Chapter 9

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"Good morning babe." I said as I kissed his lips.

"Good morning. " He greeted with a bright smile.  His smile is so beautiful. 
"Let's go,your sister already made a breakfast, she said she want to eat together with us."

Kise nodded and got up from the bed, he wore his clothes and I smiled when I saw the bite mark I made during our last night's session.  Heh,it's so visible and the shirt can't cover it up.

"What are you smiling? " He asked and poked my cheek. Ohh, I guess he didn't realized it.

"Nothing, let's go?" I said and opened the door,we both walk downstairs and when I look at Kiara she smirked.

"Goooooddd morning Ryocchi~" She greeted and hugged his brother.  Are they really like this? 

Kise frowned "Yeah good morning nee-chan" He greeted back.

"And good morning Aominecchi." Kiara said and hugged me too.

"Good morning Kiara-san. " I said and I was about to hug her back when I hear Kise cleared his throat.

"Are we going to eat or what?" He asked and walked towards the table,sitting down on the place next to mine.

I sat next to him and Kiara sat in front of us. Kise lead the prayer. I looked at him when he finished praying, and start to put some food on his plate.

"Wait Aominecchi, stop putting so many foods in my plate." He said and stopped my hand when I'm about to put another scoop of the food his sister cooked.

We started eating, quietly until Kiara started to talk. "Ahh,Ryocchi did you hear some crying voices yesterday night? " she asked and looked at Kise.

Kise was drinking his water when his sister asked,making him almost spill his water . "Uhm..crying voices?" He asked and looked at me.

Kiara nodded."Yeah,whimpering sounds. " she added,and stared at Kise "Ohh, nevermind. I guess I already know where the sounds came from. " she said and smiled.

Kise blushed and continued eating.  "Ohh yeah, I will leave after eating. "

"Ehh, why? I thought you'll leave tonight? " Kise asked.

"I remembered I still need to buy some things. "

Kise nodded and we continued our breakfast . After eating I helped Kise cleaned the table and wash the dishes. Then we both bid our goodbye to Kiara-san when she leave the house.

"Bye.!" Kise said and waved his hand,he closed the door sighing. Then he looked at the mirror. "Aominecchi!"

"Ahh,yes?" Uh-oh I guess he found the hicky I made~

Kise's P.O.V

I told him not to put a hicky where my clothes can't cover it. ( ≧Д≦)

"We need to go to school right now,how am I suppose to hide this?"

"Just put some band-aid to cover that up." Aominecchi said and pinched my cheek.

It would be unfair if I'm  just the one putting a band-aid.
"Aominechii~" I said and walked closer to him,and then suddenly.....

"Ouch! What the heck Kise?!" Aomine shouted..I just bite his cheek,a bit harder.

I just giggled, "There,we're even now."


After we took a bath,I put some band-aid on my neck to cover up the mark Aominecchi made.

"Come here I'll put some band-aid." I said and Aominecchi walked towards me.

I kissed the bite mark I made before putting the band-aid. "Done." He just nodded.  Man, I guess he's mad.

"Aominecci~ I'm sorry, don't be mad." I said and hugged him.

Aomine wrapped his arms around my waist. "Kiss me."


I looked at him,cupping his face, I licked his lips first before kissing him.

After our lovey-dovey setion we decided to go to our school.

"Bye babe." Aominecchi said . "Text me ok?" He added and I entered the school campus when Aominecchi's gone.

Ahhhh!! Hello guys! I'm so happy that you keep on reading my fanfic.. I'm really sorry if the update is so slow. ( ≧Д≦) , Coz I really don't know how to continue this,but I will try my best.. because you guys are reading this. And to be honest I really don't have a knowledge about basketball, so.....sorry if there's no basketball game scenes. Maybe I will just focus on Kise's sideline job,modeling.

Thanks for reading and voting. I will try my best in this fanfic. \(*T▽T*)/❤

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