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At Evening

They explored the city whole day now they are sitting in a cafe.

"What do you wanna eat Vi?" Asked by Rohit while going through the manu.

"Order whatever you like I just wanna eat something" said by Virat. Rohit chuckled at his answer. Rohit ordered two cheese burst margarita pizza , white sauce pasta and cold drink for them. After 15 minutes waiter came with their order.

While eating Rohit noticed a man was staring at Vi with lustful eyes which obviously Rohit didn't liked. He dragged Virat's chair more close to him and placed a hand in his thigh.

"What happen Ro?" Asked by Virat confusingly seeing Ro's behavior.

"Nothing you eat" said by Rohit. He glared at that man who immediately looks away

After eating their food and paying bills. They went towards their car and sat there leaving for their home.

At home

After returning home they freshen up first. They decide to spend sometime at terrace. They went there and sat on floor gazing at the stars.

"It's so peaceful Ro " said by Virat still gazing at the stars.

"What Vi?"Asked by Rohit

"This I mean everything here Ro. No chaos around and look at the stars how they are shining and the moon heart breaking and heart warming at the same time" said by Virat gazing at the sky with so much interest

"Why Heart breaking Vi?" Asked by Rohit with a smile seeing him acknowledge everything

"Moon is surrounded by many stars like they are looking at him with so much love but the Moon is still so lonely like it's waiting for someone's love. So he never acknowledge the stars around him and they scattered into pieces in the end" Said by Virat looking at Rohit with a soft smile explaining him his theory

"It's indeed so deep Vi" said by Rohit. He was impressed by his deep thinking

"I know I know" said by Virat smiling at him and again looking at the sky.

"You know as much as I love your deep thinking I hate it too sometimes" said by Rohit gazing at him

"Why?" Asked by Virat looking at him confusingly

"I love your deep thinking as you acknowledge everything and try to understand it deeply. But sometimes it becomes overthinking and you try to understand something very much without any reason. Which sometimes start effecting you and you stop sharing it too resulting you to think more and more" said by Rohit while holding his hand.

"It's nothing like that Ro. It's just it happens without any reason but feels so important too. I know it hurts me sometime but you know it feels I should think. I mean to say when some question comes to your mind suddenly you want to know the answer too which obviously you don't have. So you start thinking about it and try to find the answer by yourself without hurting or bore someone" said by Virat looking at the sky.

"But you know sometimes sharing it with someone you trust really helps. Because somebody helps you too find the answer too." Said by Rohit looking at Virat

"It does?" Asked by Virat looking at him

"Yes Vi it does" said by Ro with a smile.

"What if somebody got annoyed or bored of our questions or in worst cases they feel hurt by your questions? And start blaming themselves" asked by Virat

"The person who loves you never be annoyed or bored of us and if he does then he don't love or understand you really. And questioning somebody never hurts that much but not sharing it and start distancing yourself hurts them very much" said by Rohit softly smiling at him

"Ohh" said by Virat and again he looked at the sky

"Do you wanna share something Vi?" Asked by Rohit understanding his inner turmoil.

"Why didn't you trusted me Ro?" Asked by Virat in daze shocking Rohit. Virat immediately come back to his senses and thought maybe he hurted Ro.

"Ah I'm sorry Ro I don't know I...." Virat was cut off by Rohit

"You don't have to explain me Vi I understand. Look it's true that I didn't trusted you that time and I don't justify that mistake. Maybe those pictures, anger, jealousy and confusion got into my mind. It was my big mistake. Seeing those pictures and proofs at BCCI first I got shocked and I was in confused state then seeing those pictures sent by him got me. I felt betrayed, angry, jealous, shocked and many for emotions at the sametime. I was a jerk I know. Being away from you I suffered every day and only thought I had was why did you do this with me. My heart was at denial and mind was at betrayed state. I was not understanding what to do or what is right. I don't know why did it happened but it happened. Someone do mistakes one or two times maybe does big ones too so they deserve a chance but if he or she does same mistakes again and again you should know that it's not mistake they are doing it by intention. I can assure you that it was my mistake my big mistake but never my intention and without you life feels so incomplete too. If I do this mistake again in life then you should not give me a chance too. This one is my big mistake that is why I asked for a chance. Again I'm more then sorry for this Vi and I LOVE YOU VI " as soon as Ro finished his explanation he was engulfed in a hug by Vi. They shed some tears. No word were needed just pure connection between hearts.
After sometime Ro broke the hug and wipe Vi's tears. He touched their foreheads together.

"I love you vi please trust me I will never let you down again please" Rohit whispered as some tears make there way out of his eyes.

"I love you too Ro" Said by Virat while wiping his tears.

Ro hugged him tightly tightly and started crying hiding his face in Virat's neck. Virat was rubbing his back to calm him down.

"I...don't...de...deserve...you..vi...I'm...not...a...go..good..bo...boy...boyfriend...I...failed...you....I'm...sorry...vi...I'm...really...sorry...please...trust...me...I...failed...to...pro...protect...you..vi" said by Rohit in between his cries.

"Shhh Ro I love you too baby. You just did a mistake baby. I know you can never hurt me intentionally. I trust you baby. I know you will never do this again. You can never fail me intentionally Ro. It was a mistake only lets move on na . You are the best thing that ever happened to me" said by Virat while rubbing his back. After sometimes which felt lite eternity Ro stopped crying. Virat broke the hug and wipe his tears. He kissed Ro's forehead and smiled at him softly.

"Let's go and have something or sirf aaj rone se pet bharna hai" said by Virat lightening the atmosphere.

"Ha ha chal tuna Ajkal bohut woh ho gaya hai" said by Rohit

"Kya ho gaya ho mein?" Asked by Virat

"Are..woh..woh..ha bhukar ho gaya hai" said by Rohit teasing him

"Rooo" whinned by Virat

They go downstairs and had their dinner. After that they went to their bedroom and slept cuddling to each other. Ro kissed Virat head lovingly.

Please ignore my mistakes

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