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Mahi knocked at Virat's room door. They didn't got any response so Mahi yelled from outside

"Virat open the door"

He knocked once again but it also got ignored he found it strange and he don't know why but he was feeling weird.

"Virat open the door" yelled Rohit this time but it gets ignore too.

After knocking for atleast 15minutes finally Virat opened the door while rubbing his eyes.

"What are you all doing here?"said by Virat without any emotion but deep down he was feeling anxious and getting flashbacks.He controlled himself and maintained a emotionless face.

"We are knocking your door for straight 15minutes and now you got the time to open it?" Said Rohit sarcastically but deep down he felt really worried.

"I was sleeping"

"Oh! As if I don't know you. You are a light sleeper Virat so don't give me this sh!t. Say directly that you were ignoring our calls" said by Mahi

"Whatever I say will be a lie for you so there is no point of talking with you guys" said by Virat with idc attitude but the reality was something else.

"You...leave it. Why did you slapped Aditya ha ? You're slapping your seniors now seriously Virat. What's wrong with you? Look first of all you should not even allowed to stay at ICT's hotel but as people will burn you alive if you go out without security and may burn your house too if you go there so out of humanity BCCI let you stay here. But disrespectful behaviour towards any team member is not accepted Virat. He is one of us and you can't slap somebody just because he bumped at you accidentally. I know there is no point of talking with you so now you have say sorry to him. Let's go with us and say sorry to him" said Mahi with anger.

Virat stared at him with disbelieve as his mahi bhai believed the story that Aditya told him without knowing his side or even didn't let him to explain too just ordered to apologize to Aditya but when he was yelling to trust him his mahi bhai didn't trusted him. "Am I that unlucky? Is it that hard to trust me?" Virat thought

"I'll not apologize to him or not gonna explain you why did I slapped him. I WILL NOT. I slapped his because he deserves that only and gonna give him more so tell him to not come near me.I'm not going anywhere. Do whatever you want" said Virat with his emotionless face even though he was breaking bit by bit.

"Oh you know so much about what he deserves then what you deserve Virat for rape and cheat on your boyfriend. Tell me what you deserve for your crimes?" Said by mahi sarcastically

Virat didn't said anything just stared at him without emotions. He was feeling horrible right now.

"Atleast have some shame Virat atleast Aditya is not a rapist and cheater like you. He is elder then you too and a respected & honest player so you can't slap him Virat. Have some shame." Said suresh with disgust

"You should apologize to him" said by Kl rahul.

"Let's go and say sorry to him by touching his feet" said by Hardik

"You're wasting our time Virat" said by Rohit.

"COME VIRAT" yelled by mahi with anger

" I will not apologize do whatever you want" said by Virat with emotionless face his throat was paining as he really want to cry but he can't break down infront of them as it'll be a drama for them.

"You can't be my Cheeku Virat. You have become a monster a selfish person a person who don't care about people and give them pain just for fun. I just don't wanna see your face again." Saying this Mahi go went away. Suresh run behind him giving a disgusted expression. Virat also closed the door and set down at the floor staring at nothing.

"It's to much to take. Ahh I can't....I...can't...take....i...t..it...ahhh....dad...dad...where..a...are...you....pl....ple...please...t..a...take...me" said by Virat breathing heavily.

"Y...you..don..don't....wa..wanna..see.....my....f....face...r...right....do..doo...don't...w..worry...bhai...I...will...go...far....away...fro...from...you...I....will....go....fa..fa...far...a...away...fro...fro...from...you....all" Virat was breathing heavily his vision was getting black.He fell unconscious on floor.


Ignore my mistakes

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