Chapter 1

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"Ahhh, that was the best game ever!" Kise said while stretching his arms. The winter cup competition just ended with the score 105 Team Rakuzan and 106 for Team Seirin.

"Oi, Kise, are you going to go home together or you still want to talk to Tetsuya?" Kasamatsu asked , fixing his jacket "ahh, so cold."

Kise looks around and saw Murasakibara, Aomine, and Shintaro walking towards Akashi and Tetsuya "Ahh, I guess I'll just stay for awhile Kasamatsu senpai" Kasamatsu just nod and starts to walk towards the exit .

"Ehh? Where are they?" Kise asked himself while looking around when he saw Aomine "Aominecchi! Wait up!"he said running towards the bluenett.

Kiseki no Sedai former members meet in the center of the court.

"Congratulations, Tetsu." Aomine said reaching out his right hand, "Thank You Aomine-kun." Tetsuya said and shakes hand with Aomine then looks he looks at Akashi.

"Akashi-kun.....that was the best game I have ever played." Tetsuya said and smiled. Akashi walks closer to him and hugs him tightly "Ahh, yes,,promise me that you will still play games with me. " he said not wanting to cry in front of his former teammates. "Yes, I promise. " Tetsuya amswered and pats his back.

The other members smiled and hugs them while saying congratulations. "Ahh, let me join that group hug." Murasaki said and hugs them tightly.

~after the group hug session ~

"Waahhh, Murasakibaracchi you almost killed Akashicchi and Kurokocchi!" Kise said while fixing his clothes.

"Ha? I just joined the group hug." Murasaki said "Atsushi-kun! Let's go back to the dorm." Tatsuya said when he reach the team. "Congratulations Kuroko-kun." He said smiling "and Taiga."

Taiga smiled "Thank you .Next time let's play again...Himuro." he said and both of them fist bump. Murasakibara frowned "Nee~ we will go home now.Good bye, guys and glad to see you back Akachin." He said and Akashi smiled "We will go now.Good bye." After Himuro said good bye the two of them walks towards the exit.

"I think we need to go to. You guys must rest, especially you Akashi." The green head megane guy said as he walks away with Takao.

Akashi just smiled "I think Midorima is right, so Kuroko we will go back to kyoto now, thanks for that game." He said and they both shake hands.

After that Aomine and Kise also said goodbye and alll of them part ways with a smile.

"Oi, Kise...why are you following me?" Aomine asked kinda annoyed.

Kise looks at him "Ha? Aominecchi, this is the only way going out this court, and wait where is Momoicchi?" Kise asked and walks beside the bluenette.

Aomine just sighed "She said that she need to go somewhere. " Kise just nod and they walk together silently what's with this guy why won't he talk? .

"Uhm, Aominecchi." "Kise" they look at each other "Ahh, what is it Aominecchi? "

Aomine rubs the back of his neck " Can...." come on say it "Can I stay in your house for one week? If if its ok for you."

●ω● Aominecchi want to stay in my house? " Ahh, it's ok...but why? Is there a problem in your house Aominecchi?" He asked

"Ahh, yeah, kinda. Mom and Dad said that they will go to Kyoto for one week.And they will leave me behind ,so I thought to stay at your house for one week would be fun." Aomine said and yawns

(・∀・) ohh, so that's his reason "Ok Aominecchi. But what about your things? " the blonde ask

"Oh my things? I already bring it, it's inside my bag right now." Aomine grins "So let's go to your house! It's been a while since the last time I go there."

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