Chapter 7

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Aomine's P.O.V

It's been 3 months since Kise and I started dating officially, uhh, well not that official 'coz I don't want to ruin Kise's modeling career.


"Daiki,Ryouta, something wrong? " Akashi asked us.

I took a deep breath and hold Kise's hand,tangling our fingers together making Akashi and the other guys raise their eyebrows.

"We're dating. " I said and looked ay Kise and smiled seeing his red face.

"Ohh, is that so?" Akashi said simply with a smile.

"Ehhh, I thought you and Kise-chin's already daiting." Murasakibara said and took another bite on his favorite snacks.

"Oi, Atsushi no eating. " Midorima said and looked at us "Well, Virgo and Gemini are compatible for each other. That's what Oha-aha said."

Kise chuckled "Thanks guys....for, for accepting our relationship. "

"Of cour----" Tetsuya was cut from his word when Momoi suddenly hugged him from behind. "Tetsu-kun~"

Momoi looked at us "Whhhaaaattt???!!! Aomine Daiki!" She let go of Tetsuya and walked in fron of us oh my god.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!"Momoi shouted and pinched my nose "O-ouch ! What the hell Satsuki?"

"Momoicchi gome gomen, I'm the one who told Aominecchi to keep it a secret." Kise said and Momio let go of me. God my nose it hurts.

"Yes! AoKise! My ship is sailing! " Momoi said happily "We need to celebrate! "

We looked at her and just laugh. We decided to buy some snacks to "celebrate" her so called ship by the way,wher did she get that term? .


"Aominecchi~" Kise called and wrapped his arms around me.

I pulled him and let him sit on my lap " yes,babe?" I really love to watch his face when I call him babe. Heh,he's blushing again.

"Nothing, I just want to cuddle with you. "

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist,pulling him closer. Damn I miss him, I didn't saw him for two days, he's so busy with his modeling career. He can't even reply in my texts and answer my calls.

"You're really busy with your modeling career. " I whispered and kissed his earlobe.

Kise buried his head on my shoulder "Hmm,sorry for not answering any of your texts and calls."

"Nah, it's ok." I answered, cupping his face. Caressing the bags under his eyes. "Did you ever sleep?"

Kise nod "only for two hours.and then they will call me again." Kise leaned closer,until our nose touch.

"A model need to take care of his face." I said kissing his eyes. Kise smiled and giggled.

I looked at him for a second before capturing his lips.

Kise's P.O.V

I smiled when Aomine kissed me ahhh, I miss his lips. I closed my eyes and tangled my fingers on his hair before kissing him back. At first it's just a passionate kiss, he stopped and slowly pushed me on the couch.

" Kise, I miss you." Aomine said and kissed me again. His hand slid inside my shirt,making me shiver. While he continue to kiss me,nibbling on my lower lip. I rubbed his pants using my knee,causing for him to moan. I smiled between our kiss and continue to rub him. He kissed me down to my jaw and to my neck, making me gasp.

"Aww,you really love it when I kiss your neck. " He whispered and kissed me again, I stop rubbing him and focused my attention on his kiss. I slightly tilt my head on the side for him to kiss me better. He smirkes and bit on my neck. "Ngh" My grip on his hair tightened as he continue to suck on my neck Waahh, bet this will make a mark.

Aomine stopped and looked at me, he was about to kiss me again when the door suddenly burst open.

"Kiiiissssseeeecccchhhhiiiii!!!" Nee-chan?! I quickly pushes Aomine and gets up from the couch.

"N-Nee-chan......wh-what are you doing here?" God this is so embarrassing.

"Ohhh, did I interrupt something? " She asked with a grin and closed the door. I awkwardly fixed my clothes.

"What the hell Kise. Why di-- ohh, H-Hi." Aomine said and rubbed his nape. He look at my sister with a grin.

" So, do you mind introducing your... friend ,or boyfriend to me, Kisecchi?" My sister asked with a smirk ohh god I want to pinch her face, until it turn red, she already knew that I'm into guys.

Hello! Uhm, I guess I want to continue this fanfic.. sorry for the sudden change of story style, I want to try First person P.O.V, and I'm still not that good in first person, so uhm, I hope you'll like it. (/・ω・)/❤

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