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At hospital

Everybody was waiting outside the room and doctor was checking Vi. After some time Doctor came out and said something that shocked them to the core

"He is fine right now. Doing so much physical activity during pregnancy is not good for him and the child. Be careful next time" said by the doctor looking at them. Rohit was too shocked to say something he was feeling surprised,shocked, happy and many more emotions at the sametime. Mahi hugged him immediately sensing his condition. Everybody was happy for Rohirat.

(In my fiction it's a normal thing)

" Mr.Kohli is asking for you Mr.Sharma" said by the Doctor breaking their moment. Mahiro immediately broke the hug and Ro rushed inside.

Inside the room

"Vi" said by Rohit which came like a whisper while sitting on the stole. He hold Vi's hand on his and plant a kiss on Vi's forehead.

"Ro...I...am...sorry" said by Virat with teary eyes holding Ro's hand tightly. Ro was shocked by this as he was expecting something else

"Vi why are you saying sorry baby? You give the best gift of my life baby. You don't know how happy I am" said by Rohit cupping Vi's face looking at him lovingly

"You are not angry? I mean you are ready? I....I...thought " Virat was cut of between by Rohit

"You thought I will not accept our child. You think this low of me Vi?" Asked by Rohit with a hurt tone

"No no I thought maybe you are not ready for a child or commitment. Your career your family I just" Rohit cut Vi in between again

"You are the only thing that I care right now Vi. Yes I thought maybe I'm not ready for any commitment  before but at this moment I can assure you that I'm ready for everything Vi. I'm ready " said by Rohit looking at Vi with so much love that made Vi teary again

"Really Ro?" Asked by Virat tightening his grip

"Yes Vi. I want every moment of my life with you. I can't imagine my love without you Vi. I don't want you in my life I need you for life Vi. I need you to breathe I need yoh to smile I need you to cry I need you for my relief I need you for everything Vi. You make my life happier just by your presence. I wanted this confession on some special day and special place. And today is the most special day Vi maybe not that special place but with you everything everywhere is special. So Mr.Virat Kohli will you bear me for your whole life? Will you marry me?" Virat was too emotional to say something. Vi just hugged him tightly.

"Yes yes more then yes" whispered by Virat in Ro's ear and buried his face in Ro's neck. Virat start crying out of happiness and Ro was rubbing his back to calm him down.

"Stop crying baccha it's not good for your health Vi" said by Rohit while rubbing his back and stroking his hairs by another hand. After sometime Virat stop crying and Ro give a water.

"You know you are looking really cute right now with red nose" said by Rohit slightly pulling his nose making Vi pout.

"You're so mean" said by Virat slightly hitting his hand.

"Just wait till we return to hotel I will show you how mean I am" said by Rohit coming near Vi's face with a smirk

"Shut up" said by Virat hitting Ro's chest slightly


Please ignore my mistakes

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