Chapter 2

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"Woah, nothing changed, your house is still the same. " The bluenette said and puts his bag on the floor "Oi, Kise."

"H-hai?" Why am I nervous? ●︿● "I'm hungry, I want something to eat." The blunette said and lays on the couch.

Kise frowns and walks towards Aomine "Oi, Aominecchi.... I gave you the permission to stay in my house for one week." He bends down and pinch the bluenette's nose " Oww owww" Aomine flinch "But I'm not your maid, so if your hungry cook your own food." Kise released Aomine's nose and smiled "If you want to cook something just open the fridge, I'm going to take a bath." Then he walks towards his room.

Tch, my nose hurts "Baka, Ryotaho..." Aomine grins "Heh, Ryotaho." He continue to say the word when his stomach rumbles "Damn, I'm hungry." He gets up and goes to the kitchen.

°°°°°°°°°°°°°30 mins.later°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
Hmm, smells delicious... did Aominecchi cook? Kise put on his shirt and goes to the kitchen "Aominecchi what are you.....pffft...wahahahaha." Kise didn't finish because he burst out laughing when he saw Aomine wearing a flower designed apron

"Oi, stop laughing " Aomine walks closer to Kise "Here have a taste. " then he gives Kise the spoon. "Uhh, so is it ok?" He asked

"Waahhh, so delicious, Aominecchi's curry is delicious just like Kagamicchi's curry." Kise said with a sparkling eyes

Tch! Why do he have to compare my curry to that guy? Aomine hits Kise's head "Ouch! " "Prepare the table so we can eat. " Aomine said "Hai~"

Hmm,.Aominecchi's curry is so delicious " I didn't know that Aominecchi can cook. " he said while taking another spoonful of curry.

"Duh, I can also cook. Oi, Kise there's a rice on your face." Aomine said and reach on Kise's mouth to get it.

Tge blonde model looks at Aomine "T-thank you." then continues to eat "Nee~ Kagamicchi is so awesome during their game right?! I really like to watch him play especially when he enters the zone." Kise said smiling

And again, he's talking about that guy with a smiling face. Aomine didn't talk he just continues to eat "And then when he - " Kise didn't continue his sentence because Aomine slammed his hand on the table and stands up "I'm done eating, I'7y66m going to take a bath now. " after putting his plates in the sink he gets his bag and goes to the bathroom , leaving Kise shocked.

W-what happen? Why does Aominecchi gets mad at me? Did I say something wrong?

After Kise finishes his dinner he cleans the table and washed the plates and walks his way up to the guest room "Aominecchi? Are you there?" Kise said and looks around the room but found nothing "Ehh? Where is he? ." Then he goes to his room and found Aomine sleeping on his bed. He's sleeping already? I think I'll just sleep in the guest room. He walks closer to Aomine and puts a blanket on him "Good night, Aominecchi , and I'm sorry if I did something wrong. " he said then he goes to the guest room.

-------------the next morning -----------------

" Aominecchi!" Kise said cheerfully while shaking Aomines shoulders "Aominecchi wake up! Wake up!"

Aomine groans "Argh, give me 10 minutes Kise." He said and turns to thr other side ,but Kise continues to shake him " but Aominecchi, wake up , wake up! "

Aomine open his right eye " 5 more minutes. " "No! Wake up! " Kise said and shakes him again " Kise if you will not -" "Aominecchi!!" Kise shouted.

"Argh! Ok, ok I'm up!" Aomine change in a sitting position his eyes still closed. "What do you want? " he asked and yawns.

"Good morning Aominecchi!" Kise said and smiled. "Good morning. " Aomine answered and pinch his cheeks. "I'm hungry, please cook breakfast. "

"Wha- " "Please ~" Aomine looks at Kise and sighed "Ok, what do you want to eat?"

"Ham and egg. " Kise said simply "Ham and egg? But thats so easy to cook why don't you cook it?"
" I want you to cook it for me." Kise smiled he was about to get out the bed when Aomine pulls him into a hug. Kise's face (o/////////o)

"Good! Now I have an energy to cook food. " Aomine kisses the blonde's lips before going to the kitchen.

Sleepover ( AoKise/ Boy x boy)Where stories live. Discover now