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At Evening

Virat woke up and looked around but didn't find Rohit in the room. He checked bathroom and balcony but didn't find Rohit there too. He felt a sudden fear in his chest. He run to kitchen,hall,pool area and every corner of the house except terrace. He was about to go there too but saw Rohit coming to him with a smile. Without wasting anytime he run to him and hugged him tightly like his life is dependent in this hug.

"Kya hua Vi?" Asked by Rohit confusingly seeing him like this.

"Where were you ha? I was searching you" said by Virat burying his head more in Ro's neck

"I was on terrace baby. You were sleeping so I thought to go there for sometime" said by Rohit while rubbing his back as he sense something is wrong with Vi.

"Don't leave me alone Ro" said by Virat with so much vulnerability

"I'm sorry baby it won't happen again but atleast tell me what you thought?" Asked by Rohit. He wants Virat to open up about his thoughts

"Nothing" said by Virat hugging him more tightly.

"Don't you trust me Vi?" Asked  by Rohit in a sad tone.

"No Ro it's nothing like that I trust you with my life it just I...I..don't..know" said by Virat not knowing what to say.

"You can share it with me Vi. I won't feel guilty" said by Rohit sensing his thoughts. Virat was surprised by this but thought obviously it's his Ro.

"Actually I thought you...you..left...me...again" said by Virat looking down. Rohit hold his chin up and planted a kiss on his nose.

"You don't have to use your overthinking brain everywhere baby. You are stuck with me for whole life I won't leave you till my last breath. I will cherish you till the last day of my life and I will love you forever Vi. In this life in another life or even after 100lifes too I will love you only. You are my everything Virat how can I leave my everything?" Said by Rohit caressing his cheeks lovingly with a smile. Virat hugged him again as he was too overwhelmed by Rohit's words.  They stayed in that position for sometime.

"Accha chal ab movie dekhte hai bohut ho gayi teri yeh overthinking ki baate. Waise ek new movie release hoyi hai Netflix par." Said by Rohit lightning the atmosphere. They went to their theatre and watched the movie and some web series.

They went to dinning area after watching movies & webseries. Rohit surved the food because all maids were on off day. Rohit fed Virat with his hands only. They went to their bedroom.

"He didn't moved on fully from everything. I need to be more attentive towards him" Rohit thought while hugging Virat. Rohit was stroking his hairs softly.

"You're not feeling guilty right?" Asked by Virat looking at Rohit innocently.

"No baby why will I? You can share your thoughts or anything with me baby. You don't have to hesitate" said by Rohit while hugging him tightly.

They didn't realise when sleep took over them. They slept in each others arms with a smile.

Last day of their vocation

It's almost evening time. Rohit was checking some mails and important work of office in his labtop. Virat was sitting beside him thinking about the team. After half an hour Rohit finished his work and looked at Virat who was lost in deep thoughts.

"Where are you lost Vi?" Asked by Rohit

"Nothing just thinking about the team." Said by Virat

" Do you want to forgive them?" Asked by Rohit holding Vi's hands

"No atleast not now" said by Virat looking away

"Then why are you thinking about them so much?" Asked by Rohit. He make Virat sit on his lab. Rohit's one hand was on his waist and other one on his head caressing  his hairs.

"How will I face them Ro?" Asked by Virat resting his head on Ro's shoulder.

"You don't have to think about it Vi. It was them who didn't trusted you it was them who said many hurtful things it was them who taunted you. Then why are you thinking about facing them? They should think about "how will they face you?" So baby you just have to ignore them. I'm with you only. If you don't want to forgive them then don't or if you want to then do. So go with flow Vi" said by Rohit explaining him.

"You are right Ro but I don't know why this thoughts come in my mind. I swear I try not to think about them but don't know how it comes everytime." Said by Virat sighing heavily.

"Don't pressurise yourself for anything Vi. If they come then share it with me don't force yourself to not think or anything. Take it easy Vi" said by Rohit looking at him lovingly. Virat just closed his eyes still resting his head on Ro's shoulder. Rohit didn't said anything just gave him silent support which he needed the most.

"You fans and loved ones are waiting to see you on field Virat. They are waiting for their KING" said by Rohit after sometime with a proud smile seeing him so silent.

"Really?" Asked by Virat with some hesitation

"Yes they are. I'm waiting to build a 250+ partnership with you too. I'm waiting for my KING too." Said by Rohit proudly

"Ohh really but you are the one who run me out everytime" said by Virat  with pout

"Ohh don't leave in misunderstanding  Virat. You run like a blind person and you are accusing me ha" Rohit answers back

"I will see next time" said by Virat with a smirk

"But right now I can show you more good things" said by Rohit with a naughty smile.

"What?" Asked by Virat confusingly

Rohit just layed him down on bed while smirking at Virat and havoured over him.

"Let me show you " said by Rohit near Vi's ear. Virat just closed his eyes.


Please ignore my mistakes

Want me to write a smut on next update or not?

(I know I'm not good at writing smut😅)

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