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After that nightmare Virat didn't slept whole night because he don't want to get that nightmare again so he kept staring at nothing replaying the events only.

At morning

Everybody was in dinning area but tgey didn't even touch their plates as they don't know why they are feeling like they done something wrong. Rohit was heart broken and he shared it with everyone that Virat slept with a boy too. They all are trying to hate him or we can say convincing themselves. They can't ignore the proofs against him but somewhere in their heart they felt they gonna regret it too. But fear of their reputation and the proofs against him got over their head. They didn't noticed that Virat didn't came for breakfast as they are to busy in their own.There thoughts were interrupted by Aditya.

"Good morning guys" said by Aditya extra sweetly.

"When you came Aditya? We didn't know about your arrival" said by Mahi as everybody was just staring at him.

"I reached here at night. So I didn't disturbed any one." Aditya took his sit at dinning table.

"Ohh"said by Mahi

After their breakfast they went to practice ground. Virat's absence hits everybody even though they will not accept it.Ro was missing Vi too much Ro missed his cute antics,his smile and every single thing related with this practice ground.

"How could you Vi?" Ro looked at the sky with teary eyes. But he don't know why he is having a weird feeling in his heart and after seeing Aditya in the morning it become more stronger.

"Kya hua baccha?" Raina asked Rohit softly as he saw tears in his eyes. Ro didn't answered his question just stare at him

"He cheated on me too bhai" said by Rohit with teary eyes. Rohit told him every single thing of his last conversation with Virat. Raina was shocked too as he can never imagine that Virat can do these things. He can't believed Virat had become a monster he is just using people. He felt disgusted while thinking about these

In Virat's Room

Virat got up from the bad and took a bath. After that he ordered breakfast for himself as he needed energy to do the things that he has decided whole night. After breakfast he called Bunty.

"Hello" said by Bunty

"Hello Bunty I need some help from you. I am sure you know that I'm accused for rape charges and their are also some fake pictures too. I don't know if you trust me or not but at this point I don't care I just need to clean this mess so please hire a well known detective for me don't worry I'll give you money as much as you want." Said by Virat in a serious tone without any emotions

"First of all I trust you Virat. So it's my duty to help you so stop with this formalities. I already hired a detective named Karan Adhikary he is well known for his professional behaviour and his success rate is also good too. I am sure very soon he gonna give us a good news too." Said by Bunty

"Okey. I will call you later." Said by Virat with no emotions before Bunty could answer he cut the call. Bunty was surprised by his behaviour. Bunty didn't mind his behaviour as he thought maybe everything taking a toll on him. He is relieved as he thought whole ICT is with Virat so he will be fine. He continued his work

Here Virat resting his head on couch recalling Bunty's word as Bunty is the first person who said the "I trust you" after this mass. But he didn't rise any hope in his heart as he don't went to trust anybody from now on. He heard a knock on his door. He opened the door and saw Aditya standing there.

"Won't you invite me inside Virat?" Asked by Aditya with a smile

"No" said by Virat as he was about to lock the door. Aditya held the door.

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