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They shift Virat in normal ward. Rohit, Mahi and Bunty immediately go inside the room. They felt a sudden pain in their heart seeing Virat so weak and pale. They go near him and noticed multiple bruises on his face, finger marks on neck and marks on his wrists. They felt so angry that they can kill Aditya without hesitation. Rohit sat beside him on stole and kissed his forehead as some tears made their way out from his eyes seeing Vi like this. Mahi told Bunty to go home as he was looking tired too Mahi assured him that he will inform him when Vi gain his consciousness. So Bunty went to his home.

Mahi sat on couch looking at his both kiddos and start recalling his own words.

"I don't want to see your face" he felt too much guilty and scared remembering his own word what if today something serious happened with Virat or what if....

"no no there is no if Mahi...Virat is safe now you are with him...he is infront of you....now you will not let anyone to give him more pain...you will protect him....he is safe now...he is safe" Mahi was assuring himself again and again.

"But you caused him even more pain mahi" his subconscious self spoke

"I made a mistake I'm sorry for that and now I'll make everything okey. I'll beg him to forgive me. I'll do anything for his forgiveness." Mahi spoke in his mind

"You broked him" said by his subconscious self  in mind

"I'll fix him" Mahi answers back

"What if he is broken beyond repair?  What if you all broked him beyond repair? What if your cheeku is broken for his whole life?" His subconscious self questions

But this time Mahi don't have any answers. He was just staring at Vi.He didn't realize when sleep took over him and he slept on couch in sitting position.

Rohit too was sleeping holding Virat's hand. His and Mahi's sleep broke by a scream. They wake up with a jolt and saw Virat was screaming.

"Ahh....stopp...pl...Please..Rohit....Ro..Rohit...sa...save...me...ahh..sto....stop...do...don't....touch...me....bhaiiii....bhaii.....sa...save....me....I...did..didn't...do...anything....I'm...not...a...rapist....stop....ahhhh...don't...Ahhh....ROHIT...AHHHH" Virat was screaming and mumbling in his sleep he was having a nightmare mixed with his horrible memories. He was sweating and thrashing his legs.

Mahi and Rohit was having a hard time seeing him like that and had tears in eyes. Mahi called the doctor and he sedated Virat. In no time Virat slept again under effect of medicine. But sleep was far away from their eyes. Ro wiped Virat's face with a tissue.

"Ro" mumbled Vi in sleep. Ro moved more close to him and gripped his hand more tightly obviously not hurting him. His eyes became teary again.He was just staring at him and bruises. "You will pay for this Aditya" spoke by Rohit in anger.

Night passes like this. Vi didn't got any nightmare after that but Rohit and Mahi didn't slept whole night. Mahi called Suresh and told him everything. Suresh started crying by the end remembering his own words. Suresh told everything to whole ICT. Their condition were not different.

"I will beg him to forgive me. I will do anything for his forgiveness" Jaddu spoke in mind

"Do you think he will forgive you so easily?" His subconscious self questions

"Yes he will. Maybe not so easily but he will for sure" Jaddu answers

"You broked him" spoke by his subconscious self

"I will fix him too" Jaddu speak back.

"What if he don't want to see your face?  What if you broked him to the extent that he's scared to face you?" His subconscious self questions again

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