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Next morning

Ro was the first one to wake up. His sleep broke by a call. Now Ro was staring at Vi adoring his sleeping Beauty. Ro looked at Vi's bump

"You shouldn't have been this hard on him in pregnancy Ro. What the hell is wrong with you man?" Said by Ro in mind looking at Vi with guilty eyes. Ro took Vi's plams in his hands and kissed it lovingly. He start caressing the red area on Vi's wrist obviously not hurting Vi. He hugged Vi again and start caressing his hairs.

"Jaan wake up na look it's morning. You have to eat your breakfast na" said by Ro after sometime even though he don't have any heart to wake him up. Vi groned a little in sleep

"Let me sleep" said by Vi burying his face more in Ro's neck hugging him tightly.

"Please na Jaan. It's already late" said by Ro looking at the time. Vi opened his eyes fully and looked at Ro with fully annoyed expression

"Now you don't let me sleep too" said by Vi with a annoyed tone while getting up causing a sharp pain in his lower area as him to winch painfully.

"Vi" Ro got up immediately and hold Vi who just put his head on Ro's shoulder

"Is it paining to much?" Asked by Ro caressing Vi lower back.

"Not to much it's fine now. Don't feel guilty Ro I don't tolerate you to feel guilty after making love to me" said by Vi while giving a kiss on Ro's temple. Ro didn't said anything just hugged him tightly and continued rubbing his lower back. After sometime Vi felt some relief and broke the hug. He looked at Ro who was looking at him worriedly

"Still paining?" asked by Ro

"No It's fine now. Stop worrying Ro" said by Vi giving a soft smile to Ro who just hugged him again.

"I'm sorry Vi I know you don't like me to feel guilty but It just I...I... shouldn't...have...lost my control. I'm sorry" said by Ro burying his face in Vi's neck as some tears escaped from his eyes even though he tried his best to control them. Vi can feel the guilt and sadness in his voice.

"I said it before too that you don't have to feel guilty for making love to me Ro. I love every bit of it doesn't matter if it rough or soft because it's you Ro who is doing it. I love you Ro I gave this right to you so stop crying over this thing or I will not talk to you " said by Vi while rubbing his back

"I...I...hur...hurted...you" mumbled by Ro

"You can never hurt me Ro. Look I'm completely fine everything is fine. And I loved your that side too" Vi said the last line in a little shy voice.

"I love you" mumbled by Ro

"I love you too Panda. Now get up and bring me food your both babies are starving" said by Vi making Ro chuckle a little. Ro broke the kiss and kissed Vi on forehead. He then went to washroom and took a quick shower. Vi went to washroom after Ro while Ro went to kitchen to make something.

"Kya bana raha hai?" Asked by Vi coming towards Ro

"Maggi" said by Ro opening the packets

Vi helped him to cut vegetables then Ro make the maggi . They had the maggi while talking about random things

Now they are watching old matches on TV. Vi was laying on top of Ro by his back and Ro was caressing Vi's bump

"Is it paining somewhere?" Asked by Ro seeing some painful expression on Vi's face.

"Yeah my lower area" said by Vi resting his head on Ro's shoulder

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