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Rohit's sleep broke by a call from his company for some important thing. After almost talking for 20 minutes Rohit ended the call and looked beside him. Rohit was adoring sleeping Virat who is sleeping on his stomach holding a pillow. Even though Rohit don't have a heart to wake him up but he have to as it's almost 10am.

"Vi wake up baby" Said by Rohit shaking him gently.

"Let me sleep Ro" said by Virat burying his face in pillow

"Baby it's almost 10. Get up na jaan" said by Rohit stroking his hairs softly

Virat woke up and hissed while trying  to sit. Rohit helped him to sit.

"Is it paining so much?" Asked by Rohit with guilty eyes.

"Not that much and don't feel guily because this pain worth it" said by Virat softly smiling at him

"Yeah yeah I know this was quite evident by your pleadings" said by Rohit while smirking at him

"Roo" whinned by Vi while hitting him (obviously not hurting him )

"Okey okey now go and freshen up" said by Rohit while helping him to go washroom.

"You can go now I can manage" said by Virat as they are in washroom now

"But I wanna help you" said by Rohit with a naughty smile.

"Let's bath together Vi" said by Rohit dragging him towards bathroom.

They took bath(ONLY) together after that Rohit helped Vi to get ready. They go downstairs. Maids surved them their breakfast and they fed each other. After breakfast they went to pool area.

"I love my marks on you so much Vi" said by Rohit eyeing Vi's neck.

"Shut up you shameless man" said by Virat hitting his chest

"Where was your shyness last night Vi?" Said by Rohit teasing him

"Roo" said by Virat hiding his face in Ro's chest. Ro chuckled at his antics.

They sat there relaxing. That time Ro got a call from office he told Vi to relax and went a little far to talk. He returned after 30 minutes. He saw Virat in pool swimming happily. He sat there gazing at Virat lovingly.

"How can someone be so cute and hot at the sametime? But this man is only mine. Only I have the right to look at  him like this. Ah Vi what I did to deserve yoh?" Rohit was thinking all this with a soft smile. His thought were broken by Vi's calls

"Ro come na let's swim together" said by Virat coming at the edge.

" No Vi I'm fine here" said by Rohit

"You lazy panda always do this. Come na" said by Virat with puppy face.

As always defeated by his Puppy face Ro joined him in pool. They competed with each other in swimming. After swimming for half an hour they came out of the pool. They went towards their bedroom while drying themselves with a towal.

Now they are sitting on bed

" Ro my lower stomach is paining all of sudden" said by Virat while massaging the paining area

"Maybe it's because of yesterday night....you wait I'm bringing the hot beg" said by Rohit with concerning eyes. He didn't waste more time and run to kitchen.

After 15 minutes Rohit came with a hot beg, medicines, juice and some sneaks

" Take this Vi if pain don't go then you have to take this medicines" said by Rohit while giving him the hotbeg

Virat took the hotbeg and put the hotbeg on the paining. He was feeling a little relief after this but not fully.

" How are you feeling now baby?" Said by Rohit after sometime.

" It's better then before " said by Virat still massaging and putting the hotbeg

"Accha you come here" said by Rohit indicting towards himself

Rohit made Virat lay on his back on Rohit. Rohit took the hotbeg and start massaging and stroking his hairs softly. Virat was feeling so much relieved now. He rested his head on Rohit's shoulder and his hands were resting on stomach.

"I love you Ro" said by Virat feeling sleepy. He kissed on Rohit's cheeks as he was feeling so much loved by Rohit's gestures.

"I love you too baby" said by Rohit while kissing his temple softly.

Virat didn't relised when sleep took over him and he slept on Rohit with a smile. Rohit was gazing at him lovingly.


I know it's a short update but next one will be longer I promise.

Please ignore my mistakes

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