Chapter 19

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"Kise" Ryunosuke called and when Kise looked at him he pulled the blond into a kiss and when Kise gasped he took the chance to slip his tongue inside Kise's mouth. 

"Hmm-sen-pai~!" Kise struggled but Ryunosuke's hold is so tight, minutes later, he was kissing Ryunosuke back. Ryunosuke smirked when Kise starts to return his kiss, he slowly took a step until he was pinning Kise on the wall. The kiss lasted for minutes, before Kise pulled away, panting and looked at Ryunosuke. "I'm sorry---I need to go now." He said, tears are visible in his eyes. He quickly run inside his house. 

Ryunosuke smirked and touched his lips. "I didn't think that you're too easy to get Kise." he said to hiself before getting in,and starting his car.

Little did they know, there's someone watching them in the shadows. It was Aomine, the moment Ryunosuke pulled Kise he already want to go and punch him but he decided not to because he trusted Kise that he would push Ryunosuke away, but he was wrong. He was wrong on not going to them because minutes later, he noticed that Kise, his boyfriend is kissing Ryunosuke back. Aomine stayed in the shadows, his fists are shaking and tears flow down his cheeks as he watch his boyfriend kiss another man. He didn't know why, but his feet didn't move, he just stayed there and watched the entire time and when the kiss was done and Kise went inside his house, Aomine collapsed on the ground. 

When Kise was already inside his house he sat on his couch,  starring at the black screen of his tv. He was crying as he whispered the word sorry repeatedly. He took his phone and saw the missed calls and unread messages that came from Aomine. He opened one of the messages.

From:  Aominecchi~ 

Hey, babe. You already home? I'm going to your house right now. 

When he saw the time that it was received, he almost dropped his phone. He saw me.  He quickly dialed Aomine's number and when no one answered, he decided to call him again.

"Darling , are you ok? what's wrong?" Aomine's mom asked when she noticed her son's eyes. "Wait, did you cried? " She stopped Aomine but Aomine just smiled at her. "Mom, I'm tired, I want to sleep now." he said. She let go of his son's arm and let him go to his room. She was about to go to her own room when the phone rung. 


"Auntie? Is Aominecchi there?" 

"He already went to bed. Dear, did something happened between the two of you?" She asked.

"Auntie, I'm sorry." Kise said in the other line, he was sobbing. "I----I'm really sorry. Please tell him that I'm sorry." 

She was about to ask Kise again about what happened but the call was already ended. She went to Aomine's room, as she stood outside he can hear Aomine's sobs. "I hope you solve your problem with Kise-kun." She said. This is the first time he saw Aomine cry because of someone else, it hurts her but she can't do anything about it. 

The next day, Aomine stayed on the rooftop, he didn't join their training even though he already promised Satsuki and his teammates that he will not skip it. He was staring at the clouds thinking about what happened last night when his phone ring.  Aomine looked at the screen and it was Kise. He picked up the phone, but didn't answer it. He just stared and waited for the call to end.  I don't want to talk to him right now.

"Daichan! " Satsuki called frowning. "Why are you here? The training is about to start. And if you're planning to skip I will not let you. "

Aomine sighed and turned off his phone before getting up and following Satsuki. He join ed his team in their training, but he was distracted and caused some problem that ended up with an argument with his team captain.

"Aomine!  What the hell's wrong with you?! Focus Aomine, Focus. " Wakamatsu shouted when Aomine keeps on missing his shots.

Aomine groaned. "Shut up. I'm out of here. " he said and threw the ball before going out.

"I'm sorry Wakamatsu I'll talk to him." Momoi said and quickly followed Aomine. "Daichan!  Wait hey!  I said wait! " she shouted when Aomine didn't stop.

"What's wrong? " She asked when she finally catched up to him.

"I'm just tired . I'm sorry for today.  Please tell the others that I'm sorry. " He said running his hand on his hair and let out a deep breath.

Momoi looked at him, she knows that Aomine is lying.  There's definitely wrong. "You think I'm going to believe you?  Well think again because you can't lie to me. " She said. "But if you don't want to talk about it today, I will not force you. " she smiled and caressed Aomine's cheeks. 
Aomine smiled and closed his eyes. "Thanks Satsuki."

"No problem, but you need to tell me soon ok? " Momoi smiled and Aomine gave her a nod. "Ok I'll go back to the gym and you can go, I'll talk to Wakamatsu. " she said waving her hand and went back inside the gym.

When he was near the gate he noticed someone leaning against the wall.

"Aominecchi. " Kise said with a smile when he saw Aomine but Aomine just walked past him . He walked beside him. "Already finished with your training? " he asked but Aomine still didn't answer him. "Aominecchi." Kise said again, this time he grabbed Aomine's hand to stop him. Aomine groaned and pulled his hand back. "I don't want to talk to you right now Kise. " He said without looking at the blond.

Kise looked at the ground, tears are threatening to flow out from his eyes, and he didn't stopped Aomine.  He knows that his boyfriend is serious about not talking to him. So he just stood there and watch him walk away.

A/N: Hello guys, yes, I know it's been so long since the last update. Things happened,  I also forgot my password, thanks God that I found the notebook where I wrote my pass. By the way, I wonder if you still want to read this...hehehe.  I'm  trying my best to finish this fic, so I hope you guys are still willing to read it. I changed the writing style again, I changed it to 3rd POV. :)

ANY IDEA ON WHAT WOULD BE THE NAME OF AOMINE'S MOM?  Just drop it in the comment :) 😀💕

I'm going to continue the next chapter after if I already have a name for Aomine's mom.

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