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It's almost midnight when Virat got his consciousness back. His body was freezing as he fell unconscious on floor. Somehow he dragged himself to washroom. After freshing up he laid down on bed but sleep was far away from his eyes so he got up from bed and took 2 sleeping pills with water in empty stomach as he just had his breakfast today. In no time he slept under the effect of medicine.

At morning

It's almost 11am

Virat's sleep broke by a call. He saw the caller Id and pick up the call.

"Hello" said by Virat

"Hello Vi, I have a good news for you Karan get some proofs in your favour. It's the real pictures of that girl who accused you with a guy who is dragging her and all the pictures by which they edited your pictures with. Karan got her address too.Her name is Misha. Karan said maybe she is not alone I mean maybe a guy is helping her.Karan got her real DNA reports too.Soon we will be able too prove you innocent Vi. It just a matter of somedays. " said by Bunty with happiness.

"Oh that's good. This mass should be end soon and Bunty after getting the information of that guy tell me first as I want to confront them before police." Said by Virat

"Okey Vi don't worry about it I will do it. You are okey right? I mean by your voice I don't think you're fine. Are you hiding something from me?" Said by Bunty out of worry

"All is Good Bunty and It's because of the weather. I ate two ice-creams yesterday that's why maybe you found my voice strange. Achha I'll call you later. Bye for now." Said by Virat as he cut the call sighing heavily.

Virat got up from the bad but immediately hold the headrest for support as he felt dizzy for a moment. He went to washroom and took a quick shower. After that he ordered his breakfast but he didn't even ate half of it as he don't felt like eating. He went to balcony and sat there on a couch. He was staring at the sky like he is questioning God with his eyes. After sometime something clicked him.

"Bunty said that a guy is involved too. Is that guy is Aditya? As much I know Aditya that psycho can do anything.Is he behind those pictures too? " Virat thought.

"I have to find out asap"

In Mahi's Room

"Did I gone too far? How could I trust Aditya like this? But why he will lie? But Virat is not that bad is he? Yes he is. What are you thinking Mahi? He raped a girl & cheated Ro too. He deserves it. I just don't wanna see his face. It's a matter of somedays only he will be behind the bars after this" Mahi was thinking all this when his thoughts was interrupted by Ro

"Where are you lost bhai?" Asked by Ro. He saw him lost in thoughts as Mahi didn't notice his arrival in room

"Just thinking about the match. Do you have any work?"

"No. Can't I came here without reason bhai?"

"It's nothing like that Ro"

They engrossed in random talks. Mahi know Rohit is just trying to divert his mind from Virat.

In Virat's Room

Virat was recalling his good days when everybody used to fun with him. Every thing was so perfect his kiddos his mahi bhai his brothers his Ro everything. He was thinking how he and jaddu used to irritate Ro and Ro used to complain to Mahi. He missed his Ro his lifeline. How Ro used to pamper him.

"Every was so perfect right? Then you all didn't trusted me ha. You all used to say that you all will be with me always no matter what happens then. What happen no? Ro atleast you should have trusted me. But you all didn't" He chuckled sadly thinking all this

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