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Next Morning

Rohit woke up first and saw the time it was almost 10:30. He looked beside him and saw his most favourite view "sleeping Vi". He noticed Vi's bruised neck and lips,red marks on wrists inshort Vi's whole body was painted by Ro's marks. Ro was feeling happy because he is the reason behind these but felt guilty too. He start caressing Vi's hairs and kissed on his forehead.

"Don't feel guilty Ro. I love this I love you" said by Virat waking up. He sensed Ro's thoughts by his eyes. Ro got surprised by this but not shocked.

"I love you too Vi" said by Rohit pecking his lips.

"Is it paining somewhere?" Asked by Rohit as he noticed some discomfort in Vi's face.

"My lower portion" mumbled by Virat burying his face in Ro's chest.

"Accha go and take a warm bath Vi you will feel better. We are leaving for hotel in evening so you can rest whole day" said by Rohit while helping him to sit. Virat just nodded at that and start going towards washroom by Ro's help.

Vi got freshen up first then Ro. Ro prepared a hotbag for him already and gave him some painkillers. Ro fed him by his hands only. Now they are sitting in balcony's couch.

"Still paining?" Asked by Rohit caressing his hairs. Virat's head was on his lap while Vi is massaging his lower stomach with hotbag.

"Just a little" said by Virat looking at Ro with a smile.

They sat their for some hours. After sometime Ro picked Vi in his arms and made him sleep on bed while patting his head. Virat was already sleepy due to painkillers so he slept in 20minutes. After that Rohit start working on his laptop as he can't focus on office works more. So he was doing his pending works.

At Evening

They leave for hotel at 5. Virat was just looking outside the window.

"Why so silent baby?" Asked by Rohit. He knows the reason but want Vi to say.

"I don't want to talk to them. I just want to ignore them" said by Virat sighing.

"Then don't nobody gonna force you" said by Rohit smiling at him

"Really?" Asked by Virat feeling little unsure

"Yes Vi" said by Rohit assuring him

"You will be with me right?" Asked by Virat

"Yes obviously it's not even a question Vi" said by Rohit softly caressing his cheeks. He knows his inner turmoil very well.

"I trust you" said by Virat while resting his head with eyes closed. Rohit just smiled at it.

They reached at hotel and directly go to their room taking the keys. They informed Mahi about their arrival.

In Rohirat's room

Vi and Ro was resting on bed when they heared a knock on door. Vi went to open the door and there was Mahi outside. Vi didn't waste anytime and jumped on him. Mahi took 2 steps backward but stabilize himself and go inside the room with Vi on his arms.

"I miss you bhai" mumbled by Virat burying his face in Mahi's shoulder.

"I miss you too kiddo" said by Mahi while putting him down on bed.

"Didn't you miss me bhai?" Asked by Rohit while hugging Mahi from back.

"Obviously kiddo I miss you too" said by Mahi stroking Ro's hairs.

They all sat on bed. Virat's head was on Mahi's lap and Rohit was resting his head on Mahi's shoulder.

"How was your vocation bhai?" Asked by Virat.

"It's was good. I enjoyed with my old friends and all. It feels so good to meet them after so many years. I enjoyed so much. Mom-dad was happy too. Sakshi and I went to many places too." said by Mahi smiling whole heartedly.

"So how was the vocation?" Asked by Mahi smiling at them.

"We went to many places bhai. You know Ro have a bungalow too. He took me there. There was swimming pool and home theatre too. It was so beautiful bhai. We will take you there in next break. It was so peaceful you know no chaos no people only us" said by Virat smiling at him

"So my kiddos really enjoyed very much ha" said by Mahi smiling

"Ha bhai but you know Vi slept more then me in these days. I used to woke up before him in this vocation. You know your cheeku troubled me alot with his tantrums" said by Rohit teasing Virat

"No bhai it's a white lie I didn't troubled him" Said by Virat in a sulky tone

"No bhai I'm saying the truth" defended by Rohit

This bickering go on for a good time and Mahi was just smiling at them. He was trying to stop them sometime but he was enjoying it too.

"Finally everything is going on track like before" Mahi thought looking at them with a smiling.

"Stop you both. Let's go to dinning area now" said by Mahi stopping their bickering session.

"Can't we have our dinner here only?" Asked by Virat looking down.

"Why kiddo?" Asked by Mahi. He sensed his fear but want him to speak out his insecurities.

"I just don't want to face them" said by Virat hiding his face in Mahi's stomach.

"Nobody is gonna force you to talk Vi and you didn't do anything so why are you hesitating it was them so they should hesitate" said by Rohit gripping his hand tightly.

"Yes baccha he is right kiddo. We are with you right so you don't have to hesitate or fear anybody. Let's go baccha we have to move on na slowly slowly" said by Mahi caressing his hairs Vi just nodded at them. He kissed his temple and made him sit.

They went to dinning area and sat on there seats. Virat sat middle of them and Rohit & Mahi on his both side. Team also came one by one they too took their seats. They all were looking at Vi with guilty eyes.

"How are you bhaiya?" Asked by kuldeep with hesitation.

"I'm fine" said by Virat not looking at him.

They all had their dinner silently. After dinner they all went to their rooms. Rohirat wished Mahi good night and Mahi too whished them back and went to his room.

In Rohirat's room

"What are you thinking Vi?" Asked by Rohit seeing him lost.

"Just thinking about...umm..leave it" said by Virat

"Tell me na Vi what happen?"  Asked by Rohit

"Do you think I should give them a chance too?" Asked by Virat looking at Ro

"Do you want to?" Asked by Rohit

"No atleast not now. But did you saw their faces specially suresh sir's face they all were looking so much guilty and disturbed" said by Virat. He don't want to forgive them but can't control his concern too.

"So you're concerned for them " said by Rohit while pulling him towards him.

"Yeah maybe...I can't control" said by Virat with guilty eyes.

"You don't have to feel guilty Vi. I said it before too that go with the flow Vi don't stress yourself or overthink. I'm with you only. Let's see what destiny planned for us. Just relax yourself " said by Rohit while stroking his hairs. Vi just buryed his face more in Ro's chest. They slept while hugging each other.


Please ignore my mistakes

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