Act 15: L.E.A.F Test, Round 5

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Coral's POV

Coral and others ran after Aster ti'll they lost her sight. They splat up to find her in every single place Law Pea told them to go.

Minutes passed by and I found myself in Giddy Park, maybe she's here. I was going to check on her when I saw Cadmus saying something to Aster and she ran off! Did he said something to her? Did he hurt her? Did we became the 10 eliminated trio? I was confused!

"ASTER!" I called for her as I looked around "ASTER! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

I stopped for a moment when I heard something. Something...crying? I followed the sound of crying until it became louder and louder. The cries was behind in a messed up stone. I walked closer and looked what's behind the stone...


My sister was there, her face hidden with her own hands and tears streaming down to the floor. She was crying! She was attempting to hide her tears, why tho? I slowly appoached her, I didn't want to scare her more. She was crying, I mean, big tears! I sat next to her and gently placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Sis...why so upset? What happened?" I asked her worried, it hurts me seeing my sister like this.

Before she answered, I heard someone came aswell.

"Aster!?" It was Law Pea "what's the big idea!? Running away!?" He was upset but when he saw Aster crying, he changed, he was showing...sympathy?

"...Aster?" I asked again.

"..sis..?" Aster finally began to speak, but between tears it made it hard "am I...really a freak..?"

Law Pea and I looked shocked, did Cadmus said that to her?!

"WHAT?! NO!" I was in denial "what made you think of it?!"

"Cadmus said it himself..." Aster sobbed "we are powerless..! He said powerless plants are thrown to a river..! Since round 1, he became nothing but cruel towards me..! I ignored it ti'll I can't take it anymore..!"

"Powerless gets HUH?!" Law Pea was extremely furious, did Cadmus said this to her?!

My heart sank seeing my sister like this. Cadmus is really this cruel to her? But what she told me...I turned to face Law Pea "that ain't true...right?"

"I'd be executed if i said it was true! It will never be, Cadmus as no right's to say this to her." He sounded dissapointed "powerless or not, we are all plants, we don't treat anyone like we treat to the zombies" He admitted.

"Then...why do I feel it's true?.." Aster asked.

"I shall speak to him before round 5 starts" Law Pea comforted my sister "you shouldn't feel this way, don't get feed up with his dirty words.."

"He's right" I reassured her "I wish violence wasn't illegal, I wound beat him up!" I said angrily.

"I woundn't hesitate to allow" Law Pea said before looking at Aster "youngling, go back with Coral and get yourself cleaned up, I'll handle the rest" He smiled.

"T- thanks sir..." Aster sniffed.

"Come on Aster, Noah will go crazy if he doesn't find you" I helped her stand up.

Law Pea, Aster and I began to walk back to the training area. Only it took 5 minutes of walking ti'll we arrived. When we arrived, Noah and the others arrived.

"ASTER!" Noah ran and hugged her "Why did you ran off?! I was worry sick!"

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Yep, that was Sunny scolding Cadmus.

𝙿𝚟𝚉: 𝙱𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚉𝚘𝚖𝚟𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎Where stories live. Discover now