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"Actually BRo....the..thing..is..."Kl tried to say something but looked down again out of guilt.

"Speak something dammit" yelled Ro with anger

"Actually 2days back when you and Mahi went to BCCI for a meeting that day Vi and we had a fight" Suresh said in a low tone.

"You all had a fight with him too. Why didn't someone told us ?" Said Mahi in a serious tone


Suresh was waiting for a delivery person at lobby and at that time Virat. He took something from someone (it was sleeping pills) but Raina got angry just by seeing him . He commented "look someone is ordering things too after doing shameful crimes" but Virat answers him back " don't you have any work rather then accusing or taunting me". Which triggered him and start shouting at him.

"How dare you you ha?" Yelled by Raina. Jaddu, Yuvi and Kl heard it and run to lobby.

"How dare I? How dare you to talk to me like that sir. Investigation is going on and you say anything before I prove guilty. But you're taunting me every single time. I was your brother right? Then why are you not even waiting for the court's decision ? You are behaving like we were nothing before" Virat said last lines with teary eyes but blinked his eyes to hide them as he can't fell weak infront of them.

"So you're expecting me too support you after doing such crimes. No Virat I can't maybe you can but I can't. My upbring never taught me to support a rapist . I don't know the real you before that's why I used to call you brother but you know what you don't deserve anything" said by Suresh venomiously

"Don't waste your time and energy on him bhai. Don't you know How shameless he is that's why he is standing here and dare to even answer back after doing such crimes." Said by Jaddu

"Someone would have gone far away after doing such crime hiding his face but here he is arguing with his seniors and disrespecting & even slapping them" said by Kl with disgust. Virat was just staring at them with a emotionless face.

"Your shamelessness crossed every limits Virat. How much shameless you can be?" Asked by Yuvi with anger.

"I just don't want to see your face Virat. First you cheated on Ro and slapped your senior just because he bumped with you. And now you have the courage to talk to me like that and accusing me that I'm not a good brother ha. Just remember one thing you don't deserve any love. Just go to hell " saying that he went to his room and Jaddu,Yuvi,Kl followed him leaving a broken Vi behind.

Flashback ends

Mahiro was shocked after hearing this.

"Before I say something that I regret later please go. I just don't want to see your faces right now please go. GET OUT " yelled by Ro in anger.

Mahi signalled them to go. They all go one by one with teary eyes. Rohit told Mahi to go and rest in his room. He assured him that he will call him if he need something. So he went to his room not before kissing both's forehead.

Rohit was staring at Vi with teary eyes feeling sad recalling his own word. And mumbled softly to him while caressing his hairs

"I slapped you na baby. Your Ro is so bad he didn't trusted you he failed to protect you na baby. He said many wrong things to you na baby. I'm sorry baccha I will never do this again. I don't deserve you Vi" Ro layed beside him and slept holding him tightly.

Some hours passes. Rohit's sleep broke by some movement beside him. He saw Virat was mumbling something in sleep

"No...no...please...ahhh...no...stop...it...no...ahhh...don't" Virat was continuously mumbling and thrashing his legs. He was sweating and crying.

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