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Sun rays fall on Ro's face breaking his sleep. He looked down and saw Virat was almost sleeping on him with mouth open a little. Rohit smiled at the sight.

"Aww my baby" Ro mumbled to himself and placed a kiss on Vi's forehead making Vi smile while waking up due to movements.

"Slept well?" Asked by Rohit smiling at him Vi just hummed at him and clinged to him more

"Accha go and freshen up baccha" said by Ro caressing Vi's cheeks. Vi nodded at him and start going towards washroom. Ro ordered their breakfast. After half an hour Vi came out of the washroom and Ro went to the washroom that time their breakfast arrived too.

They had their breakfast together.

"Vi I wanna tell you something" said by Ro in a serious tone they were sitting on couch in balcony.

"What Ro?" Asked by Vi looking at him confusingly

"Yesterday night I called maa and told about us. She told me she will handle dad but want us there asap. I don't know how they gonna react. So are you ready to face them?" Asked by Rohit

"Yes obviously Ro I can face anything & anyone if you're with me" said by Vi  with a small smile holding Ro's hand tightly.

"I love you both" Ro kissed Vi's cheeks and his tummy.

"I love you too Ro" mumbled by Vi while resting his head on Ro's shoulder. They sat their for sometime feeling the moment. They enjoyed the whole day with team playing FIFA, truth or dare and many more games

At night Vi told Bunty to inform Vi's family about the news because Virat blocked them from his number. Virat don't want to talk or have any relation with them but can't control himself too because they have the right to know about it.

After two days

Vi and Ro standing infront of Ro's home. They took steps towards the entrance holding hands. Ro press the doorball and in no time Ro's mother opened the door. Mrs.sharma signalled them to come inside without saying a word.

Now Rohirat was sitting on the couch and Ro's parents was sitting on another couch infront of them. His parents was starting at Vi so keenly. Virat was just smiling awkwardly and Ro was feeling hell nervous right know. Ro was just praying to God.

"Don't you think you should have informed us earlier about your relation with Virat?" Asked by mr.sharma in a serious tone

"Woh...dad...I..I" Ro was fumbling due to nervousness

" And you both are here now just to inform us about your decision that too like this" said by Ro's dad with a stern face

"Uncle we didn't wanted the news come like this infront of you both but" Virat was cut by Ro's dad

"I'm taking with my son Virat don't interrupt in between" said by Ro's father glaring Vi which made Vi shut up immediately. Vi held Ro's hand feeling a little scared now.

"Answer my questions Rohit. Why are you here now? I don't think our blessings are that important for you" said by Ro's father in a sarcastic smile

"Your blessings are important for us that's why we are here dad and I love Virat. I want to spend my whole life with him only. Yes I understand maybe being pregnant before marriage is not normal for you both but I don't regret anything about it. I know dad it's hard for you too accept but please accept us. We need your blessings for our future and this baby. Please dad" requested by Ro looking at his father

"Are you marrying him just because he is pregnant with your child? Is it was your plan Virat to get Rohit easily?" Asked by Ro's father looking at Virat. Virat was too shocked to say anything

" Are you listening yourself ?" Asked by Ro's mother feeling shocked but shut up immediately seeing mr.sharma's glare

"I'm not marrying Vi because he is pregnant. He is not a burden or mistake he is my everything dad. I can do anything for him. And you can't accuse him like this too" said by Rohit with a stern face holding Vi's hand tightly

"Now you teach me how to talk ha?" Asked by Ro's father angrily

"Uncle please" said by Virat seeing the situation going out of control

"Didn't I told you to don't interrupt in between?" Yelled by Ro's father making Vi flinch

"DAD" Ro yelled back

"Now you're shouting at me too ha. Saare sanskar bechkar kha gaya tu. Ek toh shaadi se pehle yeh sab gol khila Raha hai aur aab apne baap se ucchi awaj se baat karta hai. It's not you fault too sangat ka ashar hai. I know these boys very well he is just using this child to get you Rohit. He is behind your money only" Ro's father accused Vi out of anger but realised his mistake immediately. Yes Ro's father was angry but he was not a person to accuse someone like that.Vi's eyes became teary immediately hearing these things he didn't expected this kind of reaction from Ro's father.

"You're speaking about my love dad. You can't talk to him like this I didn't give this right to anyone. I wanted your blessings for our child but if you can't give us that then please atleast don't accuse Vi too. It's not only his mistake it's my mistake too. You know him too dad you know what kind of person he is. How could you say this? Are you even listening yourself dad?" Asked by Ro feeling shocked after hearing his father. Virat was looking down trying to hide his tears which didn't get unnoticed by Ro's father. Ro's father felt guilty seeing Vi like this

Ro's father looked away not knowing what to say. He made a mistake but it's too late now.

"What the hell is wrong with you? How could you accuse him like this? You should be ashamed of yourself" Thought by Ro's father. But he was not ready to accept it because of his ego.

Here Virat was feeling dizzy all of sudden. His vision start getting blurry. He held his head.

"Virat beta/Vi" yelled by Rohit and his parents as Vi fall unconscious


Please ignore my mistakes

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