now a cementery with missing stuff including the cemetery gate with only dirt paths and a pool which was dirty with dirt, oil and of course...

The blood of the crying victims...

Along the way, a huge tower made out of stones. Decorated with dead vines and other tombstones. Many windows and balconies were shown, with only a huge door with was the main entrance and exit. Zombies walked around mindlessly. One of them was walking directly to the entrance of the said tower.

At the entrance of the mansion is a statue of a planet grabbing Zomboss. Inside it looked like a castle, but the walls are purple with carpets on the walls which has a face that looked like a zombie but with a malicious smile. Inside there is a tree trunk with a carving of a angry zombie's face. The surroundings was cold but not to freeze the zombies but also not to suffer heatstroke, even tho their all dead.

This place was called...


"Master?" The zombie asked while walking, maybe he could be in his main throne looking room.

The zombie walked to a huge door at the the end of the hallway. Opening it, it revealed a huge chair right in the middle with a face of the zombie with the same evil grin. Sat down there was a zombie with a white leather jacked, or rather a scientist cape, it also wore black long shoes. The head was bigger with some pink hues, it was his brain of course.

The zombie sat down in the throne looked at the purple skinned zombie "Ah well, if it izn't my zecond in command." He grinned, taking a sip from a unknown liquid "tell me, Head Purple Nurple Zombie, what'z new in Plantown?" He asked.

"Well Master" Head Zombie began "it seems they will start the exams tomorrow, nothing new tho."

"I zee." The zombie took another sip.

"But there is something you might like! I heard rumors that three plants joined Plantown and will participate in the exams, three peashooters to be exact!"

This caught the zombie's attention. He placed the cup with the liquid he was drinking to the table next to him and stood up. He walked down the throne before facing Head Zombie.

"...who?" He asked.

"A snowpeas, firepea and peashooter, I think one of them looked familiar to me!"

"Hmmm..I zee where you're going, I have the name in the tip of my tounge" The zombie grinned before he whispered "...Azter...waz it?"

"YES! That's the snowpeas I saw! She looked thin when I first saw her again" Head Zombie spoke.

"Hmmm...interezting...very very interezting...zo thiz survivorz decided to get help by doing the examz?" He chuckled "ironic, izn't it?"

𝙿𝚟𝚉: 𝙱𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚉𝚘𝚖𝚟𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎Where stories live. Discover now