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"Vi can't you give the a chance only. I know it's hard for you but they are your family Vi. She is your mother." Ro was cut of in between by Virat.

"Yeah she is a mother who didn't believed her own son. Yeah she is my mother who abandoned me when I needed her support the most. I have a brother too for whom I died already. I have a family who didn't even bothered to call me to know how am I. I...have every...everyone Ro but yet I was alone. You know outside world can never break us that much that our own people can. You...don't...know...the... feeling...Ro...when...when someone calls you and you...you thought they will...ask...about..your... feeling...or or something else but..but...they...don't they don't Ro...they they just accuse you and inform you that you are dead for them that how worthless you are. They...they..will...cut...the...on on your face and You you just stare at the blank phone screen. So yeah...Ro...I...I...have a family I...I have a mother and a sweet caring family" Virat chuckled sadly in the end with teary eyes looking at Ro. Virat was trying hard to not cry but failing miserablely. Everything was coming infront of his eyes one by one. He start taking deep breaths to control it but nothing worked.

Ro who was seeing all this immediately hugged him and start saying sweet nothings. Rohit was rubbing Vi's back and stroking his hairs.

"I'm sorry baby I'm sorry I shouldn't have said it. I will handle everything don't think about all this baccha. I'm here I will always trust you I will never leave your side again Vi. Shh shh don't cry I'm here. Shh shh you're my good baby right please don't cry it's not good for you baccha please." Ro was mumbling all these continuously. Vi's body was shaking due to his sobs. After sometime which felt like eternity to Ro Virat stopped crying but Vi was not ready to broke the hug.

"I love you baby" Ro mumbled softly hugging Vi tightly who buried himself more in Ro. After sometime Ro broke the hug and cupped Vi's face in his hands. Vi's eyes were red and puffy due to crying which broked Ro's heart.

"If you don't want to forgive them then don't nobody gonna force you. You have every right to cut them off from your life. Don't worry I will talk with my parents about it. And I'm sure they gonna support it too. You don't have to do anything out of your will. I'm here for you baby. Don't worry. If you don't want to then don't you don't have to explain or justify it to someone" said by Ro planting a kiss on Vi's forehead.

"Really Ro?" Asked by Vi looking at Ro innocently.

"Yes obviously love" said by Ro smiling at Vi and hugged him once again.

After sometime Ro broke the hug and looked into Vi's eyes asking for permission. Vi just closed his eyes in anticipation. Ro leaned forward and captured Vi's lips. There was no lust in that kiss it was out of pure love. They were showing eachother how much they love eachother. But as always Ro was dominating the kiss but sensing Vi breathless Ro broke the kiss after 1min.

Mature content ahead🔞 please ignore if you're uncomfortable

"Umhh...Roo" moaned by Virat as Rohit start kissing Vi's neck. Ro bite that place making Vi hiss and suck that place to sooth the pain. Virat was on Ro's lap. Vi's legs was in sides cagging Ro between and Ro's hands were on Vi's back holding him securely. Ro picked Vi up and Vi wrapped his legs around Ro burying his face in Ro's neck .

Ro lay Vi down on bed carefully and looked at Vi asking for permission to go ahead or not. Vi just kissed Ro in return. After that Ro start undressing themselves. He was kissing Vi's neck and stomach giving hickey all over.

"Ahhh...Roo" Virat groned as Ro bite a place in Vi's inner thighs.

"Control your voice Virat or everybody will know what we are doing" said by Ro smirking at Vi. Vi's face turned red like a tamato blushing hard.

"We don't have" Ro was cut in between by Vi

"Just...do..it" said by Vi desperately needing it

"Desperate much ha" said by Ro chuckling at Vi's antics. Ro positioned himself infront of Vi's entrance and start going inside. Ro start kissing Vi to divert Vi's mind and slide inside him in one go making Vi flinch. Vi was digging his nails on Ro's back to overcome the pain.

"Move" said by Vi after sometime. Getting green signal Ro start moving inside Vi. Tears made their way from Vi's eyes due to pain. Ro wiped them and interwinned their hands.

"Shit...Ro..it's...hard...ahhh...to... control" mumbled by Vi in between the thrusts. Ro understood Virat was talking about the moans so he covered Vi's mouth by one hand and hold Vi's hip thrusting hard into him. Virat closed his eyes in pleasure and pain both. Virat's one hand was on Ro's shoulder and he was gripping the bedsheet by another one. Vi was unable to moan or scream as Ro was covering his mouth.

"I...love...you...baby...I...just...love...this...You...are... doing...so...good....you're...mine...only ...mine...your... everything... belongs...to...me...only...Virat" mumbled by Ro in a low tone near Vi's ear. Vi's whole body was shaking due to thrusts. He start kissing Vi on lips and in no time he entered inside Vi's mouth tasting every corner. They both were close. After 15min they both cumed together.

Mature content ends

Vi already slept due to tiredness. Ro cleaned themselves and make Vi wore his boxers & Ro's oversized shirt. Ro too wore his clothes and lay beside Vi hugging him tightly.

"I love you Ro" mumbled by Vi in sleep burying his face in Ro's chest feeling the warmth.

"I love you too baby" said by Ro smiling at Vi and stroking Vi's hairs. Soon sleep took over him too. They both slept hugging eachother.


Please ignore my mistakes

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