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"Ohh really cheeku/Vi" said by Mahi and Rohit at the sometime looking at be with jealousy & possessiveness. They can feel that smoke coming out of their ears.

"Yes obviously they love and care for  me more then you two. I love them too" said by Virat looking at them with a fake serious face. He was laughing in mind.

"Okey now eat your dinner" said by Mahi not looking at him making Vi confuse as he was expecting a yell of jealousy . Rohit gave Virat the plate and Mahiro start eating. Virat was just looking at them with open mouth but didn't said anything and start eating too. Mahi and Ro was looking at him time to time to see if he is eating properly or not. But to their relief he was eating properly.

After dinner Mahi went to his room wishing Ro good night but not Vi making Vi pout. Rohit gave Vi medicine  Vi was about to throw a tantrum but seeing Ro's glare he had it silently. Ro lay down facing his back towards Vi. Seeing their reaction Vi think for sometime and he got a brilliant idea (according to him) to make them talk to him. Vi called AB.

On phone call

"Hello biscotti. Is everything okey?" Asked by ABD as it's maybe midnight in India

"I'm fine biscuit I was missing you so much that's why I called you" said by Virat extra sweetly. Rohit was listening all these just pretending to sleep. Rohit was clutching the bedsheet to control his jealousy.

"I'm missing you too man. I was about to call you too. I got to know what was happening in India with you but you know na I was going through a eye surgery. I'm so sorry Biscotti I was not their with you I know I'm a terrible friend.Please forgive me " said by ABD slightly sobbing by the end.

"You don't have to apologize biscuit I know everything.  I know you trust me and can never doubt my character. So don't be guilty. And tell me how is your eye now?"

"It's fine now. You don't know how much relieved I'm right know listening to you. I'm so much grateful to have you. You're really fine right?"
Asked by ABD as Vi's voice was quite low

" Yeah yeah I'm fine stop with your questions now. And tell me how is my babies? " Asked by Virat

"They are doing well and you know they are taking about you only sometime before. They are missing you" said by ABD

" Aww my babies tell them I'm missing them too. We just get 2 months with each other I wish I could meet you everyday. " Said by Virat with a whiny tone making ABD chuckle and Ro jealous like hell.

"Ah just wait a little more. I'm coming in somedays to meet you. And I have a gift for you too." Said by ABD smiling

" Really? What's that?" Asked by Virat excitedly.

"Have patience biscotti. You will get to know when we meet. Okey now go and sleep it's nearly midnight their right and you have a match too tomorrow right?"

"Yeah yeah okey I'm going to sleep but don't make me wait longer. I'm waiting for you to come. And I love you" said by Virat intensely to make Ro more jealous

" I love you too biscotti. Good night " said by ABD. They end the call.

"You are missing him so much ha"


Please ignore my mistakes

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