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Next Morning

Virat woke up first being a early bird. He freshen up and go towards Rohit who is sleeping peaceful hugging a pillow.

"Wake up Ro we have practice today. Wake up na Panda" said by Virat shaking Ro gently. But as usual Ro didn't even budge a little. He tried for 15 minutes more.

"Ro I swear I'll pour whole backet on you if you don't wake up right now" threatened by Virat seeing Rohit still sleeping. But Ro didn't even bother so having no option Virat went to washroom and took a backet. He went towards Ro and pour the whole backet water on him. As a result Ro woke up screaming "tsunami"

"What the hell is this Virat?" Yelled by Rohit sitting completely drenched on bed.

"I warned you but you being a lazy ass didn't even budged so I don't have any option rather then this. Now stop sulking and get ready we have a practice session too if you remember"  said by Virat while trying to drag him out of the bed.

"You're being so rude to me nowdays. You remember how I used to wake you up by pampering but you ha leave it" Rohit sulked out still sitting on bed.

"Because I'm not a lazy panda like you. Now please go and get ready we are already late." Said by Virat looking at the time.

Ro stood up and went towards washroom making faces making Vi chuckled at his antics. Ro get ready in half an hour and they both went to the ground.

At practice ground

"You too are late" said by Mahi in captain tone

"Sorry bhai it will not happen again. Please na bhai" said by Virat with puppy eyes.

"Accha accha stop making this face. It should not happen again. Now go" said by Mahi shaking his head as always defeated by Vi's puppy eyes.

Rohirat start their practice while other were looking at them. They all wanted to talk to Vi but they don't want to make him uncomfortable or feel pressurised.

"Will he talk to me like before again?" Suresh thought while looking at them sadly.

"You destroyed your relation with him by your own hands Kl so why are you guilty now? You don't deserve him" Kl scold himself in mind. He was too guilty and disturbed.

"He will never forgive me" Yuvi thought sadly.

"Stop looking at them like this guys. You should beg or atleast try for his forgiveness rather then going to conclusions directly" Mahi went to nets after saying this.

" He is right bhai we should try atleast.Let's plan something special for him" said by surya looking at them. They all nodded and start planning.

Virat was feeling weird during the practice. He was sweating too much unusually. He was feeling tired after practicing for 20 minutes only and it was too unusual for him. He didn't informed Rohit or Mahi as he don't want to worry them. Virat continued his practice ignoring it completely.

After half an hour Virat was going towards benches feeling really tired but a ball come and hit his head all of sudden making him dizzy. His vision start going blurry. All start running to him. He was about to fell down but Yuvi hold him and start patting his cheeks.

" Virat...kiddo...listen to me.Virat kiddo" Yuvi was calling his name but Virat was so out of it. Yuvi made him sit on ground making him drink some water. Virat was sitting on ground holding his head by one hand and Yuvi was rubbing his another hand. Physio too rushed to them by now.

"Baby look at me. Vi " Rohit was calling his name in a panicked tone holding Vi in his arms. Physio was checking him.

"I...will...be....fine...just...dizzy...don't...panick" said by Virat which came out like a mere wishper and closed his eyes loosing his consciousness.

"It's nothing serious. Just a sudden blow on head. Take him to his room and massage the bruised area with icepack and give him painkiller if it start paining to much. It will be fine till tomorrow morning." Said by physio.

"Okey doctor" said by Mahi.

Ro picked Vi up in his arms and went towards their room while others followed them. Rohit lay Vi down on bed and cover him with comforter. Suresh bring a icepack and gave it to Ro. Ro start massaging the bruised area.

"You all go and rest.I know you all are tired too. I will call somebody if I need something. I will take care of him" said by Rohit looking at them.

Mahi kissed Rohit and Virat's forehead and they all went to their rooms.


Please ignore my mistakes

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